1950 Constitutions of Opus Dei -- Latin and English

Some Comments on the 1950 Constitutions of Opus Dei



The secret 1950 Constitutions of Opus Dei, erecting Opus Dei as a Secular Institute, have just recently been made public in the English-speaking world, both in Latin and in English, in 2004.  This document is important because the 1982 Statutes, which erected Opus Dei as a Personal Prelature, do not tell the whole story.  The 1982 document was necessary because Opus Dei changed its canonical status from a Secular Institute to a Personal Prelature.  This gave them the opportunity to rewrite their governing documents.  They wrote them according to the criteria relevant to them at the time and the legal criteria (especially how priests were to be members within the norms of Canon Law, and the Prelature's relationship to the bishops) were the driving force of the revision.  The revision was not a complete revision and the authors carried forward many of their foundational traditions, rights and obligations by stating in the concluding paragraphs of the 1982 Statutes that anything not directly abrogated or superseded by the 1950 Constitutions is still in effect.  This allowed a certain efficiency; the 1982 document is significantly shorter and more compact.  It also allowed the 1982 document to be more inspiring and less revealing than the 1950 one, should it ever become public, which was increasingly likely as Opus Dei grew and became more widely known and accepted. (Opus Dei has kept their governing documents secret from their very first erection as a diocesan pious association.)  The 1950 document tells a lot more about the internal manner of being of Opus Dei.  Opus Dei continues to hold this document as secretly as possible.

In the interest of openness, Opus Dei has always claimed that they have presented the bishops of the dioceses in which they operate a copy of their statutes.  Since 1982, the most relevant document, and the legal document, has been the 1982 Statutes. It has only been available in Latin.  It is presented to the bishops under the condition of secrecy.  It is doubtful that Opus Dei has presented current bishops with their 1950 Constitutions, even though the operational and governing paragraphs, not the legal ones, are still in effect.

If one reads the complaints about Opus Dei, one sees they are clearly prone to certain absolute, authoritarian and voluntaristic excesses.  The Opus Dei Awareness Network website is a very balanced commentary on Opus Dei.  They are located at www.odan.org and it is possible to access the 1982 Statutes there.


Lay Vocation

The major importance of the 1950 document is that it has to be reconciled with Opus Dei's continual recruiting statements that they are completely lay, nothing at all like a religious order, and without vows; they say they are simply living the Christian vocation that all people are called to -- as it was in the first century.  Opus Dei constantly makes public statements that they are just like the rest of Christian faithful.  This is a statement which only has validity as legal truism.  The majority of members are not priests or religious, so technically they have to be lay. But when you read the 1982 Statutes, and especially the 1950 Constitutions, you see there is a lot more involved.  For the Numerary members and some of the Associates (Oblates) the life one is expected to live is so much like the religious orders of past centuries -- to the extent of having your mail reviewed before you receive it, having to ask your director for something as insignificant as an aspirin if you have a headache, having to ask permission for every book that you read, never buying clothing without being accompanied by your director, and not attending family events, such as the funeral of your parents, even if you are living in the same town.  And they tell you that you can go to hell for leaving Opus Dei. See  www.odan.org, on the Internet, for other examples of the life-style.    These practices are exercised by word of mouth in Opus Dei and you will not find them written, but the statutes do reveal a lot about Opus Dei which show they are much more focused in the direction of a "lay religious order" than being just like the lay faithful in the rest of the Church that they claim to be.  Having both documents available for review lends a lot more credibility to the complaints of ex-members, which are denied categorically and with significant ambiguous nuancing by Opus Dei.

Opus Dei states publicly that they are a completely lay organization, although when you read the 1950 Constitutions,

Number 2 says that --

"the principle offices are mostly reserved to priests."

Without stating it so explicitly, one sees in reading the 1982 Statutes that nothing has changed.  In the broader picture, Opus Dei waxes poetic in that they are a priestly (clerical?) organization to which the lay people are intrinsically attached and they share in this priestly character in all eternal realities and benefits.  Opus Dei creates this image that their lay people, spirit and nature are so completely compenetrated by their priests and priesthood that they are all going to heaven with special charisms, privileges and benefits not available to the rest of the world.  As glorious as this may sound, that is the purpose of Christ's original priesthood and every religious order or priestly organization, including the diocese, in some way or another, vicariously strives to save the rest of the human race in the same way.  This is not an original idea with Opus Dei.

It is interesting that the 1950 Constitutions have some more to say.

Number 31, Section 2 states --

"However, the priests and clerics always take precedent over those laity, who do not exercise the power of government over them, and to them, all render the greatest honor and reverence."

And Number 31, Section 3 states --

 "Whenever there are two members of the Institute, lest they be deprived of the merit of obedience, a certain subordination is always observed, in which one is subject to the other according to the order of precedence, unless there should be a special delegation from the Superiors, always respecting the subordination to one’s respective Superior."

Neither of these statutes jives with the concept of a completely lay organization.

Opus Dei constantly touts their married members, called Supernumeraries, as pristine examples of the "vocation" to Opus Dei.  These people, with their large Catholic families, give all manner of cheerful testimony in the press of how happy they are with their vocation.  But Number 26 says that the Supernumeraries are not members, in the strict sense, which calls into question, how much one can rely upon their testimony, in view of the many complaints appearing about the inner, absolute leadership of the Numeraries.

Number 26 says --

"Although the members, in the strict sense, of Opus Dei are Numeraries, who are immediately followed by the Oblate members, furthermore, all those men and women, single and married, who moved by an apostolic vocation and desire for perfection, want to cooperate with the ends of the Institute in keeping with the norms of these Constitutions can also belong to Opus Dei as Supernumeraries.  Married people, nevertheless, may not belong to or be associated with Opus Dei other than as Supernumeraries or Cooperators (No. 29)."


In Number 25, Paragraph 3, the Constitutions make explicit reference to a state of acquiring perfection in language serving to justify and substantiate the intermediate category of Oblate (now called Associate) membership.  These members might be described as half-way between Numeraries and Supernumeraries. One asks how this is in keeping with a completely lay state?  And if they are in this state of acquiring perfection, so are the Numeraries, who are members in the strict sense. 

"Since they have all the requisites for consecrated life for members of Secular Institutes in the strict sense, Oblates are in a complete state of acquiring perfection, although in the Institute they are to be distinguished from members in the strict sense."

When a departing member first complained to a bishop about Opus Dei, to ask his assistance, the bishop said he couldn't see what the problem was.  His understanding was that the relationship between a person and a lay Prelature was simply one of mutual acceptability.  Opus Dei, in its public statements, wants to give that impression of a free association based upon mutual acceptability,  but one can see in reading the 1982 Statutes and the 1950 Constitutions that there is a lot more to it.  The 1950 document discusses the case of a person who abandons the house he is assigned to (Numbers 102 and 103).  He is declared a fugitive.  If the person has made a permanent commitment to the organization and leaves with the purpose of removing himself from obedience, after a month's absence, he is declared an apostate, subject to punishment.

Number 102, Section 1:

"A Numerary or Oblate member, who lives family life in the Institute and abandons the house to which he is assigned by obedience without legitimate license from the Superiors or who does not return to it without just cause, with nevertheless, the intention of returning, is considered a fugitive according to the norms of these Constitutions.  He must return, as soon as possible, to his house or Center and in the interim is not absolved from the obligations assumed by the incorporation.  A major Superior should seek him out solicitously, and if he is moved by true repentance, receive him back paternally."

Number 103, Section 1:

"A member who, after taking the Fidelity, illegitimately separates himself from the Center to which he pertains with the intention to remove himself from obedience is said to be an apostate from the Institute.  This malicious intention may be lawfully presumed if the member does not demonstrate his will to the Director, within one month, of returning or surrendering himself."



The question of vows (and the obligations involved) has always been a point of difficult and questionable nuancing by Opus Dei.  They have always said that they don't have vows, with the implication that their commitments are not strongly binding.  Under the 1950 Constitutions establishing Opus Dei as a Secular Institute, Opus Dei insisted that the Founder, in his divinely-revealed vision, wanted people to be completely free; but the Church (read, "God did not want vows in Opus Dei; but the big legalistic Church made us have them") insisted that they take vows.  They were called "social" vows, or "private vows, recognized".  The Constitutions say in Number 53, Section 2 --

"These social vows, although they are not recognized as public vows according to the law (Canon 1308 S1), they are, nevertheless, recognized by the Church; wherefore they can also be called private vows, recognized.   These cease in the case of dismissal or dissolution of the bond  by which Numeraries are bound to the Institute, conceded by the Holy See, or the Father, as the case may be."

Regarding their binding authority, any ex-member will tell you that these are binding under pain of serious sin (note they are recognized by the Church) and transgressions need to be told in Confession.  Any ex-member will also be able to tell a story in which he was asked to do something that was unexpected.  He tells the director that he had other plans or that he didn't expect his commitments to cover the circumstances in question; and his director always has some wording alluding to the fact that he has signed his  "contract of admission" on the dotted line; and that, combined with other general statements of vocation or formation bring the present circumstances under the binding area of the "contract".  One obvious example is that everyone agrees to be bound in obedience to carry out the apostolic work of the Institute/Prelature.  And most coercive arguments center around the activity of the organization which is always (it couldn't be any other way) focused on expanding and getting new apostles to join.

Since the erection of the Prelature in 1982 under the new statutes, the reference to vows has disappeared.  The bond of incorporation is referred to legally as a juridical bond established by formal declaration before two witnesses (in any other context this would sound like swearing an oath).   It is described to the public as a civil contract based upon one's solemn word as a Christian gentleman (or woman).  Anyone familiar with Opus Dei knows that the binding nature has not changed.  Does it need to be pointed out that civil contracts are also binding under pain of serious sin besides civil law?  Of course, a civil court is not in the business of admonishing and absolving sinners.  They only deal with damages, injunctions and punishments.  Opus Dei has priests who will do the absolving.  The 1982 document does say that the bond is undertaken with the motivation of divine vocation, which is confirmed by the Prelature.  It is under this phrasing that the bond is understood to be made for life, and to break it incurs the penalties (or, at least, the very real threat) of eternal damnation.  It is important to have the 1950 document available in evaluating the nature, focus and being of Opus Dei.  Promoters of Opus Dei argue that things are now different under the 1982 Statutes.  But in the historical context and their public statements, Opus Dei has always said that their calling is the One, same, complete and integral vocation which was revealed definitively, in its entirety and fullness, to the Founder on October 2, 1928.  It is only the juridical status that can change with the introduction of new documents, because even the Church cannot change the vocation.   And to repeat, the concluding paragraphs of the 1982 Statutes state that all members are bound by the same rights and obligations as in the preceding juridical government except in those things directly abrogated or superseded by the current document.


The following attest to the secrecy/discretion kept about admitting one's membership in the organization.

Number 190:

"By virtue of this collective humility, which is proper of our Institute, whatever is done by the members is not attributable to itself; but rather, whatever good is attained by them is attributable to God alone.  Consequently, even membership in the Institute admits no external manifestations.  The number of members is kept hidden from outsiders; and indeed our people do not discuss these things with outsiders."

Number 191:

"This collective humility leads our people to live the life which they consecrate to God with the same discretion which is most suited to the desired fruitfulness of the apostolate.  The lack of this discretion can constitute a grave obstacle to exercising apostolic work or create some difficulty in the environment of one’s natural family or in the exercise of their office or profession.  Thus the Numerary and Supernumerary members should know they are to live a prudent silence regarding the names of other members; and that they are never to reveal to anyone that they themselves belong to Opus Dei, not even to spread the Institute, without express permission from their local director.  This discretion especially binds those who are newly accepted in the Institute and also to those who, for whatever reason, have left the Institute.  The Institute and some of its members, however, need to be known,  because all our apostolic works develop and are carried out within the bounds of civil law and likewise, with the same strength of soul, each one of us, altogether shuns secrecy and clandestine activity, for the only thing which moves us to maintain this discretion is humility and a deeper and more fruitful apostolic efficacy."

Number 232:

"The business and essence of our vocation are not discussed with outsiders, except with extreme caution, and only rarely.  For how are they able to offer correct advice in this matter when they are ignorant of the Institution or show hostility toward it?"

Spiritual Direction

There are many complaints about the absolute nature of spiritual direction in Opus Dei.  Members are expected to bare their souls completely and absolutely to their director.  It is all cast in rather exalted language, but the following statutes bear witness to this phenomenon.

Number 255:

"All members, each week, have an informal and confidential conversation with the local Director, in order to better coordinate and develop the apostolic action."

Number 269:

"By the name of the Confidence in Opus Dei is meant an individual, informal meeting with open and sincere conversation with the Director, the Counselor, the Major or Supreme Superiors, or those delegated by them, whose primary purpose will be threefold; namely:

-- a clearer, fuller and more intimate understanding of the members on the part of the Superiors and the communication and application to the life of each one of the mentality of Opus Dei;

-- to strengthen and confirm the will to the holiness and apostolate which correspond to the spirit of Opus Dei;

-- the intimate fusion and compenetration of the souls of the subordinates and the Superiors."

Permission To Expand in a Diocese

Number 406 says that members can form subordinate Centers, which do not require the bishop's venia (permission) as long as they do not exercise a corporate apostolate.  This allows them to exist in a diocese, or a least a new location, for long periods of time until they have built up a number of positive local relationships, at which time they apply to the bishop for permission to erect a formal Center, which can sometimes be presented as a "fait accompli", to which the bishop may be left with little option but to agree.

Number 406:

"When members constitute a subordinate Center, this does not require the consent of the local Ordinary; they can live materially common family life only, not juridical family live, and they are able to freely exercise the apostolate proper of members of the Institute, not corporately, but in an individual and personal manner unless the permission of the local Ordinary is given to carry out apostolate otherwise."


These are only a few comments on the 1950 Constitutions and nature of Opus Dei.  But they give rise to a lot of questions which need to be considered in view of the complaints of many people about Opus Dei, and Opus Dei's various denials and misleading counter-arguments.

January 25, 2005


This document contains the original Latin and an English translation of the 1950 Constitutions of the Secular Institute called the "Priestly Society of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei" which is the precursor of the "Personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei" established in 1982 with new statutes.  The 1982 Statutes state, in their concluding paragraphs, that any provisions of these 1950 Constitutions not directly abrogated or superceded by the 1982 document are still to be considered in effect.

In order to maintain public access to this document, copyright is asserted over the English translation, and permission is freely granted to copy, not for profit, any and all parts of it.

November 28, 2004

Constitutions of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei

Rome, 1950



Pars I -- De Instituti natura et membris (1 – 125)

Part One -- Concerning the nature and members of the Institute.


Caput I -- De Instituti ratione et fine (1 – 12)

Chapter I -- Concerning the structure and end of the Institute.


Caput II De Instituti membris (13 – 31)

Chapter II Concerning the members of the Institute


Caput III -- De admissione in Institutum (32 – 45)

Chapter III -- Concerning admission to the Institute.


Caput IV -- De incorporatione in Institutum (46 – 63)

Chapter IV -- Concerning incorporation into the Institute.


Caput V -- De Societate Sacerdotali Sanctae Crucis (64 – 96)

Chapter V -- Concerning the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross.


Caput VI -- De discessu ab Instituto (97 – 106)

Chapter VI -- Concerning separation from the Institute.


Caput VII -- De dimissione sociorum (107 – 125)

Chapter VII -- Concerning the dismissal of members


Pars II – De Vita sodalium in Instituto (126 – 292)

Part Three – Concerning the life of the members in the Institute


Caput I – De sodalium institutione (126 – 146)

Chapter I – Concerning the instruction of members


Caput II – De obligationibus communibus (147 – 181)

Chapter II – Concerning common obligations


Art. 1. De obedientia (147 – 155)

Article 1. Concerning obedience


Art. 2. De castitate (156 – 160)

Article 2. Concerning chastity


Art. 3. De paupertate (161 – 171)

Article 3. Concerning poverty


Art. 4. De observantia Constitutionum (172 – 181)

Article 4. Concerning observance of the Constitutions


Caput III  De spiritu Instituti (182 – 233)

Chapter III  Concerning the spirit of the Institute.


Caput IV  De piis servandis Consuetudinibus (234 – 260)

Chapter IV  Concerning the observance of pious customs


Caput V  De pietatis officiis sociorum (261 – 272)

Chapter V  Concerning the pious duties of members


Caput VI  De promotione ad sacros Ordines (273 – 279)

Chapter VI  Concerning the promotion to sacred Orders


Caput VII  De aegrotantibus et defunctis (280 – 292)

Chapter VII  Concerning the sick and the dead


Pars III -- De Instituti Regimine (293 – 436)

Part Three -- Concerning the Government of the Institute.


Caput I  De regimine generali (293 – 377)

Chapter I  Concerning government in general


Art. I. De Instituti Praesidis electione et de Congressibus Generalibus (299 – 326)

Article 1.  Concerning the election of the President and of the General Congress


Art. 2. De Patre (327 – 340)

Article 2.  Concerning the Father


Art. 3. De Vicepraeside. (341 – 344)

Article 3.  Concerning the Vice President


Art. 4. De Consilio Praesidis (345 – 365)

Article 4.  Concerning the Council of the President


Art. 5. De Administratione Generali (366 – 377)

Article 5.  Concerning general administration


Caput II  De regimine regimine (378 – 402)

Chapter II  Concerning regional government


Caput III  De regimine locali (403 – 424)

Chapter III  Concerning local government


Caput IV  De Hebdomadis (425 – 436)

Chapter IV  Concerning the Weeks


Pars IV -- De Sectione Mulierum (437 – 479)

Part Four -- Concerning the Women’s Section.


Caput I  De ratione, fine et membris (437 – 449)

Chapter I  Concerning nature, goals and members


Caput II  De regimine (450 – 479)

Chapter II  Concerning government




Pars I -- De Instituti natura et membris

Part One -- Concerning the nature and members of the Institute.


Caput I -- De Instituti ratione et fine

Chapter I -- Concerning the structure and end of the Institute.


--1 Institutum, cui titulus Societas Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis et Opus Dei, breviato autem nomine Opus Dei, est Institutum saeculare perfectioni christianae in saeculo adquirendae et apostolatui exercendo dicatum.  Denominatio Operis Dei pertinet ad universum Institutum: in eo tamen est quaedam coadunatio sociorum, cui nomen Societas Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis, constans Instituti sacerdotibus nonnullisque laicis, qui Patris iudicio specialiter magis dispositi aestimantur ad sacerdotium aliquando suscipiendum.


The Institute, whose name is Priestly Society of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei, known for short as Opus Dei, is a secular Institute seeking to reach Christian perfection in the world and to carry out apostolate.  The denomination Opus Dei pertains to the whole Institute, in which, however, there is a group of members whose name is the "Priestly Society of the Holy Cross" which comprises the priests of the Institute and some laymen who, in the judgment of the Father, are specially disposed to becoming priests in the future.


-- 2

Societas Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis proprio spiritu universum Opus Dei vivificat atque ita informat, ut ipsum clericale eo sensu reddat quod praecipua regiminis munera plerumque sacerdotibus reserventur; sacerdotum categoria ut verum clericale Institutum, quoad illa omnia quae vitam clericalem respiciunt, habeatur, totumque demum Operis Dei corpus veris Institutis clericalibus, ad norman tantum harum Constitutionum et iuxta Sanctae Sedis specialia praescripta vel indulta, quae Instituto concessa fuerunt vel in posterum forsitan concedantur, aequiparetur, quin ea de causa socii laici iuribus et privilegiis clericorum, ut singuli, gaudeant, neque umquam clericalibus officiis subiiciantur.


The Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, with its particular universal spirit gives life to Opus Dei conjoined to it and informs it in such manner that it makes it clerical in the sense that the principal offices of government are mostly reserved to priests: that in everything regarding the clerical life the category of priests possesses it and ultimately the whole body of Opus Dei is equivalent to a genuine clerical institute, in sole agreement with the dispositions of the present Constitutions and following the special prescriptions and dispensations of the Holy See which have been conferred on the Institute or which will be conferred on it at some time in the future, without, by this reason the lay members enjoying the rights and privileges of clerics as individuals, or ever undertaking clerical functions.


-- 3 S1

Aspectus genericus finis Instituti est santificatio sodalium per consiliorum Evangelii exercitium harumque Constitutionum observantiam.


The general orientation of the end of the Institute is the sanctification of the members through the exercise of the Gospel counsels and by the observance of these Constitutions.


-- 3 S2

Specificus autem est totis viribus adlaborare ut classis quae dicitur intellectualis, quaeque, vel ob doctrinam, qua pollet, vel ob munera, quae exercet, vel ob dignitatem, qua insignitur, est moderatrix societatis civilis.  Christi Domini praeceptis adhaereat, ipsaque in praxim deducat: et inter omnes classes civilis societatis vitam perfectionis in saeculo fovere et diffundere, atque viros ac mulieres informare ad apostolatum in saeculo exercendum.


Specifically, it is to work with all its strength so that the so-called intellectual class -- which is a guide for civil society so much as by the learning it possesses, the posts it holds or prestige by which it is distinguished -- embraces the precepts of Christ the Lord and puts them into practice; and also to nurture and spread the life of perfection in the world among all the classes of civil society and to teach all men and women to do apostolate in the world.


--4 S1

Hic finis obtinetur per sanctificationem laboris ordinarii et per exercitium muneris professionalis vel alterius aequipollentis, quod consociati eo non deserunt, quia per ipsum sanctificationem persequuentur.


This end is achieved through the sanctification of ordinary work and the exercise of a professional or similar function, which the members never neglect because it is through this that they obtain sanctification.


--4 S2

Propterea. Institutum exigit a propriis alumnis exquisitam animi culturam, tum in pietatis officis tum in disciplinis sive ecclesiasticis sive profanis: fovet in illis perfectam adimpletionem munerum professionalium et socialium etiam publicae administrationis, quibus perfectio proprii status est prosequenda; promovet ac dirigit institutiones et opera, quae ad mentem excolendam animumque perficiendum spectant, uti domus seu residentias pro scholasticis, domus spiritualium exercitiorum et alia id genus.


Besides, the Institute demands of its own members, an exquisite cultivation of soul, not only in the duties of piety, but also in the ecclesiastical and profane sciences; it encourages in them the perfect fulfillment of their professional and social duties, including those in public service, in those things by which they improve their own condition; it promotes and directs institutions and activities which are oriented to cultivate the mind and perfect the soul, such as houses or residences for students, houses of spiritual exercises and other things of this type.


--4 S3

Media igitur, quae membra Operis Dei praeferunt, et quibus potiore ratione uti debent, sunt: vita orationis et sacrificii iuxta spiritum Instituti, et quam maxima fidelitas in adimpletione actionis seu professionis socialis cuiusque propriae.


The means, then, which the members of Opus Dei choose and which they must use with even more reason, are: the life of prayer and sacrifice according to the spirit of the Institute, and the greatest care in fulfilling the actions or social profession of each one.



Sodales Instituti evangelicam perfectionem profitentur, quin tamen religiosa vota emittant, aut aliquid externum signum in personis vel domibus prae se ferant quod religiosam familiam demonstret.  Clerici vestem clericalem communem loci, ubi commorantur, laici autem, vestes apud classes eiusdem vel similis professionis vel socialis condicionis usitatas, deferunt.


The members of the Institute profess the evangelical counsels, although they do not take religious vows nor exhibit in their persons nor in their houses any external sign which shows them to be a religious family.  The clerics wear the cleric dress common in the place in which they live; the laity, for their part, wear the clothing customary for those who are in the same or similar profession or social condition.



Opus Dei profitetur humilitatem collectivam, quapropter nequit edere folia et cuiusque generis publicationes nomine Operis, nisi interne ad usum sodalium; eius membra nullum signum distinctivum deferunt; caute loquuntur de Opere Dei cum extraneis, nam actio modesta esse debet et non apparens; ad nullum actum socialem Opus Dei, ut plurimum, intervenit vel in eo repraesentatur.


Opus Dei professes collective humility, and thus it is not permitted to edit newspapers or other publications of this type under the name of the Work, except internally for use by the members; its members never wear a distinctive sign; they speak with caution with outsiders about Opus Dei, for the activity ought to be modest rather than showy; Opus Dei never intervenes or is represented in any social activity as a group.



Opus Dei non habet generatim specificam formam collectivae actionis externae.  Praeprimis curare sodalium formationem spiritualem et apostolicam debet.  Apostolatum autem peragunt sodales per exercitium munerum et publicorum officiorum, vel per associationes legitime constitutas, prout adiuncta temporum, vel locorum postulare videantur, ac summam habent reverentiam etiam pro legitimis societatis civilis legibus.


In general, Opus Dei does not have specific forms of collective external action.  In the first place it ought  to care for the spiritual and apostolic formation of the members.  However the members carry out apostolate through the exercise of their positions and public responsibilities or through legally constituted associations, depending upon what seems appropriate in the circumstances of the moment or place; and they also have the greatest respect for the legitimate laws of the civil society.



Socii Operis Dei suam impendunt actionem in tria opera, quae singula sub Patronis sunt constituta, scilicet habetur:


The members of Opus Dei undertake their activity in three works, each one constituted under Patrons, which are:


--8 P1

Opus S. Raphaelis et S. Joannis, ad excolendos iuvenes: hic labor Operis Dei propriisimus est, et veluti Instituti seminarium;


the Work of St. Raphael and St. John, for cultivating young people: this work is the most characteristic of Opus Dei, the seedbed of vocations to the Institute, as it were.


--8 P2

Opus S. Gabrielis et S. Pauli, ad socios Supernumerarios instituendos atque eorum observantiam fovendam, confirmandam et in dies profundiorem reddendam: necnon, ope ipsorum sodalium Supernumerariorum, ad diversas civilis societatis classes criterio catholico professionali et sociali imbuendas;


the Work of St. Gabriel and St. Paul, is for forming Supernumerary members and promoting, confirming and making more profound their observance, on a daily basis; and also for diffusing the Catholic professional and social values into the diverse classes of civil society by means of the same Supernumerary members.


--8 P3

Opus S. Michaelis et S. Petri, ad Numerariorum et Oblatorum formationem promovendam, et ad quaerendam opportuniorem solutionem quaestionibus scholasticis, socialibus, professionalibus, etc. boni animarum gratia.


the Work of St. Michael and St. Peter, for promoting the formation of Numeraries and Oblates [Associates], and for seeking the most appropriate solutions to academic, social and professional questions for the good of souls. [Translator’s note: the category of member originally known as Oblate has in later times been translated as Associate.]



Socii Operis Dei operantur sive singillatim, sive ope associationum, quae vel culturales esse possunt, vel artisticae, pecuniariae, etc., et quae Societates Auxiliares nuncupantur.  Hae pariter societates, in earum actione, auctoritari hierarchiae Instituti prorsus obnoxiae sunt.


The members of Opus Dei can act individually or through associations which may be cultural, artistic or economic etc., and which are called Auxiliary Societies.  All of these societies, equally, are subject in their activities to the authority of the hierarchy of the Institute.


--10 S1

Institutum, nisi aliud ad ministeria et opera sustinenda vel fovenda necessarium videatur, nullas habebit ecclesias proprias; nullas proprias associationes fidelium fovebit; stipendia pro Missis non recipiet, neque ullam pro exercito ministerio sacerdotali mercedem, etiam sponte oblatam, aut compensationem impensarum, quas ratione itineris aliquis ex sodalibus sustinuerit.  Tantum hospitium et victum sacerdotes Instituti, tempore alicuius ministerii spiritualis, accipere possunt.  Tamen Opus Dei acceptat legata cuiusvis generis ad finem Instituti persequendum, sed ipsum bona immobilia ordinarie non possidet.


The Institute, unless seen to be necessary to maintain and develop other ministries and works will not have its own churches; it will not stimulate its own associations of the faithful, it will not receive stipends for the Masses or other compensation for the exercise of its priestly ministry, even voluntarily offered or compensation for expenses which some member has incurred by reason of a trip.  The priests of the Institute may accept only hospitality and meals on the occasion of some spiritual ministry.  Nevertheless, Opus Dei accepts gifts of whatever kind destined to further the end of the Institute, but ordinarily, does not possess land and buildings.


--10 S2

Si in his omnibus aliquam, gravibus de causis, exceptionem admittere in Domino opportunum videatur, Pater ex Consilii voto deliberativo, donec necessitas seu magna utilitas perduret, eam decernere potest.


If, in all these cases it should seem opportune in the Lord, to admit an exception for grave causes, the Father is able to determine that exception, after having heard the deliberative vote of the Council, for as long as the necessity or great usefulness shall last.



Si rerum adiuncta postulent ut in diversis Regionibus Opus Dei vel Societas Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis sese constituat in societatem civilem, Consiliarius Regionalis designare ad nutum poterit organum directivum seu Consilium nationale, a Directore, Secretario et tribus Vocalibus constitutum.  Huius Consilii erit satagere ut Opus Dei semper leges civiles regionis seu nationis fideliter observet, atque intra terminos ab ipsis constitutos sese contineat atque operetur; oeconomica media sustinendis sumptibus annuis Operis Dei necessaria, colligere ac suppeditare; necnon aliis afficiis forsan ab ipso Consiliario Regionali iniunctis, operam fideliter navare.


If the circumstances warrant in some Region that Opus Dei or the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross be established as a civil entity, the Regional Counselor is able to set up the directing body, or national Council, composed of a Director, a Secretary and three members.  This Council will strive that Opus Dei should always observe faithfully the civil laws of the region or nation and stay within the limits established by them; it will acquire and furnish the economic means to sustain the annual expenses necessary for Opus Dei; and it will occupy itself with fidelity and diligence in whatever other tasks are eventually entrusted to it by the same Regional Counselor.



 Societas Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis et Opus Dei tamquam Patronos, quos singulari devotione prosequuntur, habent:  Beatam Mariam semper Virginem, quam uti Matrem Institutum veneratur; S. Ioseph, eiusdem Beatae Mariae Virginis Sponsum; SS. Archangelos Michaelem, Gabrielem et Raphaelem; SS. Apostolos Petrum, Paulum et Joannem, quibus universa Institutio eiusdemque singula actionis genera specialiter consecrantur.


The Priestly Society of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei has as Patrons, who are honored with singular devotion:  Holy Mary, ever Virgin, who the Institute venerates as its Mother; St. Joseph, spouse of the Holy Virgin Mary; the holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael; the holy Apostles Peter, Paul and John.  To these, the whole Institution and its different sorts of activities are consecrated.


Caput II De Instituti membris

Chapter II Concerning the members of the Institute



--13 S1

Opus Dei constat clericis et laicis, qui tamen diversas classes ad sensum iuris religiosorum minime constituunt; immo, condicio laicalis veluti gradus ad sacerdotalem merito ex eo considerari valet quod sacerdotes ex eadem seliguntur in eaque praeparentur.  Laici igitur neque sunt neque vocantur conversi: non est enim in Instituto classis conversorum.


Opus Dei consists of clerics and laymen, who nevertheless do not constitute different classes in the sense of the law governing religious; on the contrary, the lay condition, insofar as priests are called from it and are prepared in it, is very well able to be considered as a step which leads to priesthood.  But the laymen neither are nor are called lay brothers for the Institute does not have a category of lay brothers.


--13 S2

Transitus a condicione laicali ad condicionem clericalem non interdicitur, sed e contra perfecte probatur.


The passing from the lay condition to the clerical condition is not prohibited, but rather, on the contrary, it is encouraged.


--13 S3

Est etiam in Instituto Sectio mulierum, de qua in IV Parte harum Constitutionum speciatim agitur.


There is also in the Institute a section for women which is dealt specially with in Part Four of these Constitutions.


--14 S1

Sacerdotes Numerarii, praeter diversa munia directionis in Instituto, operam suam prae primis navabunt formationi spirituali et ecclesiasticae ceterorum membrorum.


Besides different functions of government in the Institute, the Numerary priests dedicate their efforts primarily to the spiritual and ecclesiastical formation of the other members.


--14 S2

Cum extraneis autem alia ministeria ordinis sacertotalis propria exercebunt.


With persons outside of Opus Dei, they exercise the various ministries proper of priestly orders.


--14 S3

Non tamen ipsis prohibetur exercere munera professionalia sacerdotali characteri, ad normam iuri Sanctaequae Sedis praescriptorum atque instructionum, non opposita.


They are not prohibited from exercising professional functions not in conflict with the priestly character, according to law and to the prescriptions and instructions of the Holy See.


--14 S4

Mustia et officia ecclesiastica quaelibet, est cum propria condicione in Instituto compatibilia absque Patris expressa venia admittere non valent.


They are not able to accept offices or ecclesiastical responsibilities of any kind, even if they are compatible with their proper condition in the Institute, without the expressed permission of the Father.


--14 S5

Tituli honorifici ab auctoritatibus ecclesiasticis vel laicalibus sive clericis (c. 110) sive laicis concedi soliti nostris non prohibentur.  Ipsos tamen ne ambiant et non nisi ex Patris venia seu iuxta ipsius mentem ac criteria eos acceptare possint.


Honorary titles, conceded by ecclesiastical or civil authorities on clerics or laymen, are not prohibited for us.  However, we should not court them, and they cannot be accepted without the permission of the Father, or being in accordance with his mind and criteria.


--14 S6

Nihil vetat quominus, si ita Patri in Domino expedire videatur, sacerdotes Instituti Superiores aliquo modesto insigni seu distinctivo, ratione officii, decorari valeant.


It is not prohibited, if it seems suitable to the Father in the Lord, for priests, who are Superiors in the Institute, to wear a discrete emblem or badge, by reason of their office.



Sodales vero laici Numerarii officia seu munera sive publicae administrationis, sive docendi in Unitutis civilibus, aut etiam professiones privatas advocatorum, medicorum et alias similes assumunt vel retinent: et etiam commercio vel rebus nummariis operam navant.  Horum omnium exercitio veram actionem apoostolicam potissimum sibi proponere ocurent, quam quidem prosequuntur perfecta professionis seu muneris adimpletione, sensus christiani propagatione, omnium virtutum aemulatione, exemplo, amicitia, conversatione.


The lay members who are Numeraries take on or retain responsibilities and offices of public service, or teach in the civil Universities or Institutes, or practice the private professions as lawyers, doctors or other similar things and also dedicate themselves to business and financial activities.  In the exercise of all these activities, they should take care to set out for themselves principally a true apostolic action which they certainly pursue with perfect fulfillment of their profession or position by spreading Christian mentality and by exemplifying all the virtues, for example, friendship and conversation.


--16 S1

In Instituto membra stricto sensu sumpta, scilicet sodales omnes Numerarii, clerici et laici, perfectioni evangelicae acquirendae sese devovent, et Instituti peculiaribus apostolatus operibus totis viribus incumbunt: ac vitam familiae in Instituto agunt, a qua non nisi iuxta praescripta his in Constitutionibus dispensari valent.


In the Institute, members properly speaking include all Numeraries, cleric and lay, who devote themselves to acquiring evangelical perfection, dedicate themselves, with all their strength, to the particular apostolic works of the Institute; and they live family life in the Institute, from which they cannot be dispensed except in keeping with the prescriptions of these Constitutions.


--16 S2

Categoria clericorum constat sociis Numerariis Operis Dei et Oblatis ac Supernumerariis Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis: laicorum vero sociis Numerariis, Oblatis et Supernumerariis.


The category of clerics is composed of the Numerary members of Opus Dei and the Oblate and Supernumerary members of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross:  the category of laity is composed of Numerary, Oblate and Supernumerary members.


--16 S3

Inter Numerarios nonnulli Inscripti dicuntur, et muneribus directionis Instituti destinantur.  Horum autem sodalium, qui voce activa gaudent in electione Praesidis Generalis Instituti, vocantur Electores.


Among the Numeraries, some are called Inscribed, and they are destined to tasks of direction of the Institute.  Those among these members who enjoy an active voice in the election of the President General of the Institute are called Electors.


--16 S4

Quin vinculo iuridico Instituto adhaereant ipsi aggregari valent associati Cooperatores, de quibus in n. 29.


Although they are not bound with a juridical bond to the Institute, associates (called) Cooperators are able to be grouped with it; they are discussed in No. 29.



Tempus admissionis ad gradum Inscripti vel Electoris non est definitum, id est, nemo ad illum est promovendum nisi Superioribus Instituti pleni satis fecerit.  Non datur tamen regressus ab una ad aliam categoriam nisi ratione poenae a Praeside cum suffragio deliberativo sui Consilii impositae.


The time for admission to the rank of Inscribed or Elector is not defined.  That is, no one is promoted to them unless the Superiors of the Institute are fully satisfied.  On the other hand, no one is returned from one of these categories to another except as a punishment imposed by the President after the deliberative vote of his Council.


--18 Specificus sociorum Numerariorum apostolatus est:


Specific apostolates of the Numerary members are:


--18 P1

Sanctificatio proprii laboris professionalis;


The sanctification of their own professional work;


--18 P2

Exemplum vitae christianae aliis praebere in proprio sociali ministerio;


To give to the rest an example of Christian life in fulfilling their own social tasks;


--18 P3

Adlaborare in spirituali formatione religiosasionali iuvenum, ac praesertim Unversitatum Studiorum alumnorum;


To make a special effort in the spiritual and professional formation of youth, and especially of university students;


--18 P4

Munera publica exemplari fidelitate exercere, si quando eis a Statu committantur;


To exercise public offices with an example of fidelity, if the State should entrust such offices to them;


--18 P5

Fidei catholicae doctrinam propagare, verbo, scripto, et omnibus mediis ad hoc aptis;


To propagate the teaching of the Catholic faith by word, by writing and all means suitable for this.


--18 P6

Opera catholicorum diversarum nationum pervulgare;


To make known the Catholic activities of different nations;


--18 P7

Illa loca specialiter petere ubi Ecclesia Dei, ab inimicis insectata, indigeat labore et auxilio sociorum.


To seek especially those places where the Church of God is attacked by its enemies, who need the work and help of the members.



Socii Inscripti directe a Patre nominantur cum voto deliberativo Consilii Generalis et auditis Consiliario ac Defensore Regionis.  Designatio perficitur solemnitate in Caeremoniali descripta, quam peragit Consiliarius vel sacerdos ab eo delegatus.


Inscribed members are named directly by the Father after the deliberative vote of the General Council having heard the Counselor and the Regional Defensor of the Region.  The designation becomes effective with the solemnity which is described in the Ceremonial, which the Counselor, or a priest delegated by him, carries out. [Translator’s note:  In various countries, the titles of positions of government have not been fully translated into the vernacular from this Latin document.  The title mentioned above, “Defensor” translates to “Defender” but will remain untranslated in this document]



Cum socii Inscripti ad praecipua directionis munera Instituti destinari valent, antequam uniuscuiusque Inscripti designatio ad gradum perficiatur, designatus Inscriptus, ut Institutum in suo bono statu conservari et augeri possit, tactis SS. Evangeliis et Christi nomine invocato, iureiurando, quod conscientiae obligationem pro ipsius gravitate sub religionis vinculo confirmat, quae sequuntur promittere debet:


Since the Inscribed member may be assigned principal leadership posts, in the Institute, before anyone’s promotion to the rank is finalized, the candidate, in order that the Institute might be conserved and improved in its good state, touching the Gospels and invoking the name of Christ, (and) swearing an oath confirming the obligation in conscience in its gravity under the bond of religion, must promise the following:


--20 P1

Praxim correctionis fraternae, ut unum e cardinibus Operis Dei, firmiter retinere; atque pro viribus procurare ut integra ac vigens conservetur; fideliter, secundum nostrum spiritum, eam semper exercere, quando necessaria seu admodum conveniens aestimari debeat sive ad sodalium animam sive ad bonum Instituti;


To firmly hold to the practice of fraternal correction, as one of the hinges of Opus Dei,  and to procure with all his strength that it be conserved full and entire; to always exercise it faithfully according to our spirit when it is deemed necessary or at least convenient for the soul of the members or the good of the Institute.


--20 P2

Munera Instituti, sive regiminis sive formationis, neque ut habeam neque ut retineam ambire;


To not seek out to obtain or retain posts within the Institute, either of government or formation.


--20 P3

Spiritum primaevae paupertatis fideliter in me ipso conservare, et nullo modo permittere vel quomodolibet cooperari ut huius nostrae rigidae paupertatis praxis derogetur: sed ex adverso totis viribus niti ut ipsa, prout ab originibus Instituti professa a nostris fuit, integra et intacta conservetur absque ulla qualibet peculii personalis specie.


To conserve faithfully in me the primitive spirit of poverty, and not permit in any manner or to cooperate in any way with abridging the practice of this our present rigorous poverty.  Rather, on the contrary, to strive with all my strength that it be preserved whole and intact, free of any form of individual spending money, as it was professed to us from the origins of the Institute.



Designatione per solemnitatem Caeremonialis iam peracta, novus Inscriptus manet ad nutum Praesidis Generalis, quoad primam vel ulteriores adscriptiones ad diversas Instituti Regiones.


When the appointment has been carried out by the solemnity in the Ceremonial, the newly Inscribed remains at the disposition of the President General, regarding his first and subsequent assignments to the diverse Regions of the Institute.



Socii Electores, de consensu Consilii, a Patre seu Praeside Generali nominantur.  Ordinarie, socii suam designationem accipiunt per epistolam autographam Patris, eisdem a Consiliario suae Regionis traditam.  Maximo trium mensium spatio, novus Elector, praemonito Consiliario atque ei media opportuna praebente, personaliter adibit visere Patrem, huius benedictionem recepturus, et exercitia spiritualia in loco ab hoc designato perfecturus.


Elector members are named by the Father or President General with the consent of the Council.  Ordinarily, the members receive their designation by a handwritten letter from the Father delivered to them by the Counselor of their Region.  Within a maximum space of three months, the new Elector,  giving prior notice to the Counselor and using the appropriate means, should arrive personally to visit the Father receiving his blessing and completing the spiritual exercises in the place designated by him..



Nemo ad munus Electoris promoveatur nisi:


No one may be promoted to the office of Elector unless:


--23 P1

Sit socius Inscriptus;


he be an Inscribed member;


--23 P2

Triginta saltem annos natus;


he has reached the age of thirty years;


--23 P3

Iam a novem saltem annis Operi Dei per Fidelitatem incorporatus;


he had been incorporated through the Fidelity in Opus Dei for at least nine years.


--23 P4

Homo consilii fuerit probatus, prudens, solida pietate praecellens;


he is a man tested in his judgment, prudent, excelling in solid piety


--23 P5

cultura religiosa et professionali emineat;


he is distinguished by his religious and professional culture


--23 P6

Noscat Instituti historiam, spiritum, consuetudines et traditiones;


he knows the history, spirit, customs and traditions of the Institute;


--23 P7

egregia servitia Instituto praestiterit;


he has given outstanding service to the Institute.


--23 P8

Praecesserint informationes, secretae ac iuramento veritatis ac sinceritatis firmatae, Consiliarii Regionalis, Electorum Regionis et Directoris localis.


prior reports, confidential and confirmed by oath as to truth and sincerity have come from the Regional Counselor, the Electors of the Region and the local Director.



Electores tot saltem esse debent ut muneribus, quae ipsis reservantur, non solum sufficienter, sed facile provideri possit.


The Electors ought to be of, at least, sufficient number that the positions reserved to them can be filled, not only adequately, but easily.


--25 S1

Sodales Oblati illi, Superioris iudicio, viri ac mulieres in propriis Sectionibus reddi possunt qui, licet non omnia requisita forsan habeant quae pro membris stricto sensu dictis his in Constitutionibus exiguntur, tamen cum coelibes vel ab omni vinculo liberi aut soluti sint, vitam integram Domino et animabus ad instar Numerariorum plene consecrare solide ac fortiter volunt, divina vocatione moti.


Those men and women may be named as Oblate members, in their respective sections, if in the judgment of the Superior, although, perhaps, they don’t possess all the requisites for membership as established in the strict sense in these Constitutions, nevertheless, being single and free or freed from all bonds, they wish to dedicate their entire lives freely and completely to the Lord and to souls like Numeraries, moved by a divine vocation.


--25 S2

Oblati, nisi aliud his in Constitutionibus pro eis specialiter caveatur, omnia officia seu obligationes suscipiunt ac Numerarii, et ipsorum, identicis mediis asceticis ad assequandam perfectionem uti debent.


Unless something else is specially provided for them in these Constitutions, the Oblates undertake the same responsibilities or obligations as the Numeraries; and they must use the same ascetical means as them in order to acquire perfection.


--25 S3

Cum omnia requisita consecrationis vitae pro membris stricto sensu Institutorum Saecularium habent, Oblati in statu completo perfectionis adquirendae sunt, licet in Instituto a membris stricto sensu sumptis apte sint distinguendi.


Since they have all the requisites for consecrated life for members of Secular Institutes in the strict sense, Oblates are in a complete state of acquiring perfection, although in the Institute they are to be distinguished from members in the strict sense.


--25 S4

Vivere possunt privatim, ab aliis membris Instituti seiuncti, quod in genere opportunius videtur: sed etiam, de iudicio Consiliarii una cum Defensore vel Secretaria Regionali, vitam familiae in Instituto ducere valent, in Centris aut domibus specialibus designatis, in quibus ordinarie labores apostolatus exercent apud personas propriae classis socialis (n. 27, S4)


They may live privately, separated from other members of the Institute, which generally seems opportune, but also, in the judgment of the Counselor with the Defensor or the Regional Secretary, they may lead family life in the Institute, in specially designated Centers or houses, in which they ordinarily carry on apostolic activities among persons of their own social class. (No. 27, S4)


--25 S5

Munera regiminis in Instituto non habent: sed Consiliarius Regionalis, una cum Defensore vel Secretaria Regionis, inter ipsos seligere potest sic dictos Consultores, quo melius labores apostolicos in proprio uniuscuiusque Consultoris coetu sociali evolvantur.


They may not hold positions in the government in the Institute, but the Regional Counselor, with the Defensor or the Regional Secretary, may select from among them, so-called Consultors, in order to develop better the apostolic work in the social environment peculiar to each of the Consultors.


--25 S6

Quoad fieri possit in servitium Sanctae Ecclesiae, dirigere ac moderare conantur labores – tam officiales quam privatos – sociales, professionales, oeconomicos, etc., illorum qui propriae ipsorum classi et condicioni sociali pertinent.


Insofar as it is possible, in the service of the Holy Church, they should try to direct and organize social, professional, economic etc., works – either official or private – for those who pertain to their own class and social condition.



Quamvis Operis Dei membra stricto sensu sumpta sint sodales  Numerarii, quibus proxime accedunt socii Oblati, ad Opus Dei praeterea pertinere possunt, ut Supernumerarii, ii omnes homines et mulieres, coelibes et etiam coniugati, qui apostolica vocatione ac perfectionis desiderio moti, fini eiusdem Instituti cooperari volunt iuxta normas harum Constitutionum.  Coniugati tamen nequeunt ad Opus Dei pertinere, vel ipsi aggregari, nisi uti Supernumerarii vel Cooperatores (n. 29)


Although the members, in the strict sense, of Opus Dei are Numeraries, who are immediately followed by the Oblate members, furthermore, all those men and women, single and married, who moved by an apostolic vocation and desire for perfection, want to cooperate with the ends of the Institute in keeping with the norms of these Constitutions can also belong to Opus Dei as Supernumeraries.  Married people, nevertheless, may not belong to or be associated with Opus Dei other than as Supernumeraries or Cooperators (No. 29).


--27 S1

Sodales Supernumerarii servitio Instituti partialiter se devovent, et qua media sanctificationis et apostolatus propria adhibent ipsorum officia occupationesque familiaria, professionalia et socialia; ita ut, in propria civitate atque familia remanentes, ex illa quam habent sociali positione, apostolicum laborem praecipue persolvant, iuxta uniuscuiusque possibilitates.  Hac ratione, Supernumerarii vitam perfectionis in saeculo fovere et diffundere, et speciatim Numerariorum vocationum multiplicationem procurare conantur, atque praestitutis apostolatus ministerus operam navare nituntur.


The Supernumerary members are partially consecrated to the service of the Institute and as means of sanctification and apostolate use their own professional, family and social duties and occupations, so that remaining in their own city and family, from the social position which they have, they carry out principally the apostolic work in keeping with the possibilities of each person.  In this manner, the Supernumeraries strive to foster and spread the life of perfection in the world and especially to obtain the multiplication of Numerary vocations and carefully fulfill the tasks of apostolate assigned to them.


--27 S2

De eodem spiritu vivunt, et pro viribus easdem servant consuetudines ac socii Numerarii; verum destinari tantum poterunt illis operibus, quae cum ipsorum muneribus in propria familia naturali et in civili societate compatibilia sint.


They live the same spirit and with all their strength, they observe the same customs as the Numerary members; but they can only be destined to those activities, which are compatible with their responsibilities in their own natural family and in civil society.


--27 S3

Hi socales non solum vitam familiae in Instituto non agunt, verum tum publice cum privatim sic illorum evolvitur vita ac illa cuiuslibet laici.


These members not only do not live family life in the Institute, but whether publicly or privately, their life develops just like that of any lay person.


--27 S4

Possunt tamen in casibus exceptis vitam familiae in Instituto facere, et tunc ipsi in omnibus subiiciuntur ac Numerarii.


Nevertheless, in exceptional cases, they may live family life in the Institute, and then they are subject, in that, to everything which applies to the Numeraries.


--28 S1

Unusquisque Supernumerariorum curabit periodicas ac frequentes coadunationes promovere amiceque celebrare, cum personis plus minusve ad propriam professionem vel etiam socialem coetum pertinentibus, animo prudenter ac perseveranter diffundendi doctrinam atque sensum Catholicae Eclesiae circa quaestiones tunc temporis agitatas.


Each Supernumerary will attempt to promote and celebrate, periodically and frequently, in a friendly atmosphere, meetings with persons more or less pertaining to their profession and also their social group,  with the purpose of diffusing prudently and perseveringly the doctrine and the mind of the Catholic Church regarding questions which are current at the time.


--28 S2

Supernumerarii efficaces partes assumere debent, singillatim, in associationibus civilibus, culturalibus, professionalibus, oeconomicis, etc., ut spiritum christianum infundant in privatam arque socialem vitam eorum, quibus consociati sunt, atque hoc modo, in universam societatem.


The Supernumeraries, individually, ought to assume active roles in civil, cultural, professional and economic associations etc, in order to inject a Christian spirit into the private and social life of those they associate with, and by this means, into the entire society.


--28 S3

Socii Supernumerarii qui, mediantibus semper legitimis Instituti Superioribus, ab Ordinariis locorum, libere ad tenorem n. 27 S2 laborem commissionemve aliquam susceperint, in his exercendis, normas ab ipsis Ordinariis spiritu filialis obedientiae sequi tenentur.


The Supernumerary members, who, always through the mediation of the legitimate Superiors of the Institute, freely receive from the diocesan Ordinaries, in the tenor of No. 27, S2, a work or some commission, in the completion of these obligations are obliged to follow in a spirit of filial obedience the norms given them by the Ordinary.


--29 S1

Cooperatores, assiduis precibus ad Deum effusis, eleemosynis, et quatenus possibilie etiam proprio ipsorum labore, collaborationem praestant operibus, quae iisdem ab Instituti Superioribus consilientur; et bonis spiritualibus Institutionis participant.


Cooperators, with their assiduous prayers directed to God, with alms, and as far as possible with their own work, lend their collaboration to the works they are advised by the Superiors of the Institute, and they participate in the spiritual goods of the Institution.


--29 S2

Sunt etiam qui a domo paterna diversimode longe absunt vel veritatem catholicam non profitentur, qui attamen adiumentum Instituto proprio labore aut eleemosynis praestant.  Hi jure meritoque Instituti Cooperatores nuncupari possunt.  Omnes Instituti socii, oratione, sacrifio, conversatione, ita cum his Cooperatoribus laborare debent ut, Beatissima Virgine intercedente, a misericordia divina indificiens lumen fidei pro ipsis consequantur, eosque ad christianos mores suaviter et efficaciter trahant.


There are also those who by different ways are very far from the paternal house or who do not profess the Catholic truth;  these persons, nevertheless, lend help to the Institute with their own work or with alms.  By law and deservedly they are able to call themselves Cooperators of the Institute.  All the members of the Institute, with prayer, with sacrifice, with conversation, ought to work with these Cooperators, in such a way that, by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, they will obtain by the divine mercy for them the light of the faith which is never lacking, and they will bring them gently and effectively to the Christian ways.


--30 S1

Circa praecedentiam inter varias personas Instituti serventur normae quae sequuntur: Pater, seu Praeses Generalis, semper et ubique primum locum tenet, eumque honore et reverentia filiali omnes prosequentur; sequitur Vicepraeses, si adsit: deinde Secretarius Generalis, Procurator Generalis, Sacerdos Secretarius Centralis, Vicesecretarii, Praefectus Studiorum, Missi et Administrator Generalis.


Regarding the order of precedence among the various persons of the Institute, the following norms are observed:  the Father or President General, always and everywhere occupies the first place and all attend him with honor and filial reverence: after him comes the Vice President, if there is one; then the Secretary General, the Procurator General, the Central Priest Secretary, the Vice Secretaries, the Prefect of Studies, the Missi and the Administrator General. [Translator’s note:  As with the Defensor and other offices, the office of Missus (Missi, plural) is not translated here from the Latin, although it has sometimes been translated as “delegate” (See No. 345, S1).  It has the meaning of “one who is sent”, like emissary, and includes those delegated to represent the Regions in the central government]


--30 S2

Item in propria Regione subsequuntur: Consiliarius Regionalis, Defensor, Sacerdos Secretarius Regionalis.  Secretarius Commissionis, Vocales, Delegatus Studiorum et Administrator Regionalis.


Similarly, in their own region, the following order is in effect: the Regional Counselor, the Defensor, the Regional Priest Secretary, the Secretary of the Commission, the Vocals, the Delegate of Studies and the regional Administrator. [Translater’s note: the office of Vocal, when capitalized as a proper noun, is also not translated.  It has the meaning of "member" but is also used specifically in Opus Dei to designate who speaks for a particular activity, and there are references in these Constitutions in which these Vocals are distinguished from other members].


--30 S3

Tandem in singulis sedibus Director, Subdirector et Secretarius.  Director autem in propria domo omnibus praeest, exceptis Patre, Vicepraeside, Secretario Generali, Procuratore Generali, Consiliario Regional et Visitatore.  Hic, dum proprio munere fungitur, tenet locum quem teneret ille, cuius vice visitationem peragit.


Finally, in each center, the Director, the Sub-director and the Secretary.  The Director, however, in his own house takes precedence over all, except the Father, the Vice President, the Secretary General, the Procurator General, the Regional Counselor and the Visitor.  This last, when he discharges a responsibility, occupies the place which would be occupied by the person, in whose name the visit is carried out.


--31 S1

Inter alia.  Instituti membra, ordo praecedentiae desumitur ab incorporatione per Oblationem facta in opere Dei, vel ab aetate si Oblation eadem die facta fuerit.  Praeterea, Electores praecedunt aliis Inscriptis; Inscripti vero simpliciter Numerariis; Numerarii autem Oblatis ac Supernumerariis.


Among the rest of the members of the Institute: the order of precedence is derived from the date of incorporation through the Oblation in Opus Dei; or from age, if the Oblation was made on the same day.  Apart from that, Electors precede the other Inscribed members, the Inscribed members precede the simple Numeraries; and the Numeraries over the Oblates and the Supernumeraries.


--31 S2

Attamen sacerdotes vel clerici semper praecedunt laicis, qui super ipsos potestatem gubernii exercere non debeant, eisque ab omnibus honor et reverentia maxima est deferenda.


However, the priests and clerics always take precedent over those laity, who do not exercise the power of government over them, and to them, all render the greatest honor and reverence.


--31 S3

Ubicumque duo Instituti sodales sunt, ne merito obedientiae priventur, subordinatio quaedam semper est servanda, per quam unus alteri subiiciatur iuxta ordinem praecedentiae, nisi adfuerit specialis Superiorum delegatio, et salva semper dependentia a proprio Superiore.


Whenever there are two members of the Institute, lest they be deprived of the merit of obedience, a certain subordination is always observed, in which one is subject to the other according to the order of precedence, unless there should be a special delegation from the Superiors, always respecting the subordination to one’s respective Superior.


Caput III -- De admissione in Institutum

Chapter III -- Concerning admission to the Institute.



Adscriptio tres gradus comprehendit:simplicis Admissionis, quam facit Consiliarius, audita Commissione; Oblationis, post annum saltem probationis; Fidelitatis, post quinquennium saltem ab Oblatione transactum.


Adscription is composed of three phases: simple Admission, which the Counselor makes having heard the Commission; the Oblation, after, at least, one year of probation; the Fidelity, at least five years after making the Oblation.



In Institutum admitti potest quilibet catholicus, qui nullo legitimo detineatur impedimento, rectaque intentione moveatur et ad Instituti onera ferenda eiusdemque peculiaria opera exercenda sit idoneus.


Any Catholic who is not held back by a legitimate impediment, is motivated by a right intention and who is suitable to bear the burdens of the Institute and carry out its particular activities may be admitted to the Institute.



Ut quis possit ad Opus Dei admitti requiritur insuper:


For someone to be admitted to Opus Dei it is also required:


--34 P1

Ut in sanctificationem propriam, per observantiam consiliorum evangelicorum proprio statui conformium, incumbat;


That he actively pursues his own sanctification by observing the evangelical counsels applicable to his state.


--34 P2

Ut vitae spirituali prospiciat, per exercitium orationis mentalis quotidianae aliarumque normarum pietatis Instituti;


That he be oriented to the spiritual life through the exercise of daily mental prayer and the other norms of piety of the Institute.


--34 P3

Ut antea in apostolatu proprio sociorum Instituti, per sex saltem menses, sub ductu Directorum in probatione sese exercuerit.


That he previously exert himself in the apostolate proper to the members of the Institute for at least six months of probation under the leadership of the directors.



Pro admittendis Numerariis requiritur praeterea:


For admission as a Numerary, it is also required:


--35 P1

Ut titulum academicum saecularem in publica civili vel civiliter recognita Universitate seu Facultate aequipollenti, Status Entisve publici, candidatus potitus sit, vel saltem in Instituto illum obtinere valeat:


That he have obtained an academic title in a public university, or one recognized by the state, or an equivalent faculty of the state or of a public entity, or at least be able to obtain one in the Institute.


--35 P2

Ut humiliter scripto petat Instituti Praesidi ut velit eum uti membrum acceptare.


That he humbly ask the President General, in writing, to please accept him as a member.


--36 S1

Invalide ad Institutum ut Numerarii admitterentur: qui, deficientes a fide catholica, sectae acatholicae adhaeserunt; qui aetatem 15 annorum nondum compleverunt; qui Institutum ingrediuntur vi, metu gravi aut dolo inducti, vel quos eodem modo Superior inductus recipit; qui obstringuntur vel obstricti fuerint vinculo professionis religiosae vel consecrationis in aliquo Instituto Saeculari; ii quibus imminet poena ob grave delictum commissum, de quo accusati sunt vel accusari possunt; et coniugati, perdurante matrimonio.


It would be invalid to admit as Numeraries in the Institute: anyone who deserting the Catholic faith should have adhered to a non-Catholic sect; those who have not reached their fifteenth birthday; those who enter the Institute induced by force or grave fear or deceit, or those whom the Superior receives induced in the same way; those who are bound or were bound by profession in a religious order or consecration in another Secular Institute; those in danger of being condemned for having committed a serious crime of which they have been or can be accused; and married people, while the marriage lasts.


--36 S2

Illicito, sed valide admitterentur aere alieno gravati, qui solvendo pares non sint; reddendae rationi obnoxii aut aliis negotiis implicati, ex quibus lites et molestias Institutum timere possit.


It would be illicit, but valid to admit someone weighed down by debt, which he is not able to pay, or someone subject to liability or implicated in other business, from which the Institute might fear lawsuits or other nuisance.


--36 S3

Ex iure peculiari Instituti, ab Opere Dei arcentur: sacerdotes saeculares; alumni seminariorum; qui alicuius Religionis vel Societatis fuerit novitius, postulans vel alumnus scholae apostolicae; qui in aliquo Instituto Saeculari qua probandus degerit vel admissionem expostulaverit.


From the particular law of the Institute, excluded from Opus Dei are: secular priests; students of seminaries, those who were novices, postulants or students of apostolic schools of religious orders or societies, those who have been in the probationary period in a Secular Institute or who have requested admission to one.



Ab impedimentis de quibus in N. 36 S 1 et 2, Sancta Sedes dispensat; ab illis autem iuris peculiaris Instituti in N. 36 S 3 recensitis, Praeses Generalis audito suo Consilio


Regarding the impediments which are treated in No. 36, SS 1 and 2, the Holy See can dispense; while those of the particular norms of the Institute reviewed in No. 36, S3, the President General may dispense having heard his Council.



Admissio Numerariorum fit solemnitate in Caeremoniali descripta, quam peragit sacerdos ex delegatione etiam habituali Consiliarii Regionalis, preasente Directore locali aut ejus delegato.


The admission of the Numeraries is carried out in the solemnity described in the Ceremonial, which a priest conducts, by delegation from the Regional Counselor, which may be permanent, in the presence of the local Director or his delegate.



Per Directorem localem, Consiliarius, ante cuiusvis admissionem, notitias, secretas quoque, si opportunum iudicaverit, exquirere ne omittat, de aspirantis indole, ingenio, cultura, pietate, aptitudine ad opera Instituti, familia, studiis, ceterisque, quae ad personae penitiorem cognitionem conferre valeant.  De autem his altum silentium et secretum servet.


Before admitting someone, the Counselor should not fail to seek, through the local Director, reports, including confidential ones, regarding the aspirant’s talents, his culture, his piety, his aptitude for the activities of the Institute, regarding his family, his studies and other things which can provide a more intimate knowledge of his personality.  The most profound silence and secrecy should be kept about this.


--40 S1

Candidatus qui litteras scripserit expostulando admissionem in Opus Dei qua Numerarius vel Oblatus, cum ipsi ordinarie per Directorem localem significetur suam petitionem dignam, quae examinetur, habitam fuisse, eo ipso inter Supernumerarios admissus et adscriptus manet, quoadusque eidem concedatur admissio quam exoravit.


When candidate who has submitted a letter asking admission in Opus Dei as a Numerary or Oblate has been informed that his petition has been considered worthy of examination, which is ordinarily done through the local director, he remains automatically admitted and ascribed among the Supernumeraries until the admission he has requested has been granted.


--40 S2

Si quis ante incorporationem ut Numerarius vel Oblatus videtur hac vocatione carere, potest in Instituto retineri qua Supernumerarius, modo requisitas condiciones habeat.


If someone, before his incorporation as a Numerary or Oblate, is seen to lack that vocation, he may be retained as a Supernumerary if he has the required conditions.


--41 S1

Oblatorum et Supernumerariorum vocationes quaeri atque colligi poterunt inter personas ad quemlibet socialem coetum pertinentes.


The vocations of the Supernumeraries and Oblates are able to be sought and secured among persons from all social classes.


--41 S2

Recipi valent etiam chronica aliqua infirmitate laborantes.


Those who suffer from some chronic infirmity may also be received.


--42 S1

Generatim ad Supernumerariorum admissionem peragendam, haec proponitur in coadunatione Coetus; et postea, socii singuli uni solique Coetus praesidi votum de admissione candidato concedenda vel deneganda secreto referunt.  Nihil candidato hac de re significabitur, nisi Coetus praeses id faciendi facultatem dederis.


In general, in order to effect the admission of Supernumeraries, it is proposed in a meeting of a Group, and then each member, individually and separately, gives in private his vote to the leader of the Group regarding whether to concede or deny the admission of the candidate.  Nothing will be indicated to the candidate unless the leader of the Group gives him the faculty of making it (the admission).


--42 S2

Candidans expostulare tenetur suam admissionem mediantibus litteris ad Regionalem Consiliarium inscribendis.


The candidate has to seek his admission through a letter written to the Regional Counselor.


--42 S3

Post sex saltem menses ab admissionis die, manet adscriptus socius Supernumerarius illi Coetui, qui eumdem proposuit.


After at least six months, counting from the day of his admission, he remains ascribed as a Supernumerary member to the Group which proposed him.



Nulla  specialis caeremonia praescribitur pro admittendis sociis Supernumerariis et associatis Cooperatoribus.  Sufficit eorum anotatio in proprio cuiusque classis elencho.  Cooperatores Instituto a Consiliario, una cum Defensore, aggregantur.


There is no special ceremony prescribed for the admission of Supernumeraries and associated Cooperators.  It is sufficient that their names be added to the appropriate registry in their category.  Cooperators are associated with the Institute by the Counselor together with the Defensor.


--44 S1

Cum Supernumerarii admittuntur erudiendi erunt de pleniore altioreque Numerariorum vocatione, qui a propria sanguinis familia seiuncti vivunt, semper parati ad laborandum absque limitatione in locis atque operibus, quae fuerint ipsis a Superioribus commissa.


On admitting the Supernumeraries, they need to be educated about the higher and fuller vocation of the Numeraries, who live separated from their blood families, always prepared to work without limitations in the places and works to which they are assigned by their Superiors.


--44 S2

Notum fiat Supernumerariis classes id unum persequi unumquemque scilicet sociorum docere suas cuique proprias obligationes atque occupationes, iuxta ipsius dispositionem animi, vitae suae circumstantias et specialem a Deo acceptam vocationem; omnes attamen socios eodem vinculo obstrictos esse tendendi ad  perfectionem in proprio ipsorum statu ac cooperandi, iuxta uniuscuiusque vires, propagationi Regni Christi.


Supernumeraries are to be informed that the conditions of each one of the members can teach the obligations and occupations of each one according to their dispositions of soul, circumstances of life and special vocation received from God.  However, all the members are subject with equal obligation to reach the perfection within their own state and to cooperate, each according to his own strength, in spreading the Kingdom of Christ.



Possunt Supernumerarii inter Numerarios vel Oblatos recipi, modo tamen requisitis  polleant qualitatibus.


The Supernumeraries may be received among the Numeraries or the Oblates, only if they have all of the required qualities.


Caput IV -- De incorporatione in Institutum

Chapter IV -- Concerning incorporation into the Institute.



Tempus probationis, quam omnes post factam Admissionem, sub ductu Directoris localis complere debent, ad annum saltem est protrahendum, antequam ad incorporationem deveniatur.


The period of probation, which all must complete under the guidance of the local Director after completing the admission, lasts for at least one year before arriving at the incorporation.



Si in probatione candidatus ita se gerat, ut spes affulgeat ipsum in Instituto membrum dignum atque utile evasurum, de eius incorporatione agetur.


If, in the probation, the candidate shows himself in such a manner that there is hope he will become a worthy and useful member in the Institute, his approach will be treated.


--48 S1

Candidatus, quolibet temporis probationis momento, potest Institutum relinquere, quin ulli de hac renuntiatione rationem reddere teneatur.


The candidate, at any time in the period of probation, may abandon the Institute without having to give anyone any reason for this renunciation.


--48 S2

Superior vero, iusta de causa, potest candidatum non admittere, quin teneatur negationis causam illi patefacere (n. 97)


For his part, the Superior, for just cause, is able to not admit a candidate without being obliged to give the cause for this refusal (No. 97)



 Feliciter completa probatione, adspirans in Institutum incorporatur temporarie per Oblationem, singulis annis renovandam; quinquennio exacto, per Fidelitatem in perpetuum incorporatur.


Having successfully completed the period of probation, the aspirant can be incorporated temporarily in the Institute by the Oblation, which has to be renewed each year; after five years, he can incorporate himself in perpetuity by the Fidelity.


--50 S1

Ad validitatem incorporationis requiritur


For a valid incorporation, the following is required:


--50 S1 P1

Ut candidatus ad Oblationem decimum sextum aetatis annum expleverit; ad Fidelitatem autem vigesimum primum;


A candidate making the Oblation must have reached his sixteenth birthday; for the Fidelity, his twenty-first.


--50 S1 P2

Ut admittatur a competente Superiore et recipiatur ab eodem vel ab eius delegato;


That he be admitted by the competent Superior and be received by the same or his delegate;


--50 S1 P3

Ut fiat sine vi, metu gravi, dolo;


That it be realized without force, grave fear or deceit.


--50 S1 P4

Ut sit expressa.


That it be explicit.


--50 S2

Ad validitatem vero Fidelitatis, requiritur insuper ut praecesserit incorporatio temporaria per Oblationem facta.


For a valid Fidelity, it is further required, that there be a previous temporal incorporation realized by the Oblation.


--51 S1

Elapso tempore ad quod Oblatio facta fuit, nulla interposita mora, vel renovetur modo dicto vel Fidelitas emittatur.


When the time for which the Oblation was made has expired, with no intervening delay, either it should be renewed in the manner stated or the Fidelity should be made.


--51 S2

Est tamen in potestate Praesidis Generalis et, in propria Regione, Consiliarii cum Defensore Oblationem et Fidelitatem differre sive ad solidiorem vocationis et aptitudinis candidati probationem, sive ob eiusdem Instituti bonum.


Nevertheless, it is within the power of the President General, and in his own region, the Counselor along with the Defensor, to defer the Oblation and the Fidelity, whether for a sure examination of vocation and aptitude of a candidate, or for the good of the Institute, itself.


--52 S1

In emittenda Oblatione vel Fidelitate servatur pro Numerariis ritus in Caeremoniali nostro descriptus, et non fit documentum factae incorporationis, hoc est, emissae Oblationis vel Fidelitatis: sufficit adnotatio in schedario Regionis.


In pronouncing the Oblation or Fidelity, the rite for Numeraries described in our Ceremonial is observed, and there is no documentation of the incorporation made, that is, of the Oblation or Fidelity pronounced;  the annotation in the register of the Region is sufficient.


--52 S2

Nulla praescribitur specialis caeremonia ut Supernumerarii in Institutum incorporentur: hi tamen, Oblationem vel Fidelitatem emissuri, formulam votorum coram duobus saltem testibus recitare tenetur.


No special ceremony is prescribed for the incorporation of the Supernumeraries into the Institute; nevertheless, for them to pronounce the Oblation or the Fidelity, they are obligated to recite the formula of the vows in the presence of at least two witnesses.


--53 S1

Pro Numerariis incorporatio Instituto per Oblationem peracta, exigit emissionem votorum socialium paupertatis, castitatis et obedientiae.


For the Numeraries, the incorporation into the Institute accomplished through the Oblation, requires taking social vows of poverty, of chastity and of obedience.


--53 S2

Haec vota socialia, etsi publica ad normam iuris non sint (C 1308 S 1), tamen ab Ecclesia recognoscuntur, quapropter vota privata recognita nuncupari etiam possunt.  Ipsa cessant in casu dimissionis vel vinculi relaxationis, quo Numerarius Instituto ligabatur, a Sancta Sede vel a Patre iuxta casus concessa.


These social vows, although they are not recognized as public vows according to the law (Canon 1308 S1), they are, nevertheless, recognized by the Church; wherefore they can also be called private vows, recognized.   These cease in the case of dismissal or dissolution of the bond  by which Numeraries are bound to the Institute, conceded by the Holy See, or the Father, as the case may be.


--54 S1

Ad Oblationem Numerariorum admittit Consiliarius, cum voto deliberativo Commissionis, audito Directore locali cum suo Consilio.


The Counselor admits for the Oblation of Numeraries with the deliberative vote of the Commission, after hearing the local Director with his Council.


--54 S2

Ad Oblationis renovationem requiritur et sufficit licentia Consiliarii Regionalis, qui, in casu dubii, Commissionem et Directorem localem cum suo Consilio audire potest.  Si nullum rationabile dubium subsit circa Consiliarii renovationi contrariam voluntatem, et nihil ex parte Directoris obsit, licentia iure praesumitur et Oblatio renovari potest.  Ipsa Oblationis renovatio subiicitur vero condicioni resolutivae si Consiliarius de ea certiore facto, una cum Defensore et audita Commissione, contradicet.


For the renewal of the Oblation, it is required and sufficient to have the permission of the Regional Counselor, who, in case of doubt, may hear the Commission and the local Director with his Council.  If no reasonable doubt exists regarding the will of the Counselor contrary to the renewal, and there is no obstacle on the part of the Director, by law, permission is presumed and the Oblation may be renewed.  But that renewal of the Oblation is subject to the condition of resolution if, having heard the Commission, the Counselor speaks against it along with the Defensor.


--54 S3

De renovatione peracta statim seu quantocius renovans Directori fidem facere tenetur.


After making the renewal, the person who renews it is obliged to inform the Director immediately, or as soon as possible.



Ante Oblationem, qua sodales in Institutum incorporantur, debent socii Numerarii bonorum suorum administrationem cedere cui maluerint, itemque de eorumdem usu et usufructu libere disponere.


After making the Oblation, by which the members are incorporated into the Institute, the Numerary members ought to cede administration of their goods to whomever they prefer, and also they can freely dispose of their use and enjoyment.


--56 S1

Fidelitas pro Numerariis expressam continere debet eorumdem votorum paupertatis, castatis et obedientiae perpetuam emissionem.


The Fidelity, for the Numeraries, ought to contain an explicit, perpetual formulation of the same vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.


--56 S2

Haec vota sunt privata recognita, seu socialia, ab eisque, iuxta casus, Sancta Sedes vel Pater dispensat (n. 99).


These vows are known as private recognized, or social, and the Holy See or the Father is able to dispense them, as the case may be (No. 99).



Ad Fidelitatem Numerariorum admittit Consiliarius Regionalis cum voto deliberativo propriae Commissionis, et Patre confirmante.


For the Fidelity of the Numeraries, the Regional Counselor admits with the deliberative vote of the appropriate Commission and confirmation of the Father.



Quo melius vita spiritualis in Instituto servetur, socii omnes Numerarii et Supernumerarii statim post emissam Fidelitatem, tactis SS. Evangeliis et Christi nomine invocato, iureiurando, quod conscientiae obligationem pro ipsius gravitate sub vinculo religionis confirmat, quae sequuntur ratione infra descripta promittere debent:


In order to better observe the spiritual life in the Institute, all the Numerary and Supernumerary members, immediately after making the Fidelity, having touched the Holy Gospels and invoked the name of Christ, which confirms under oath the obligation in conscience with its gravity under a sacred bond, must promise the following in the manner described below:


--58 P1

Quoad Institutum: illa omnia dicta vel facta sincere ex parte mea vitare quae unitati spirituali, morali, iuridicae Instituti quoquo mode attentare possint.  Si vero haec ab aliis sodalibus fiant vel dicantur, prout in Domino opportune videatur ipsis resistere eaque corrigere;


Regarding the Institute:  Sincerely to avoid, on my part, all those words and deeds which could affect in any way whatsoever the spiritual, moral or juridical unity of the Institute.  And if those words or actions are from other members, to resist them and correct them according to what seems opportune in the Lord.


--58 P2

Quoad Superiores omnes ac singulos Instituti: a) murmurationes, quae ipsorum famam minuerent aut eorum auctoritati efficaciam detraherent, accurate ex parte mea vitare pariterque aliorum sodalium murmurationes reiicere, nec ipsis quoquo modo consentire; b) cum meo immediato Superiore correctionem fraternam iuxta Operis Dei spiritum exercere, quando re coram Deo considerata, correctio videatur bono Instituti expediri.  Si post prudens temporis spatium viderim meam in cassum correctionem cessisse, rem integram, si clarum Instituti bonum id exigat vel suadeat, immediato Superiori Maiori vel Patri communicabo ipsiusque in manibus rem plene deponam;


Regarding all and each one of the Superiors of the Institute: a) to carefully avoid, on my part, murmurings which might diminish their reputation or detract from the efficiency of their authority, and likewise to reject the murmurings of other members and not to participate in them in any way; b) to exercise with my immediate Superior fraternal correction according to the spirit of Opus Dei, after considering the subject in the presence of God, when it seems that the correction is convenient for the good of the Institute.  If after a prudent period of time, it seems that my correction was made in vain, I will communicate the whole matter, if a clear good of the Institute demands or recommends it, to the immediate Major Superior or to the Father.  I will leave the matter fully in his hands;


--58 P3

Quoad me ipsum: cum Superiore immediato Maiori vel Supremo, iuxta casus gravitatem vel consilii securitatem seu efficaciam, quaestiones professionales, sociales aliasve quaslibet, etsi materiam voti obedientiae directam non constituant, semper consulam, quin inde respondendi obligationem in ipsum Superiorem transferre praetendam


Regarding myself: to consult always with my Major immediate Superior or with the Supreme, according to the gravity of the case or the security or effectiveness of the decision, any professional, social or other questions, even when they do not constitute direct material of the vow of obedience without attempting to transfer to the word of the Superior the obligation of responding for them.



Sodales Numerarii ante Fidelitatem, de bonis praesentibus vel forte obventuris, testamentum condant.


Before the Fidelity, the Numerary members, have to establish a will of their present goods or those which may come to them.



Oblatio et Fidelitas exigunt pro Oblatis ea ipsa et omnia officia vel obligationes quae pro Numerariis, ad normam tamen n. 25 S 2: et vinculum quo illa membra cum Instituto ligantur est pariter mutuum ac plenum.


The Oblation and the Fidelity require for the Oblates all and the same duties and obligations as for the Numeraries, according to the norms of No. 25, S2 and the bond by which the said members are bound to the Institute is equally mutual and full.


--61 S1

Pro Supernumerariis incorporatio in Institutum, per Oblationem aut per Fidelitatem, requirit emissionem votorum paupertatis, castitatis et obedientiae, iuxta modum de quo in nn. 152, 157, 164 et sqq.


For the Supernumeraries, the incorporation into the Institute by the Oblation or the Fidelity requires the taking of the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in the manner which is treated in Nos. 152, 157, 164 and following.


--61 S2

Haec vota sunt privata ab Instituto tamen acceptata et recognita.  Solvuntur dispensatione a Patre vel eius delegatis concessa, dum vinculum per incorporationem contractum relaxant.


These vows are private, but accepted and recognized by the Institute.  They are abrogated by a dispensation granted by the Father or his delegates when the bond contracted by incorporation is broken.


--62 S1

Supernumerarii singulis annis indefinite Oblationem renovabunt; ipsis vero condedi potest ut, quinquennio Oblationis exacto, Fidelitatem emittant.


The Supernumeraries renew the Oblation each year indefinitely.  However, after making the Oblation for five years, they may consider making the Fidelity.


--62 S2

Tum ad Oblationem cum ad Fidelitatem eos admittit Consiliarius Regionalis.  Ad Oblationem sufficit votum consultivum Commissionis, audito Directore Centri Candidati: pro ipsius renovatione valent normae n. 54 S 2.  Ad Fidelitatem autem requiritur votum deliberativum eiusdem Commissioris, audito candidati Directore, et Patre confirmante.


For both the Oblation and the Fidelity, it is the Regional Counselor who admits.  For the Oblation, the consultative vote of the Commission suffices, after hearing the Director of the candidate’s Center; for its renewal, the norms of No. 54, S2 apply.  However, for the Fidelity, the deliberative vote of the same Commission is required, after hearing the candidate’s Director with the confirmation given by the Father.



Quando aliquis Supernumerarius devenerit Oblatus aut Numerarius, potest totaliter vel partialiter dispensari circa tempus requisitum pro Oblatione vel Fidelitate, in nova categoria emittenda: sed a speciali formatione nullatenus dispensatur.


When any Supernumerary becomes an Oblate or Numerary, he may be dispensed totally or partially in what refers to the time required for the Oblation or the Fidelity, in assuming the new category, but the specific formation can never be dispensed.


Caput V -- De Societate Sacerdotali Sanctae Crucis

Chapter V -- Concerning the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross.



Societas Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis, de qua in n. 1 agitur, cum sit aliquid intrinsecum Operi Dei, eosdem Superiores habet, qui easdem ac in Opere Dei in Societate Sacerdotali exercent facultates.


The Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, which was treated in No. 1, being something intrinsic to Opus Dei, has the same Superiors, who exercise in the Priestly Society the same functions that they do in Opus Dei.


--65 S1

Ut quis fiat Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis sodalis Numerarius, oportet ut per aliquod temporis spatium in Opere Dei militaverit, et periodum probationis et formationis compleverit, quam in Opere Dei omnes socii Numerarii perficere tenentur; immo et ut sit sodalis perpetuo Instituto per Fidelitatem incorporatus, ita ut nemini immediate in Societatem qua Numerarius ingredi liceat.


In order for someone to become a Numerary in the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, it is necessary that he have been involved in Opus Dei for some time and have fulfilled the time of probation and formation which in Opus Dei all the Numerary members are obligated to complete, and then still, that he be a permanently incorporated member in the Institute by the Fidelity, in such a manner that no one is permitted to enter into the Society immediately as a Numerary.


--65 S2

Quonam autem temporis spatio transigere oporteat in Opere Dei, relinquitur arbitrio Praesidis determinandum; neque erit idem pro omnibus, sed potius, iuxta circumstantias et condiciones uniuscuiusque proprias erit dimetiendum.


However what amount of time one ought to spend in Opus Dei, is left to be determined at the will of the President; and it will not be the same for all, but rather, it is better to be proportioned according to the circumstances and conditions of each one.



Cum sodales Numerarii Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis seligantur inter membra Operis Dei, in quo per plures generatim annos instituti atque exerciti fuerunt, non requiritur ulla specialis probatio ad eos in Societatem admittendos.


Given that the Numerary members of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross are selected among the members of Opus Dei, in which they have generally been instructed and experienced for a number of years, no special period of probation is required in order to admit them to the Society.



Admissio Numerariorum in Societatem pertinet ad Praesidem

Generalem, cum voto deliberativo sui Consilii et audito Consiliario cum Defensore Regionis candidati.


The admission of the Numeraries to the Society pertains to the President General, with the deliberative vote of his Council after hearing the Counselor with the Defensor of the Region of the candidate.



Numerarii qui ad sacerdotium destinantur, licet antea pro Societate Sacerdotali Sanctae Crucis cooptati non fuerint, cum primam clericalem tonsuram recipiunt eo ipso adscribuntur Societati, et ad nutum Praesidis manent quoad primam vel ulteriores destinationes ad unam vel aliam Instituti Regionem.


The Numeraries who are destined for priesthood, although beforehand were not appointed to the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, when they receive the first clerical tonsure, are thereby ascribed to the Society and remain at the disposition of the President in those things relating to first or subsequent assignments to one or other of the Regions of the Institute.



Pro Admissione Numerariorum in Societate facienda nulla est praescripta specialis caerimonia: sufficit sodalium inscriptio in albo.


For the reception of the Numeraries in the Society, there is no special ceremony prescribed: it is sufficient that the members be listed in the book.



E Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis Numerariis, aliqui a Patre cum voto deliberativo proprii Consilii vocati, emittere etiam valent novam peculiaremque Fidelitatem in ipsa Societate.


From among the Numeraries of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, some, called by the Father, with the deliberative vote of his own Council, may also pronounce a new and particular Fidelity inside the Society itself. 



Licet non sit praescripta specialis caerimonia pro Fidelitate Numerariorum emittenda in Societate, tamen socii statim post Fidelitatem factam subsignare debent formulam in Caerimoniali descriptam.


It is good that there is no prescribed special ceremony for pronouncing the Fidelity of the Numeraries in the Society, nevertheless, the members, immediately after making the Fidelity ought to sign the formula described in the Ceremonial.



Praeter sodales Numerarios Operis Dei, sacerdotes vel laici, qui Societati Sacerdotali Sanctae Crucis ut membra stricto sensu pertinent, ipsi Societati immediate adscribi etiam valent ut membra lato vel latiore sense, tam socii Oblati quam socii Supernumerarii.


Besides the Numerary members of Opus Dei who belong to the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross as members in the strict sense, immediately to said Society there may also be enrolled as members in a broad sense or even very broad sense both Oblate members and Supernumerary members.



Socii Oblati ac Supernumerarii Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis sunt sacerdotes, vel ordinati saltem in sacris, clero dioecesano adscripti, quo Domino in Societate Sacerdotali Sanctae Crucis sese consecrare volunt, quin tamen eorum dioecesana condicio plenaque Ordinariis subiectio quoquo modo ex hac consecratione afficiatur, immo et iuxta infra dicenda diversis respectibus confirmetur.


The Oblate and Supernumerary members of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross are priests, or at least those ordained in Holy Orders“holiness/oil”, ascribed to the diocesan clergy, who desire to consecrate themselves to the Lord in the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, without, nevertheless in any way affecting their diocesan condition and full subjection to the Ordinary by this consecration; indeed they are confirmed in diverse respects according to what is said below.



Praeter generales Instituti fines, quos hi socii in propria condicione suos faciunt, hunc ut `peculiarem propriumque vindicant, scilicet: vitam perfectionis atque sensum plenae deditionis ac subiectionis Hierarchiae ordinariae in clero diocesano impense promovere; et inter sacerdotes cleri dioecesani vitam communem fovere, prout Ordinario loci expedire videatur (c. 134).


Apart from the general ends of the Institute, which these members make their own within their own specific condition, they claim this as particular and specific, namely: to know to promote with total strength among the diocesan clergy the life of perfection  and a sense of full self-giving and subjection to the ordinary hierarchy and to promote community life among the priests of the diocesan clergy, as seems convenient to the Ordinary of the place.



Spiritus quo sacerdotes Oblati et Supernumerarii Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis informari in omnibus debent, his prae primis continetur:


The spirit by which the Oblate and Supernumerary priests of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross ought to be informed in everything is contained, above all, in what follows:


--75 P1

Nihil sine Episcopo, quod pari prorsus modo complecti debet tam eorum in Societate Sacerdotali Sanctae Crucis Domino consecrationem, quam omnem ipsorum vitam sacerdotalem atque animarum ministeria:


Nothing without the Bishop, for this ought to be integrated into their consecration in the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross in just the same way as in all their priestly life and ministries of souls.


--75 P2

Maxima quidem semper et ubique discretione, inter confratres sacerdotes, utuntur, sed nullo modo secretos sese exhibeant, cum nihil in ipsis inveniri debeat quod ita celari oporteat;


They have to act always and everywhere with the greatest discretion among their brother priests, but never exhibiting any secrecy when there ought to be nothing in them which ought to be hidden.


--75 P3

A confratribus sacerdotibus nullo modo distingui velint, sed totis viribus uniri cum illis nitantur;


They should wish to not be distinguished from their brother priests, but rather to make every effort with all their strength to be united with them.


--75 P4

Cum ceteris omnibus dioeceseos sacerdotibus ita fraterna caritate pleni sint, ut quamlibet prorsus divisionum umbram vitent, et inter omnes omnino sacerdotes maximan unionem promoveant.


They have to be full of fraternal charity for all the other priests of the diocese, so that they totally avoid the shadow of divisions and promote among all the priests the greatest union.



Ut sacerdotes inter Oblatos vel Supernumerarios admitti valeant:


In order that a priest be admitted among the Oblates and the Supernumeraries:


--76 P1

Ea omnia ab ipsis requirenda et exigenda sunt quae pro Oblatis et Supernumerariis Operis Dei exiguntur;


All those things are to be required and demanded from them which are expected of the Oblates and Supernumeraries of Opus Dei;


--76 P2

Debent esse sacerdortes, seu ordinati in sacris, cleri dioecesani;


They ought to be priests, or ordained in Holy Orders, of the diocesan clergy;


--76 P3

Necessaria est proprii Ordinarii venia.


The permission of their own Ordinaries is necessary.



Alumni seminariorum in sacris non ordinati, non possunt uti socii Oblati vel Supernumerarii proprie dicti recipi.  Si vocationem persentiunt antequam in sacris ordinentur, ut Adspirantes tantum haberi et admitti valent.


Students of seminaries not ordained in Holy Orders may not be admitted as Oblate or Supernumerary members properly speaking.  If they foresee a profound vocation before being ordained in Holy Orders, they may be considered and admitted as Aspirants.



Pro admissione ac incorporatione sacerdotum inter Oblatos vel Supernumerarios Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis, eaedem normae et agendi ratio servari debent, quae pro admissione et incorporatione Oblatorum et Supernumerariorum Operis Dei praescribuntur.


For the admission and incorporation of priests among the Oblates and Supernumeraries of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, the same norms and methods of proceeding ought to be kept which are prescribed for the admission or incorporation of the Oblates and Supernumeraries of Opus Dei.



Vincula, quae in incorporatione necessario et expresse contrahi debent a sacerdotibus Oblatis et Supernumerariis, sunt:


The bonds which necessarily and expressly must be contracted by the Oblate and Supernumerary priests in the incorporation are:


--79 P1

Votum obedientiae, quo canonica obedientia, Episcopo debita, voto confirmatur, et ad ea omnia extenditur quae ad laborem sacerdotalem in dioecesi exercendum pertinent.  Ex huiusmodi obedientiae voto  Oblati religionis vinculo tenentur ad munera omnia, honores dignitatesque, quibus fruantur, in Ordinarii manibus deponenda, ut hic libere ad maius Dei servitium bonumque dioeceseos eis libere (??) uti valeat.  Omnes vero Oblati et Supernumerarii venia Ordinarii egent ad peculiarem quemlibet collectivum laborem Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis exercendum, si labor ipse eorum sacerdotalia ministeria dioecesana impedire de facto valeat;


The vow of obedience, by which the canonical obedience owed to the Bishop is confirmed by a vow and extends to all those points which attain to the exercise of the priestly work in the diocese.  In virtue of this type of vow of obedience, the Oblates are bound by a bond of religion, to place into the hands of the Ordinary all the offices, honors and dignities which they enjoy, so that he may freely use them for the greater service of God and good of the diocese.  Indeed, all Oblates and Supernumeraries need the permission of the Ordinary to exercise any kind of collective work of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, if said work might impede his diocesan ministry.


--79 P2

Votum obedientiae Superioribus internis, ex quo ligantur ad obediendum Superioribus in omnibus quae, salva semper obedientia Ordinario debita, ad disciplinam internam, formationem vitamque spiritualem respiciunt;


The vow of obedience to the internal Superiors, in virtue of which they remain bound to obedience to the Superiors in all those points which, saving always the obedience owed to the Ordinary, respect internal discipline, formation and the spiritual life.


--79 P3

Quoad alia vota et vincula, ea applicanda Oblatis et Supernumerariis Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis sunt, quae pro Oblatis et Supernumerariis Operis Dei statuuntur.


Regarding other vows and bonds, those dispositions which are already established for the Oblates and Supernumeraries of Opus Dei are to be applied to the Oblates and Supernumeraries of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross.



Emissio votorum et contractio vinculorum, quae Oblatis et Supernumerariis Operis Dei communia sunt, modo in Constitutionibus atque Caeremoniali pro incorporatione horum sodalium in Institutum descripto perficienda est.  Emissio vero obedientiae voti Ordinario, coram Ordinario opso eiusve Delegato fieri debet.


The making of the vows and the acquiring of the bonds common to the Oblates and Supernumeraries of Opus Dei should be carried out according to the manner described in the Constitutions and Ceremonial for the incorporation of these members into the Institute.  But the making of the vow of obedience to the Ordinary ought to take place in the presence of the Ordinary himself, or his delegate.



Media ad formationem adhibenda, praecipue sequentia sunt:


The means which apply principally for formation are those which follow:


--81 P1

Spirituales cum sacerdotibus a Consiliario designatis collationes, quae Confidentiae appellantur;


Spiritual meetings with priests designated by the Counselor, which are called Confidences.


--81 P2

Speciales Studiorum Circuli, quibus Zelatores a Consiliario electi praesint, cum adsistentia in quantum fieri valeat, alicuius sacerdotis Numerarii;


Special circles of study, presided over by moderators appointed by the Counselor, with the assistance insofar as can be managed of a Numerary priest.


--81 P3

Periodi annuales vitae communis, quae Conviventiae nuncupantur;


Annual periods of common life, which are called “Convivencias.”


--81 P4

Alia omnia media, industriae, instrumenta ascetica piaeque praxis Operis Dei.


All the other means, diligence, ascetical instruments and pious practices of Opus Dei.


--81 P5

Expolitio atque opportuna, prout in Domino videatur, intensio et ampliatio culturae et formationis scientificae.


The refinement and opportune intensification and amplification, as it seems convenient in the Lord, of culture and scientific formation.


--82 S1

Absolute accurateque vitanda in dioeceis, quoad hos sacerdotes, est vel specialis externa hierarchia Instituti propria: quod enim unice quaeritur, hoc esse debet: perfectio vitae sacerdotalis ex diligenti fidelitate vitae interiori, ex tenaci constantique studio formationis, atque ex mente, criterio et ardore apostolicis.


A special external hierarchy belonging to the Institute is absolutely and carefully to be avoided in the diocese, in regard to these priests: for the only thing which ought to be sought is the following: the perfection of the priestly life by a loving fidelity to the interior life by a firm and constant desire for formation and by one mind, criterion and apostolic ardor.


--82 S2

Ad Oblatos et Supernumerarios Regionis moderandos, Consiliarius utitur ministerio Sacerdotis Rerum Spiritualium Praefecti, quem adiuvant in unaquaque dioecesi Admonitor et Director spiritualis cum propriis ipsorum substitutis.


To moderate the Oblates and the Supernumeraries of the Region, the Counselor avails himself of the ministry of a priest Prefect for Spiritual Matters, whom a Moderator or spiritual Director with their corresponding alternates assist in each diocese.



Pro illis omnibus cum Episcopo locive Ordinario tractandis vel expediendis, quae ad sacerdotes Oblatos et Supernumerarios in propria uniuscuiusque dioeceisi spectant.  Institutum ex regula Admonitore eiusve substituti utitur, nisi Regionis Consiliarius vel ipse directe, vel per medium specialem suum delegatum, aliqua negotia agere seu expedire praeferat.


To discuss or resolve with the Bishop or the Ordinary of the place all the matters which relate to the Oblate and Supernumerary priests of the respective diocese of each one, the Institute generally makes use of an Admonitor or his alternate, unless the Counselor of the Region prefers to carry on or resolve some business directly by himself, or by through a special delegate.


--84 S1

Consiliarius, audita Commissione atque interpellato etiam Centri localis Directore,

Admonitores, Directores spirituales eorumque substitutos ad triennium designat.


The Counselor, after hearing the Commission and asking also the Director of the local Center, appoints the Admonitors, spiritual Directors and their alternates for a period of three years.


--84 S2

Haec munera quamlibet externam regiminis potestatisve formam seu speciem vitare prorsus debent.


These offices ought to avoid radically any external form or appearance of government or power.


--84 S3

Designationes factas quantiocius opportune Epicopo locive Ordinario communicare Consiliarius satagat.


The Counselor has to try to communicate as soon as possible the appointments which are made to the Bishop or the Ordinary of the place.



Sacerdotes Oblati ac Supernumerarii Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis in Coetibus componentur ac ordinantur, qui ab specialibus Centris dependent. Unum idemque Centrum diversos huiusmodi Coetus adscriptos ac dependentes, etiam per varias dioeceses, prout magis expedire videatur, distributos, habere valet. 


The Oblate and Supernumerary priests of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross are organized and arranged into groups subject to special Centers.  One and the same Center may have ascribed and subject to it various groups of this type, even distributed over various dioceses, if it seems more useful.



Centra specialia, quae adscriptos sacerdotes Oblatos vel Supernumerarios habent, sociis Numerariis Operis Dei etiam necessario constant.  Horum Centrorum directores, sacerdotes Numerarii semper ex regula sint.


The special Centers which have Oblate and Supernumerary priests ascribed to them, necessarily are also composed of Numerary members of Opus Dei.  The Directors of these Centers, by law, should be Numerary priests.



Coetus sacerdotales nullam peculiarem oeconomicam administrationem habere debent.  Ipsi generali sociorum Operis Dei administratione, si aliqua egeant, utuntur.


The group of priests ought not have any particular economic administration.  It is served by the general administration of the members of Opus Dei if something is needed.



Quoad egressum et dimissionem, eadem vigent ac tenenda sunt, quae pro egressu ad dimissione Oblatorum ac Supernumerariorum Operis Dei statuuntur.


Regarding departure and dismissal, the same principles hold and are to be observed which are established for the departure and dismissal of Oblates and Supernumeraries of Opus Dei.



In illis quae hic expresse praescripta non sunt, congrua congruis referendo et dummodo dignitati sacertotali conveniant, ea omnia sacerdotibus Oblatis ac Supernumerariis applicantur, quae his in Constitutionibus pro Oblatis et Supernumerariis Operis Dei ordinata sunt, vel in Statutis aliarumve normarum collectionibus, in posterum ordinentur.


In those things which are not expressly prescribed here, other things being equal and as long as they are in accordance with priestly dignity, there apply to the Oblate and Supernumerary priests those same things ordained in these Constitutions which apply to the Oblates and Supernumeraries of Opus Dei or which may be ordained in Statutes or collections of other norms at a later date.



Quin vinculo iuridico Instituto adhaereant, Societati Sacerdotali Sanctae Crucis aggregari, ad normam n, 43, uti associati Cooperatores possunt sacerdotes clero dioecesano adscripti, qui fini Instituti adiumentum praestant oratione, eleemosynis et, si fieri possit, etiam proprio cuiusque ministerio sacerdotali.


Without belonging to the Institute by a juridical bond, there may be associated with the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross according to No. 43, Cooperators ascribed to the diocesan clergy, who lend their assistance to the ends of the Institute with their prayers, their alms, and if it be possible, also by their own priestly ministry.



Praeses Generalis, audito suo Consilio, Consiliario Regionali id proponente una cum Defensore et voto deliberativo suae Commissionis, potestatem habet concedendi Litteras Fraternitatis Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis, quin ex hoc Instituti membra efficiantur, sacerdotibus praefulgentibus amore erga Institutum, collaboratione praestita in opera sociorum curis commendata, et praesertim studio promovendi vocationes pro Opere Dei.


The President General, having heard his Council, on the proposal of the Regional Counselor along with the Defensor and with the consultative vote of his Commission, has the power to concede Letters of Fraternity of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, without a person being thereby converted into a member, to priests outstanding in their love for the Institute, for the collaboration given to the activities entrusted to members and especially for their zeal in promoting vocations to Opus Dei.



Hisce Fraternitatis Litteris tribuitur iisdem sacerdotibus bonorum omnium spiritualium Instituti participatio; quatenus possibile, etiam privilegiorum participatio tribuitur; ipsisque vita functis ius erit ad suffragia pro Supernumerariis statua.


By these Letters of Fraternity said priests are granted participation in all the spiritual goods of the Institute; as far as is possible they are able to participate in the privileges; and when their life is completed, they will have the right of the suffrages established for the Supernumeraries.


--93 S1

Sunt etiam Adsistentes ecclesiastici a Consiliario Regionis pro uno vel diversis Coetibus designati (n. 94), consentiente Defensore et audita Commissione Regionis.


There are also ecclesiastical Assistants designated by the Counselor of the Region for one or for several of the Groups (No. 94), with the consent of the Defensor and having heard the Commission of the Region.


--93 S2

Designatio ad sui notitiam oretenus, arrepta occasione, a Consiliario vel ab alio ipsius nutu communicabitur.


The appointment and the announcement to him will be communicated orally, when the occasion presents itself, by the Counselor or by another person with his permission.


--93 S3

Eadem ratione Ordinarius opportune de designatione facienda certior fieri expedit, ut suam veniam concedat.


In the same way, it is useful to inform the Ordinary of the appointment to be made in a timely fashion, so he may give his permission.



Omnes sacerdotes, de quibus in nn. 90-93, tenentur ad assiduas preces ad Deum fundendas pro sanctificatione sociorum Operis; et quatenus obligationes proprii ministerii seu muneris sinant, etiam ad ipsorum fratres Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis adiuvandos in apostolicis laboribus perficiendis cum Operis Dei Supernumerariis, sive viri sive mulieres sint, quotiescumque Regionis Consiliarius id expostulaverit.  Et hoc in casu pro viribus intendunt: Superiorum Instituti auctoritatem roborare; unitatem inter socios fraternumque spiritum fovere; spiritualem directionem obsecundare, tum communem cum personalem, quam a Superioribus Maioribus atque localibus socii accipiunt; illas informationes Regionali Consiliario praebere, quas opportuniores aestimaverint ad apostolicos labores explendos.


All the priests referred to in Nos. 90-93, are obliged to offer assiduous prayers poured out to God for the sanctification of the members of the Work; and as far as the obligations of their own ministry or office permit it, to also help their brother priests in the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross in the apostolic labors carried out with the Opus Dei Supernumeraries, be they men or women, whenever the Regional Counselor requests it.  And in this case, they try with all their strength: to strengthen the authority of the Superiors of the Institute; to nurture unity and fraternal spirit among the members; to support the spiritual direction, both common and personal, which the members receive from the Major and local Superiors; and to provide such reports to the Regional Counselor as they judge to be most opportune in carrying out the apostolic work.



Tam sacerdotes quibus Fraternitatis Litterae concessae fuerunt, quam etiam Adsistentes praedicti, ad propriam interiorem vitam alendam et fovendam, illud si exoptent ac petant adiutorium ab Instituto recipere valent, quod Supernumerariis praestatur.


Both those priests to whom Letters of Fraternity have been conceded and also the Assistants mentioned above, in order to nourish and promote their own interior life, can receive from the Institute, the help which is given to the Supernumeraries if they desire it and ask for it.



Demum, hi sacerdotes curabunt uni Hebdomadae Conviventiae semel in anno adesse, in loco quem determinaverit Consiliarius; non vero spiritualibus exercitiis, cum eadem peragere teneantur cum aliis propriae dioeceseos sacerdotibus.


Finally, these priests try to assist at a week of common life, once a year, in a place determined by the Counselor; but not for Spiritual Exercises, which they are obliged to do with the other priests of their own diocese.


-- Caput VI -- De discessu ab Instituto

Chapter VI -- Concerning separation from the Institute.


--97 S1

Antequam aliquis temporaliter se Operi Dei devinciat, hoc est, durante tempore probationis, potest quovis momento libere ipsum deserere.


Before anyone binds himself to Opus Dei temporarily, that is, during the time of probation, he may freely abandon it at any time.


--97 S2

Pariter Superiores, ob iustas et rationabiles causas, valent eum non admittere, aut ei discedendi consilium dare.  Hae causae praesertim sunt defectus spiritus proprii Instituti et aptitudinis ad opera specifica sociorum (n. 48).


Equally, the Superiors, for just and reasonable causes, may either not admit him, or advise him to leave.  These causes principally are a lack of the spirit proper to the Institute and of the aptitude for the specific activity of the members (No. 48).


--98 S1

Emissa Oblatione, ut quis possit Institutum relinquere, durante tempore ad quod facta est, opus habebit dispensationis quam unus Pater concedere potest, audito proprio Consilio et Commissione Regionali.


Once the Oblation has been taken, in order for one to leave the Institute during the time in which it is in effect, he must have a dispensation which only the Father can concede, having heard his own Council and the Regional Commission.


--98 S2

Completo vero tempore Oblationis, liberum esto omnibus Instituto valedicere, sicut et Superiori Oblationis renovationem vel Fidelitatis emissionem ob iustas causas denegare.


When the time of the Oblation is finished, all are free to leave the Institute, just as the Superiors are free, for just cause, to deny the renewal of the Oblation, or the making of the Fidelity.


--99 S1

Emissa Fidelitate, si agatur de voluntario discessu sociorum ab Instituto, unus dispensat Pater.


Once the Fidelity has been taken, if it is a matter of voluntary separation of the members from the Institute, only the Father is able to grant a dispensation.


--99 S2

Pro his vero sodalibus Operis Dei, qui Societati Sacerdotali Sanctae Crucis perpetuo incorporati sunt, exitus legitimus fieri nequit nisi obtenta dispensatione a Sede Apostolica.


However, for members of Opus Dei, who are incorporated in perpetuity in the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, legitimate departure cannot occur without obtaining the dispensation of the Apostolic See.



Qui qualibet ratione ab Instituto exierit, nihil ab eo exigere potest ob servitia eidem praestita, vel ob id quod, sive industria sive exercitio propriae professionis eidem rependerit.


Whenever anyone leaves the Institute for any reason, he is able to demand nothing from it for services rendered to it or for anything which he gave to it through his efforts or the exercise of his own profession.


--101 S1

Discessus legitimus ab Instituto secum fert cessationem votorum, quae incorporationem consequuntur.


Legitimate separation from the Institute brings with it the cessation of the vows, which follow from the incorporation.


--101 S2

Ordinatus autem in minoribus, nisi inveniat, Episcopum benevolum receptorem, ipso facto, post mensem legitimi discessus reducitur ad statum laicalem; in maioribus vero, nequit Institutum deserere donec Episcopum benevolum invenerit, qui eum in propria dioecesi recipiat.  Quodsi non invento Episcopo benevolo exierit, nequit interim suos Ordines exercere, donec Sancta Sedes aliter providerit.


Regarding those ordained to minor orders, unless he finds a benevolent Bishop to receive him, by this fact, after one month of legitimate departure, he is reduced to the lay state; however, for one who is in major orders, he is not able to abandon the Institute without finding a benevolent Bishop who would receive him into his own diocese.  But if he leaves without finding a benevolent Bishop, he is not able to exercise his Orders until the Holy See provides otherwise.


--102 S1

Sodalis Numerarius vel Oblatus, qui vitam familiae in Instituto agit et sine legitima Superiorum licentia deserit domum cui ab obedientia destinatur, vel ad eam non redierit sine iusta causa, animo tamen redeundi, fugitivus est considerandus ad normam harum Constitutionum.  Tenetur quam primum domum seu Centrum repetere et interim non absolvitur ab obligationibus per incorporationem assumptis.  Superior Maior eum solicite requirat et, si vera poenitentia ductus redeat, eum paterne recipiat.


A Numerary or Oblate member, who lives family life in the Institute and abandons the house to which he is assigned by obedience without legitimate license from the Superiors or who does not return to it without just cause, with nevertheless, the intention of returning, is considered a fugitive according to the norms of these Constitutions.  He must return, as soon as possible, to his house or Center and in the interim is not absolved from the obligations assumed by the incorporation.  A major Superior should seek him out solicitously, and if he is moved by true repentance, receive him back paternally.


--102 S2

Sciant tales fugitivi ipso facto incurrere in privationem officii, si quod habent in Instituto; et in suspensionem Superiori Maiori reservatam si sint in sacris constituti, praeter alias poenas culpae proportionatas, arbitrio Superioris ipsius infligendas.


Such fugitives should know that they automatically incur the privation of any office, which they might hold in the Institute and suspension reserved to the Major Superiors if they are ordained, besides other penalties proportioned to the fault to be imposed at the discretion of that Superior.


--103 S1

Apostata ab Instituto dicitur sodalis qui, post emissam Fidelitatem, e Centro cui pertinet illegitime se separat, eo animo ut obedientiae sese subtrahat.  Hic malitiosus animus iure praesimitur, si socius intra mensem Directori voluntatem redeundi vel sese subiiciendi non manifestaverit.


A member, who after taking the Fidelity, illegitimately separates himself from the Center to which he pertains with the intention to remove himself from obedience is said to be an apostate from the Institute.  This malicious intention may be lawfully presumed if the member does not demonstrate his will to the Director, within one month, of returning or surrendering himself.


--103 S2

Socius apostata ipso facto privilegiis omnibus Instituti privatur; et si redierit, caret ad nutum Patris voce activa et passiva, ac praeterea aliis poenis pro gravitate culpae a Superioribus puniri debet.  Quodsi de clerico in sacris constituto agatur, incurrit etiam in suspensionem Patri reservatam.


The apostate member is automatically deprived of all of the privileges of the Institute, and if he returns, lacks active and passive voice, at the discretion of the Father, and he should be punished with other penalties according to the gravity of his fault by the Superiors.  But if the situation deals with a cleric in Holy Orders, he also incurs suspension reserved to the Father.



Circa voluntarium discessum Supernumerariorum, eadem valent quae dicta sunt, congrua congruis referendo, de sociis Numerariis.


In dealing with the voluntary separation of Supernumeraries, the same things apply, in a proportionate way, which have been said of Numerary members.


--105 S1

Si aliquis Numerarius vel Oblatus legitime Institutum reliquerit, ratione habita circumstantiarum, potest in categoria Cooperatorum recipi.


If some Numerary or Oblate leaves the Institute legitimately, taking into account his circumstances, he may be received in the category of Cooperators.


--105 S2

Exceptionaliter et notabili temporis spatio delapso, potest etiam qua socius Supernumerarius cooptari.


Exceptionally, and after a significant period of time has elapsed, he may also be admitted as a Supernumerary.



Supernumerarii, eorum circumstantiis mature perpensis, possunt etiam, quando legitime e propria categoria discedunt, inter Cooperatores admitti.


After a prudent weighing of their circumstances, Supernumeraries, may also be admitted among the Cooperators, when they have legitimately left their own category.


--Caput VII -- De dimissione sociorum

Chapter VII -- Concerning the dismissal of members



Sodalis Numerarius temporaliter per Oblationem incorporatus, nequit durante Oblationis tempore dimitti, nisi ob graves causas, quae possunt esse sive ex parte Instituti sive ex parte sodalis.  Defectus spiritus Instituti, qui aliis scandalo sit, est sufficiens dimissionis causa, si repetita monitio una cum salutari poenitentia incassum cesserit: non vero infirma valetudo, nisi certo constet eam, ante Oblationem, fuisse dolose reticitam aut dissimulatam.


A Numerary member temporarily incorporated by the Oblation, cannot be dismissed during the time of the Oblation, except on account of grave cause, which may be on the part of the Institute or on the part of the member.  A defect of the spirit of the Institute, which would be a scandal to others, is sufficient cause for dismissal, if a repeated warning accompanied by a healthy penance is given in vain; but bad health is not, unless it can be firmly established that it was deceitfully hidden or covered up before the Oblation.



Dimissio, si opus sit, fiat maxima caritate: antea tamen suadendus est socius ut sponte discedat.


If dismissal is necessary, it should be done with the greatest charity: beforehand, nevertheless, an attempt should be made to persuade the member to leave voluntarily.



Dimittere quemlibet Numerarium Oblatione Instituto incorporatum potest Praeses, cum suffragio deliberativo sui Consilii.


The President is able to dismiss any Numerary incorporated by the Oblation in the Institute with the deliberative vote of his Council.



Licet causae Superiori dimittenti certo innotescere debeant, non est tamen necesse ut formali iudicio comprobentur.  At sodali semper manifestari debent, data eidem plena respondendi licentia; eiusque responsiones Superiori dimittenti et suo Consilio fideliter subiiciantur.


Although the causes ought to be known with certainty by the Superior carrying out the dismissal, it is not necessary that they be established by a formal hearing.  But they should always be made clear to the member, with full license given to him to reply, and his responses shall be faithfully submitted to the dismissing Superior and his Council.



Contra dimissionis decretum fas sit sodali recurrere ad Sanctam Sedem; et si recursus interpositus fuerit intra decem dies, effectus iuridicus dimissionis suspenditur donec responsum ab illa prodierit.


The member is permitted recourse to the Holy See against the decree of dismissal; and if the recourse is submitted within ten days, the juridical effect of the dismissal is suspended until a response is provided.



Qui iam per Fidelitatem Instituto incorporatus est, dimitti ab eo non potest nisi ob tria delicta, externa, gravia, sive in ius commune Institutorum Saecularium, sive in ius proprium Instituti.  Delicta haec sint eiusdem speciei, vel, si diversae, talia ut simul sumpta manifestent perversam voluntatem in malo pervicacem.  Unum etiam delictum ad dimissionem sufficere potest quod sit permanens, dummodo ex repetita monitione virtualiter triplex fiat.


A person who is already incorporated into the Institute by the Fidelity, cannot be dismissed from it except on account of three external, grave faults, either against the common law of Secular Institutes or the particular law of the Institute.  These faults may be of the same species or of diverse species, such that together they show a clear perverseness of will obstinate in evil.  One offense can also be sufficient cause for dismissal if it is permanent provided that by repeated warnings it virtually becomes triple.



Requiruntur praeterea monitiones duae, singula pro singulis delictis; in delictis permanentibus, sive continuatis, intercedat necesse est inter primam et alteram monitionem saltem trium dierum spatium.


It is required besides the two warnings, one for each fault; in the permanent or continuous fault, it is necessary that there be an interval between the first and the second warning of at least a space of three days.



Ad monitiones faciendas necesse est ut delictum sit notorium, aut de eodem constet e rei confessione extraiudiciali, vel ex aliis sufficientibus probationibus, quas praevia inquisitio suppeditaeverit.


In order to make the warnings it is necessary that the fault be notorious, or that the fault is clear from an extrajudicial confession of the guilty party, or from sufficient other tests which a prior investigation has provided.



Monitiones fiunt ab immediato Superiore Maiori per se vel per alium ex eius mandato; quod, datum pro prima, valet etiam pro altera.  Mandatum tamen ne detur, nisi post praeviam informationem facti ad normam numeri praededentis.


Warnings are given by the immediate Major Superior himself, or through another by his command; such command given for the first, holds for the second.  The command, however should not be given, except after prior information about the fact according to the norm of the previous number.



Montionibus Superior opportunas exhortationes et correctiones addat, praescriptis insuper poenitentiis aliisque remediis poenalibus, quae apta censeantur ad rei emendationem; tenetur praeterea Superior reum ab occasionibus relabendi removere, etiam per translationem, si opus fuerit, ad aliam Instituti domum seu Centrum, ubi facilior sit vigilantia et remotior delinquendi occasio.  Tandem duplici monitioni adiiciatur dimissionis comminatio.


To the warnings of the Superior may be added opportune exhortations and corrections, besides prescribing penances or other penal remedies, which may be deemed appropriate for the correction of the offender.  Besides, the Superior has to separate the offender from the occasions for relapse including, if it be necessary, moving him to another house or Center of the Institute, where supervision might be easier and the occasions of offending more remote.  Lastly, the threat of dismissal is added to the two warnings.



Denique ad dimissionem infligendam requiritur defectus emendationis.  Censetur se non emendasse qui, post secundam monitionem, novum delictum commiserit vel in eodem permanenter perstiterit; post ultimam monitionem sex saltem dies erit expectandum antequam ad dimissionem progressus fiat.


Finally, for the dismissal to be carried out, it is required that there be a lack of correction.  He is judged to not have rectified, who, after the second warning commits a new offence or remains in the same one; after the last warning, six days will elapse before the step is taken to dismissal.



Sodali ius est suas rationes libere exponendi, quae in actis fideliter referendae sunt.


It is the right of the member to explain his reasons freely which must be faithfully recorded in the transcript.



Haec delicta si constiterint, Praeses Instituti cum suo Consilio, perpensis omnibus facti adiunctis, deliberet utrum ad dimissionem deveniendum sit.  Si maior pars suffragiorum pro dimissione steterit, Praeses dimissionis decretum ferat; quod tamen, ut suum sortiatur effectum, debet a Sede Apostolica confirmari.


If these faults are clearly established, the President of the Institute with his Council, considering all the circumstances of the matter, should deliberate whether to come to dismissal.  If the majority of votes stand for dismissal, the President issues the decree of dismissal, although, for it to have its effect, it ought to be confirmed by the Apostolic See.



Sodalis dimissus solvitur ipso facto ab omnibus obligationibus Fidelitatem consequentibus.  Si sit clericus in minoribus, reductus manet at statum laicalem, si in maioribus, suspensus donec a Sancta Sede absolutionem impetraverit, vel aliquem Episcopum benevolum receptorem invenerit (c. 671).


The dismissed member is automatically released from all obligations consequent upon the Fidelity.  If the member is a cleric in minor orders, he remains reduced to the lay state;  if he is in major orders, he is suspended until he can obtain the absolution of the Holy See or he finds some benevolent receiving Bishop (c. 671).



In casu gravis scandali exterioris vel gravissimi nocumenti Instituto imminentis, socius potest statim, a Superiore Maiori cum consensu sui Consilii vel, si periculum sit in mora et tempus non adsit ad Superiorem audendi, a Directore locali de consensu proprii Consilii, ab Instituto separari, ita tamen ut res per Instituti Preaesidem iudicio Sanctae Sedis sine mora subiiciatur.


In case of grave external scandal or imminent grave danger to the Institute, the member may be separated immediately from the Institute by the Major Superior with the consent of his council, or by the local Director with the consent of his own Council if there is danger in delay or there is no time to contact the Superior, provided that the matter be submitted without delay to the judgment of the Holy See through the President of the Institute.



Denique sodalis, quo aliquod ex delictis in can. 646 recensitis commiserit, ipso facto habendus est tanquam legitime dimsssus.  In his casibus sufficit ut Superior Maior cum suo Consilio emittat declarationem facti; curet autem probationis facti rationes omnes in archivo Regionis asservare.


Finally, a member who commits any of the offenses enumerated in Canon 646, automatically is to be considered legitimately dismissed.  In these cases, it is sufficient that the Major Superior, with his Council, make a declaration of the fact.  Nevertheless, he should take care to conserve in the Regional archives all the reasons proving the offense.



Sodalis, si fuerit in sacris constitutus, qui dimissus est ob aliquod delictum de quo in cit. can. 646, aut ob aliud in iure punitum infamia iuris vel depositione vel degradatione, perpetuo prohibetur deferre habitum ecclesiasticum.


If a member constituted in Holy Orders is dismissed for some offense treated in the cited Canon 646, or for some other which carries legal punishment with juridical infamy or expulsion or degradation, he is prohibited permanently from wearing clerical dress.


--124 S1

Pro Supernumerariis, dimissio, a Consiliario Regionali cum voto deliberativo propriae Commissionis est decernenda, quando socii internam negligant disciplinam vel spiritum Instituti, post binas admonitiones incassum factas, salvo semper iure sodalium ad Praesidem Generalem recurrendi.  Si recursus intra decem dies interpositus fuerit, effectus iuridicus dimissionis suspenditur donec responsio a Patre prodierit.


For Supernumeraries, dismissal has to be decided by the Regional Counselor with the deliberative vote of his own Commission, when members neglect the internal discipline or spirit of the Institute, after two admonitions have been given in vain, allowing always the right of the member to have recourse to the President General.  If  recourse is interposed within ten days, the juridical effect of the dismissal is suspended until the response of the Father is handed down.


--124 S2

Ob aliquod grave factum, Director localis cum voto sui Consilii separationem decernet.  Si res urgeat, Director potest statim socium separare, monito quantocius Consiliariio; in aliis casibus confirmatio separationis a Consiliario requirenda est.


In cases of grave offense, the local Director, with the vote of his Council may decide upon separation.  If the circumstances are urgent, the Director my immediately separate the member, advising the Counselor as soon as possible;  in other cases, confirmation of the separation is to be sought from the Counselor.



Consiliarius potest ab Opere Dei Cooperatores ob iustas causas dimittere.  Dimissio autem maxima cum caritate ad praxim deducatur.


The Counselor is able to dismiss from Opus Dei Cooperators for just cause.  But the dismissal ought always to be carried out in practice with the greatest charity.


--Pars II – De Vita sodalium in Instituto

Part Three – Concerning the life of the members in the Institute


--Caput I – De sodalium institutione

Chapter I – Concerning the instruction of members



Opus Dei, cum apud homines liberalibus studiis praeditos adlaborare potissimum intendat, institutionem sive litterariam sive scientificam alumnorum maxima cum diligentia curare satagit, in disciplinis tum sacris tum etiam profanis, quia Instituto nostro scientiarum artiumque cultura praevalidum est apostolatus subsidium.


Since Opus Dei intends to work, above all, with men endowed with liberal studies, it strives to care for the literary and scientific instruction of its children with the greatest diligence, in both sacred and profane disciplines, because, for our Institute, cultivation of the sciences and the arts is a very strong support for apostolate.



In qualibet regionali Circumscriptione a Consiliario de consensu Commissionis et Patre confirmante erigantur, prout opus fuerit, Studiorum Centra pro omnibus Institui cuiusque Regionis sodalibus Numerariis, ut his formatio propriis apostolicis ministeriis praebeatur.


In regional territories, Centers of Studies are erected by the Counselor with the consent of the Commission and confirmation of the Father, as needed, for all Numerary members of the Institute of each Region in order that they be given the formation appropriate to their apostolic ministry.



Studiorum Centra Regionalia pendent a Consiliario eiusdem Regionis, qui cum Defensore, et audita commissione Regionali, designabit socios qui mittendi sunt ad haec studia peragenda.  Sodales tamen ad Centra Studiorum ne mittantur, nisi iam per Oblationem cooptati ad Opus Dei et apostolatum proprium sociorum Instituti experti fuerint.


The Regional Centers of Studies are under the Counselor of the same Region, who with the Defensor, and having heard the Regional commission, will designate members who are to be sent to pursue these studies.  However, members should not be sent to Centers of Studies, who are not yet admitted to Opus Dei by the Oblation and who have experience in the apostolate proper to the members of the Institute.



Quoad illos omnes sodales, qui in posterum ad sacerdotium destinentur, studia in his collegiis ad normam iuris et Sanctae Sedis instructionum peracta publica habenda sunt.


For all those members, who in the future are destined for the priesthood, the studies in these colleges are carried out according to the juridical norms and instructions of the Holy See, and are to be considered public.


--130 S1

Centris Regionalibus Studiorum praeponantur Directores, a Consiliario propriae Regionis, una cum Defensore et audita Commissione, designati.  Sint socii saltem Inscripti, non minus triginta annos nati.  Cessant a munere tertio quoque anno.


The Regional Centers of Studies are placed under Directors designated by the Counselor of his Region together with the Defensor and having heard the Commission.  They must be at least Inscribed and no less than thirty years of age.  They cease their responsibility after three years.


--130 S2

In domus regimine Director coadiuvatur a Subdirectore et Secretario, eodem modo nominati, et a Directore spiritus (n. 131).


In the direction of the house, the Director is assisted by a Subdirector and a Secretary, appointed in the same manner, and by a spiritual Director (No. 131).


--131 S1

Ad scientificam et religiosam institutionem sodalium, in Centris Studiorum, eligantur socii pietate et doctrina praestantes; et ad munus Directoris spiritus designentur sacerdotes etiam praestantes non doctrina tantum, sed virtutibus ac prudentia, qui verbo et exemplo alumnis prodesse possint.


To give scientific and religious instruction in Centers of Studies are chosen members outstanding in their piety and doctrine; and for the office of  Spiritual Director priests are chosen who are distinguished not just for their doctrine but also for their virtues and prudence, who by their word and example can be a support to the students.


--131 S2

Director spiritus et professores nominantur a Consiliario, audita Commissione Regionis et consentiente Defensore, servata norma n. 297.


The Spiritual Director and the teachers are named by the Counselor, having heard the Regional Commission and with the consent of the Defensor, observing the norms of No. 297.


--132 S1

Potest etiam Praeses Generalis, audito Consilio, Interregionalia Centra Studiorum erigere, ab eodem dependentia, ut in his instituantur membra Operis Dei ab ipso Patre selecta sive directe, sive respectivis Consiliariis id proponentibus.


Besides, the President General, having heard his Council, may erect Inter-regional Centers of Studies, under himself, in order to instruct members of Opus Dei selected either directly by the Father, himself, or proposed by the respective Counselors.


--132 S2

Pro his Centris Interregionalibus socii ad munera localia (n. 130 S. 2) et professores a Patre, audito suo Consilio, nominantur.  Directores sodales saltem Inscripti esse debent, et durant ad quinquennium.


For these Inter-regional Centers, the members appointed to local office (No. 130, S2) and the teachers are named by the Father, having heard his Council.  The Directors ought to be at least Inscribed members, and they are appointed for five years.



In Centris Studiorum tempus potissimum spirituali formationi sodalium dicabitur, nempe ad animos alumnorum imbuendos Constitutionum Instituti spiritu, piis meditationibus, assidua prece, et exercitationibus opportunis ad vitiorum semina radicitus extirpanda, ad pravos compescendos animi motus, ad virtutes adquirendas, praesertim eas, quae velut characterem eiusdem Instituti perficiunt.


In the Centers of Studies, the time will be dedicated primarily to the spiritual formation of the members, especially to imbue the souls of the students with the spirit of the Constitutions of the Institute, pious meditation, assiduous prayer, appropriate practices to uproot the seeds of vice, to curb the perverse movements of the soul, to acquire virtues, especially those which, as it were, form the character of the Institute itself.


--134 S1

Ratio studiorum formationis pro omnibus comprehendet, praeter altiorem in litteris latinis graecisque eruditionem, philosophiam, theologiam dogmaticam et moralem, s. Scripturam, historiam ecclesiasticam, cantum ecclesiasticum, necnon Instituti nostri cognitionem.


Besides a deep understanding of Latin and Greek, the plan of studies of formation for all covers, philosophy, dogmatic and moral theology, Sacred Scripture, Church history, ecclesiastical chant, but also knowledge of our Institute.


--134 S2

Sodales omnes Numnerarii specificam etiam culturam sibi comparant in Universitatibus vel Institutis civilibus.


All the Numerary members also acquire a specific formation in Universities or civil Institutions.



Omnes socii Numerarii vacent saltem per biennium integrum philosophiae rationalis cum affinibus disciplinis studio, et compleant cursum theologicum saltem intregro etiam biennio.


All the Numerary members have to complete, at least, a full two-year program of rational philosophy with the associated disciplines, and also to complete a minimum of two full years of study of theology.



Philosophiae rationalis ac theologiae studia, et alumnorum in his disciplinis institutionem, professores omnino pertractent ad Angelici Doctoris rationem, doctrinam et principia, eaque sancte teneant.


In the studies of rational philosophy and theology, and in the instruction of the students in these disciplines, teachers must adhere completely to the method, doctrine and principles of the Angelic Doctor, and they must regard them as holy.



Haec studia formationis sodales perficiant, quoad fieri possit, quin a propriis muniis arceantur.  Iudicium autem utrum ista ministeria nocumentum afferant studiis, necne, ad Consiliarium pertinet.


The members should complete these studies of formation for as long as possible without them leaving their own occupations.  The judgment of whether these ministries interfere with the studies or not, belongs to the Counselor.


--138 S1

Socii Instituti nostri tempus institutionis perficere possunt extra Centra Studiorum iuridice erecta, si, attentis circumstantiis, audita propria Commissione, Consiliarius Regionis hoc disposuerit.


The members of our Institute are able to complete the time of instruction outside of the juridically erected Centers of Studies, if, considering the circumstances and having heard his own Commission, the Counselor of the Region so disposes.


--138 S2

Tempore hoc perdurante, formationem accipiunt a socio a Consiliario delecto, audito Delegato Studiorum.


While this time lasts, he receives his formation from a member selected by the Counselor, having heard the Delegate of Studies.


--138 S3

Socii autem periculum debent postea subire in aliquo Centro iuridice erecto.


But afterwards the members ought to be subject to examination in some juridically erected Center.


--139 S1

Pro his vero qui ad sacerdotium destinantur sunt specialia Centra Studiorum a Praeside Generali erecta, ubi tamen semper alii Operis Dei socii Numerarii qui sacerdotes non erunt commorari debent, propriam ipsorum institutionem accipientes et vitam familiae cum primis ducentes, quia in Opere Dei non est nisi una sociorum classis, eademque pro omnibus Numerariis spiritualis formatio requiritur.


For those who are destined for priesthood, special Centers of Studies are erected by the President General where, however, other Numerary members of Opus Dei who will not be priests should always live, receiving the same instruction as them and living family life with the first mentioned, for in Opus Dei there is only one class of members and the same spiritual formation is required for all Numeraries.


--139 S2

Attamen, durante uno tantum sacrae theologiae studiorum anno, candidati ad sacerdotium commorantur in domo speciali ad ipsos solummodo destinata.


Nevertheless, during only one year of the studies of sacred theology, the candidates for the priesthood live in a special house set aside just for them.



Sodales ad sacerdotium vocati, compleant cursum theologicum saltem integro quadriennio.  Hic cursus theologicus praeter theologiam dogmaticam et moralem, complecti praesertim debet studium sacrae Scripturae, historiae eclesiasticae, iuris canonici, liturgiae, sacrae eloquentiae et cantus ecclesiastici.  Habeantur etiam lectiones de theologia pastorali, additis practicis exercitationibus praesertim de ratione tradendi pueris aliisve catechismum, audiendi confessiones, visitandi infirmos, assistendi moribundis;  et agatur potissimum de ratione explicandi ministerium specificum proprium sacerdotum Instituti.


Members called to the priesthood have to complete, at least, the full four year course of theology.  This course of theology, besides dogmatic and moral theology, ought specially to include studies in sacred Scripture, history of the Church, canon law, liturgy, sacred preaching and ecclesiastical chant.  There should also be classes on pastoral theology, with practical exercises added especially about the method of teaching the catechism to children and others, hearing confessions, visiting the sick, assisting the dying and they must deal primarily with the method of developing the specific ministry proper to priests of the Institute.



Curandum est ut saltem sacrae Scripturae, theologiae dogmaticae, theologiae moralis et historiae ecclesiasticae, totidem habeantur distincti magistri.


Care should be taken that for at least the studies of sacred Scripture, dogmatic theology, moral theology and Church history, there are completely different teachers.



Omnes Institui sacerdotes praediti sint oportet Laurea doctorali in aliqua disciplina ecclesiastica.  Laurea quoque vel titulus academicus in disciplina aliqua profana semper praerequiritur.


It is necessary that all the priests of the Institute should possess a doctoral degree in some ecclesiastical discipline.  A degree or academic title in some secular discipline is always a pre-requisite.



Sodales Oblati et Supernumerarii, tum viri cum mulieres, formationem assequuntur triplici modo, scilicet:


The Oblate and Supernumerary members, men as well as women, acquire their formation in a threefold manner, namely:


--143 P1

Personalem, usque ad incorporationem in Institutum, et postea praecipue confidentiae hebdomadariae et correctionis fraternae auxilio;


Personally, up until the incorporation into the Institute, and then afterwards, primarily through the help of the weekly confidence and fraternal correction;


--143 P2

Collectivam habitualem, ope Circulorum Brevium, pro Oblatis (nn. 270 -- 272), vel Studiorum, pro Supernumerariis, atque conferentiarum;


In the regular collective ways, by means of the Brief Circle, for the Oblates (Nos. 270 – 272), or the Circle of Studies, for the Supernumeraries, and from conferences.


--143 P3

Collectivam periodicam, mediantibus studiorum curriculis, diebus mensualis recessus, necnon exercitiis atque Conviventiis annualibus


In the periodic collective ways, through courses of studies, monthly days of recollection and also by exercises and annual periods of living together.


--144 S1

In Circulo Studiorum celebrando pro Supernumerariis, quoddam determinabitur temporis spatium, quo sociis criteria praebeantur circa illas quaestiones actualitatis, relationem cum vita Ecclesiae habentes.


In the Circle of Studies which is held for the Supernumeraries, a certain amount of time is set aside in which criteria are explained to the members having to do with those actual questions relating to the life of the Church.


--144 S2

Circulo praeest aliquis socius generatim Numerarius, a Directore locali designatus, et expedit ut alius Numerarius vel Oblatus adsit, qui, si casus ferat, praesidem suppleat: his deficientibus, Circulo praeest Coetus Zelator dignior.


Generally some Numerary member, presides over the Circle, appointed by the local Director and it is useful that another Numerary or Oblate be present, who, if the situation arises, may substitute for the presider; in their absence, the most worthy moderator of the group presides over the Circle.


--144 S3

Semel in mense, quoad fieri possit, Circulo Studiorum praeerit aliquis Instituti sacerdos.


Once a month, insofar as it is possible, the Circle of Studies will be presided over by some priest of the Institute.


--144 S4

Ante uniuscuiusque Circuli coadunationem, Circuli praeses rem cum Zelatoribus conferet, propriam sententiam sibi invicem communicantes.


Before the meeting of each Circle, the president of the Circle discusses the subject with the Moderators, sharing their opinions with each other.


--144 S5

Supernumerarii autem in loco ubi non sit Coetus commorantes, ea frequentia, quae ipsis possibilis sit, Circulo interesse curabunt.


However, for those Supernumeraries living in a place in which there is no group, they ought instead to attend the Circle as often as possible.


--144 S6

Circuli pro Supernumerariis caeteraeque coadunationes, collectivam habitualem formationem persequentes, habendae erunt, quatenus prudentia id suadeat, rotali cursu servato in privatis sedibus sociorum illum Coetum constituentium.


The Circles for the Supernumeraries and the other meetings which follow the habitual collective formation, should be held, insofar as is prudent, in rotation in the private homes of the members of that group.



Pro Cooperatoribus auxiliaribus instituendis, Directores locales periodicas activorum Cooperatorum coadunationes promovere curabunt, cum opportunum visum fuerit, ut in ipsos infundant Instituti nostri spiritum et ira, in quibusdam definitis apostolicis muneribus explendis, boni collaboratores efficiantur.


For the instruction of the auxiliary Cooperators, the local Directors will be careful to promote periodic meetings of the active Cooperators, when it seems appropriate, so that the spirit of our Institute is infused in them, and that in the completion of certain definite apostolic works, they are transformed into good collaborators.



Cetera quae studia nostrorum attinent in peculiari ratione definiuntur.


The other questions which pertain to our studies are determined in a particular plan.


--Caput II – De obligationibus communibus

Chapter II – Concerning common obligations


--Art. 1. De obedientia

Article 1. Concerning obedience


--147 S1

Omnes Instituti alumni tenentur humiliter Superioribus in omnibus obedire, quae ad finem ejusdem Instituti pertinent.


All the students of the Institute are bound to humbly obey the Superiors, in all things which pertain to the end of the said Institute.


--147 S2

Haec obediendi obligatio, praeprimis erga Romanum Pontificem, omnium Superiorum primum, sodales nostros omnes forti ac dulci vinculo obstringit.  Ordinariis loci subiiciuntur ad normam iuris communis, et ipsis maximam reverentiam et amorem demonstrabunt, quae, etiam impense apud omnes fovere contendant.


This obligation of obedience binds all our members by a strong and sweet bond, to obey, especially, the Roman Pontiff, the first of all the Superiors.  They are subject to the local Ordinaries according to the norms of common law, and they will show them the greatest reverence and love, which, besides, they strive zealously to promote among all.



Incorporation in Institutum exigit votum privatum sociale ac recognitum obedientiae.  Vi huius voti omnes Instituti sodales Numerarii et Oblati omnimodam atque plenam Praesidi Generali propriisque Superioribus profitentur obedientiam: et Praeses Generalis, quem uti Patrem omnes agnoscunt et venerantur libere eis utitur in finem Instituti, ad normam Constitucionum.


Incorporation into the Institute, demands a private social and recognized vow of obedience.  In virtue of this vow, all the Numerary and Oblate members profess a full and complete obedience to the President General and to their Superiors; and the President General, whom all acknowledge and venerate as the Father, makes free use of them to accomplish the ends of the Institute according to the Constitutional norms.



Superior sociis Numerariis et Oblatis imponere potest ex obedientiae voto adhibitaque formula in qua votum aperte invocetur, praecepta in conscientia ex virtute religionis, supposita rei gravitate etiam sub gravi obligantia, circa illa omnia quae ad finem Instituti pertinent.  Praecepta ex voto ferantur semper scripto vel coram duobus testibus.  Ut praecepta quaelibet resoluto iure praecipientis tenere valeant, ita semper ferenda sunt.


The Superior is able to bind all the Numerary and Oblate members under the vow of obedience, using a formula in which the vow is explicitly invoked, binding in conscience by the virtue of religion, with grave obligation if the matter is grave, in all those things which pertain to the end of the Institute.  The command by the vow should always be in writing or before two witnesses.  In order that the commands may hold when the right of the one who commands has ended, they must always be made thus.


--150 S1

Obedientiae haec, ex voto, proprie debetur Superioribus Maioribus ad normam iuris (c. 488   8) et Directoribus localibus atque, in eorum absentia vel defectu, eis qui eorum vices gerunt ad normam harum Constitutionum.


This obedience, by the vow, is properly owed Major Superiors according to the norms of law (Canon 488 S 8), and to local Directors, and in their absence or lack, to those who take their place according to the norms of these Constitutions.


--150 S2

Subdirector, praesente Directore, gubernii potestate caret.  Absente Directore, nisi in casu particulari aliud Superiores Maiores decreverint, locum Directoris ipso facto Subdirector occupat, huiusque locum qui ordine praecedentiae hunc subsequitur.


The Subdirector, while the Director is present, has no power of government; when the Director is absent, unless, in a particular case, the Major Superiors have decided differently, the Subdirector automatically takes the place of the Director, and his place is taken by the person who follows him in the order of precedence.


--151 S1

Sacerdotes, quoad ordinem internum domus, pendent a Directore locali; in ceteris, uni Consiliario sint obnoxii, cui rationem laboris reddant.


The priests, in what refers to the internal order of the house, are subject to the local Director; in other things, they are responsible to the Counselor, alone, to whom they must render an account of their work.


--151 S2

Si degerint in aliqua domo ubi ecclesiastici instituuntur, sacerdoti huius Directori in omnibus subiecti sint.


If they reside in a house where clerics are instructed, priests are subject, in everything, to the Director of the house.



Pro Supernumerariis, incorporatio exigit emissionem voti obedientiae, quoad ea omnia quae ad Institutum quoquomodo pertinent, quoad religiosam formationem sociorum et quoad eorum apostolicam actionem, quam ipsi personaliter expleant, quaecumque sit.


For the Supernumeraries, the incorporation demands the taking of a vow of obedience which refers to all those things which pertain in any way to the Institute, to the religious formation of members, and to the apostolic action, which they carry out personally, whatever that may be.



Nostrorum obedientia sit penitus voluntaria, ob motivum divini amoris et ut imitentur Christum Dominum, qui cum esset omnium Dominus, semetipsum exinanivit formam servi accipiens, quique factus est obediens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis.


Our obedience has to be totally voluntary, motivated by a divine love and to imitate Christ our Lord, who while he was Lord of all, emptied himself completely, taking the form of a slave, and became obedience unto death, even death on a cross.



Sit nostrorum obedientia universalis, sit prompta, sit laeta; nesciat inter maiores et minores Superiores distinguere, etenim non est potestas nisi a Deo.  Qui proinde infimo obedit Superiori, Dei imperio se submittit.


Our obedience has to be universal; it has to be prompt; it has to be joyful;  it should not distinguish between major and minor Superiors; indeed, for there is no power other than what comes from God.  Hence, whoever obeys the lowest Superior, submits himself to the command of God.



Per legitimum ab Instituto discessum obedientiae votum cessat.


The vow of obedience ceases by legitimate separation from the Institute.


--Art. 2. De castitate

Article 2. Concerning chastity



Votum castitatis, quod Numerariorum ac Oblatorum incorporatione in Institutum emittitur, secum fert, praeter professionem coelibatus, obligationem novo titulo religionis sese obstinendi a quocumque actu sive interno sive externo contra sextum Decalogi praeceptum.


The vow of chastity, which is taken for the incorporation of Numeraries and Oblates in the Institute, carries with it, besides the profession of celibacy, the obligation of abstaining from any internal or external act against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue.



Supernumerariorum incorporatio in Institutum exigit emissionem voti privati castitatis, iuxta uniuscuiusque statum.


The incorporation of Supernumeraries into the Institute demands the taking of a private vow of chastity which is in keeping with the state of each one.



Ament sodales et diligentissime custodient castitatem, quae homines angelis facit simillimos, quaeque Christo eiusque castissimae Matri reddit gratissimos.  Erunt ergo omnes sicut angeli Dei, pro certo habentes operam apostolatus castitate suffultam esse debere.


The members should love and care for chastity with the greatest diligence, which makes men very similar to angels and for which they give great thanks to Christ and his chaste Mother.  They will be, all, as angels of God, having the certitude that the apostolic activities ought to be supported by chastity.



Ad praesidium huius thesauri, qui vasibus fertur fictilibus, summopere conferunt fuga occasionum, modestia, temperantia, corporis castigatio, SS. Eucharistiae frequens receptio, ad Virginem Matrem adsiduus ac filialis recursus.


Fleeing the occasions [of sin], modesty, temperance, corporal mortification, frequent reception of the Most Holy Eucharist and assiduous and filial recourse to the Virgin Mother contribute to the protection of this treasure, which is carried in earthen vessels.



Castitatis votum solvitur non solum dispensatione, verum etiam solutione vinculi contracti per incorporationem in Institutum.


The vow of chastity is dissolved not only by dispensation, but also by dissolution of the bond acquired by incorporation in the Institute.


--Art. 3. De paupertate

Article 3. Concerning poverty


--161 S1

Ut melius paupertatem evangelicam sodales exercere valeant, incorporationi adnexa est quoque emissio voti privati recogniti seu socialis paupertatis.  Vi ipsius voti sodales, Numerarii et Oblati renuntiant:


To help the members better live evangelical poverty, there is linked, also, to the incorporation, the taking of a privately recognized or social vow of poverty.  On the strength of this vow, the Numerary and Oblate members renounce:


--161 S1 P1

Facultati licite disponendi de re qualibet temporali praetio aestimabili, sine legitima licentia Superiorum;


-- the capacity of lawfully disposing of any kind of temporal good having monetary value, without the legitimate permission of the Superiors.


--161 S1 P2

Facultati sibi adquirendi quaelibet bona quae propria industria vel labore adquirunt, seu, Instituti ratione, ipsis dantur vel obveniunt.


-- the capacity to acquire for himself, goods of whatever kind, which are acquired by one’s own industry or labor, or are given to him or come into his possession in function of the Institute.


--161 S2

Ad complendos hos actus, de quibus in paragrapho S1, dat facultatem in gravibus Praeses vel, si res urgeat atque in rebus ordinariis, Superior Regionalis vel etiam localis.


In order to carry out the acts spoken of in Section 1, the President grants the faculty in serious matters, or if there is urgency and for ordinary things, the Regional Superiors or including the local ones do so.


--162 S1

Sodales Numerarii et Oblati conservant proprietatem bonorum suorum patrimonialium et capacitatem alia bona huiusmodi acquirendi.


The Numerary and Oblate members conserve the ownership of their own patrimonial goods and the capacity of acquiring other goods of this type.


--162 S2

Hi omnes sodales administrationem propriorum bonorum cedere cui maluerint et de usu et usufructu disponere tenentur.  Tamen, de licentia Superiorum et sub eorum vigilantia possunt ea administrare, eisque uti et eorum usufrui, speciatim quando vitam familiae in Instituto non agant.


All these members are obliged to cede the administration of their own goods to whomever they prefer and to dispose of their use and enjoyment.  Nevertheless, with the permission of the Superiors and under their supervision they may administer these goods, and receive the use and enjoyment, especially when they do not live family life in the Institute.


--162 S3

Abrupto vinculo cum Instituto, cessio administrationis vel usus et usufructus dispositio, si factae fuerint, habere vim desinunt.


When the bond with the Institute is broken,  the concession of administration or disposition about use and enjoyment, if they were made, cease to have effect.


--163 S1

Quidquid propria industria socii Numerarii et Oblati facta incorporatione acquirunt, ad nutum Praesidis tribuitur Societati Sacerdotali Sanctae Crucis, vel Operi Dei, vel Societatibus Auxiliaribus.


Whatever the Numerary and Oblate members acquire by their own personal industry, once the incorporation is made, is assigned to the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, or Opus Dei, or Auxiliary Societies at the discretion of the President.


--163 S2

Institutum autem singulis sodalibus suppeditat omnia quae Superiorum iudicio ad victum, vestes, studia, attinent: et quidquid opus sit ad proprium exercendum ministerium professionale, prout adiuncta in quibus versantur expostulent.  Haec non implicant uniformitatem vestium, quas communes Institutum nullas habet.


The Institute, however, supplies every member with all, that in the judgment of the Superiors, is required for his feeding, clothing and studies, and whatever is required for the exercise of his own professional work, as the circumstances in which they move demand.  This does not imply a uniformity of clothing, which the Institute does not have in common.


--163 S3

Pro Oblatis, Institutum suppeditat insuper quidquid Superiorum iudicio, omnibus circumstantiis uniuscuiusque sodalis perpensis, necessarium existimetur ut Oblati singuli illas assecurationes seu cautiones assumant, de quibus in N. 166 S1.


For the Oblates, the Institute provides, in addition, that, which according to the judgment of the Superiors, after weighing carefully all the circumstances of each member, is regarded necessary for each of the Oblates to obtain the insurance and benefits referred to in No. 166, S1.


--163 S4

Institutum denique sodalium parentibus forte indigentibus, qua par est caritate et generositate providet, quin ex hoc iuridica quaelibet obligatio umquam oriri possit.


Finally, the Institute provides for the indigent parents of members, with a corresponding charity and generosity, without it being possible for any legal obligation to arise from this ever.



Votum paupertatis in Supernumerariis complectitur:


The vow of poverty for the Supernumeraries includes:


--164 P1

Quoad bonorum propriorum usum vitaeque tenorem personalem, in sua condicione, iuxta Superiorum in dubiis practicam definitionem ad normam n. 165, ita se gerere ut omnia paupertatis spiritu informentur eique adaequate conveniant;


Regarding the use of their own goods and personal life style, in their own conditions,  according to the practical definitions of the Superiors in cases of doubt and following the norms in No. 165, they should behave in a manner informed by a spirit of poverty and adequately conform themselves to it.


--164 P2

Quoad illa bona, quae ab Instituto ipsis forsan commissa fuerint vel quibus in apostolatu exercendo uti debeant, Superioris dispositionibus plenam subiection ac dependentiam.


Regarding those goods which may have been committed to the Institute itself, or which they must use for the exercise of the apostolate, full subjection and subordination to the dispositions of the Superiors.



Socii Supernumerarii eam oeconomicam condicionem retinent, quae ipsorum sociali vitae respondeat; personaliter tamen, et quin ex hoc propriae familiae iura nullatenus afficiantur, conabuntur paupertatis virtutem colere, re in casu dubii delata  Superiorum Instituti iudicio.


The Supernumerary members retain that economic condition which corresponds to their own social life; but personally, without affecting the rights of their own family in any way, they strive to develop the virtue of poverty, bringing the matter in cases of doubt to the judgment of the Superiors of the Institute.


--166 S1

Supernumerarii proinde vitam degunt iuxta uniuscuiusque proprium statum, libertate personali oeconomica ab Instituto penitus independente: unusquisque tenetur familiari patrimonio, personali labore, propriam vitam oeconomicam libere regere ac ordinare; illis quoque oeconomicis praestitis cautionibus seu assecurationibus, quas civiles leges pro casibus defectus vel impossibilitatis laboris, infirmitatis, senectutis, etc., praevident.


Therefore, Supernumeraries live their life according to the proper state of each one, being totally independent from the Institute in their personal financial liberty: each one of them has to freely order and regulate his own economic life with his patrimonial goods and personal work; they should also take advantage of the economic insurances and benefits provided by civil law for cases of partial or total disability, sickness and old age etc.


--166 S2

Omnes ad Instituti expensas sustinendas ultro ac sponte, cum animi liberalitate, eleemosynis singulis mensibus erogandis, iuxta uniuscuiusque oeconomicam capacitatem, concurrunt.


Everyone contributes to support the expenses of the Institute voluntarily with liberality of spirit, by giving an alms, each month according to the economic capacity of each one.



Si quis, quod Deus avertat, Instituto valedicat, vel ab eo dimittatur, nequit aliquid ab eo repetere ob servitia eidem praestita, sive ob voluntarias donationes Institutioni forte ab ipso sodali factas, sive ob fructus propriae industriae vel exercitii professionis in eam repensos.


If someone, may God prevent it, should leave the Institute, or be dismissed from it, he may not claim from it anything for services rendered to it, whether for voluntary donations given to it as a member, or for fruits of his own industry or the exercise of his profession expended on its behalf.



Omnes igitur Instituti alumni paupertatem evangelicam totis viribus profiteantur imitarique nitantur Christum Dominum, qui egenus factus est, cum esset dives, quique nec ubi reclinaret caput habebat.


So all the sons of the Institute profess evangelical poverty with all their strength, and struggle to imitate our Lord Jesus Christ, who made himself poor, even though he was rich, and did not even have a place to lay his head.



Ament paupertatem eamque fideliter exerceant, animis ab omnibus, quibus utuntur, alienatis; nihil lucri gratia operantes; omnem sollicitudinem de rebus huius saeculi in Deum proiicientes; atque in hoc mundo tamquam peregrini, qui civitatem futuram inquirunt, commorantes.


They love poverty and they live it faithfully, as souls separated from all which they use, never looking for profit, leaving all care for the things of this world to God, and living in this world as pilgrims who are seeking a future city.



Gaudeant si quando paupertatis effectus experiantur, scientes numquam in necessariis providentiam Domini defecturam, qui nos monuit ut primum regnum Dei et iustitiam eius quaeramus, si volumus ut cetera omnia vobis adiiciantur.


They rejoice whenever they experience the effects of poverty, knowing that in the necessities, the providence of the Lord will never be lacking, who warned us to seek first the kingdom of God and his justice, if we want all other things to be added for us.



Tum pro Numerariis et Oblatis cum pro Supernumerariis, paupertatis votum cessat per legitimum ab Instituto discessum.


For the Numeraries and the Oblates, as well as for the Supernumeraries, the vow of poverty ceases with legitimate separation from the Institute.


--Art. 4. De observantia Constitutionum

Article 4. Concerning observance of the Constitutions



Constitutiones hae fundamentum sunt Instituti nostri.  Ideo, sanctae habeantur, inviolabiles, perpetuae, unique Sanctae Sedi reservatae tam quoad mutationem quam quoad novorum praeceptorum inductionem.


These Constitutions are the foundation of our Institute.  Therefore they are to be held holy, inviolable, perpetual and reserved to the Holy See alone in both regarding changes and the introduction of new precepts.



Tantummodo mutationem alicuius Constitutionum praescripti, seu in earum corpus aliquam innovationem, aut denique temporariam vel perpetuam alicuius normae suspensionem vel expunctionem a Santa Sede poscere valet Congressus Generalis Instituti, dummodo hic certitudinem habeat de necessitate huius mutationis, innovationis, suspensionis vel expunctionis.


Only the General Congress of the Institute can request from the Holy See a change in some precept of the Constitutions, or an innovation in the body of them, or even a temporary or perpetual suspension or deletion of some norms, when it has the certitude of the necessity of this change, innovation, suspension or deletion.



Ut haec certitudo iuridice existat, si agatur de textus expunctione innovatione vel indefinita suspensione, requiritur diuturnum experimentum, trium ordinariorum Congressuum Generalium auctoritate confirmatum, quod quarto ordinario Congressui Generali subiiciatur et duarum saltem ex tribus suffragiorum partibus comprobetur.


In order to establish that the juridical certitude exists, if it is dealing with a deletion, innovation or indefinite suspension of the text, there is required a long test confirmed by the authority of three ordinary General Congresses which is submitted to a fourth ordinary General Congress in which it receives approval of at least two thirds of the votes.



Si agatur vero de temporaria alicuius Constitutionum praescripti suspensione, Praeses Generalis, cum voto deliberativo unius tantummodo Congressus Generalis, a Sancta Sede eam exposcere valet: requiritur tamen ut plane Sanctae Sedi manifestetur tempus ad quod postulata suspensio est protrahenda.


But, if one is dealing with a temporary suspension of some precept of the Constitutions, the President General, with the deliberative vote of only one General Congress is able to solicit it from the Holy See; however it is required that the time for the duration of the solicited suspension be manifested explicitly to the Holy See.



Superiores Instituti omnibus modis Constitutionum observantiam fovere, ipsamque prudenter et efficaciter exigere tenentur, scientes illas medium esse certum sanctificationis sodalibus Instituti: quapropter adversus Constitutiones nec consuetudo aliqua, nec desuetudo, praevalere umquam poterunt.


The Superiors of the Institute have the obligation of promoting observance of the Constitutions by all means and to demand it in a prudent and effective manner, knowing that they are a sure means of sanctification of the members of the Institute: and therefore, no opposition to the Constitutions or some custom or lack of use can ever be permitted to prevail.



Facultas dispensandi de observantia disciplinari Constitutionum, in his quae dispensari valent, competit tantummodo Praesidi Generali cum voto consultivo sui Consilii si de rebus magni momenti agatur, vel dispensatio Instituto universo sit concedenda: secus, sufficit decretum Consiliarii Regionalis, de consensu propriae Commissionis.


The faculty of dispensing from the disciplinary observance of the Constitutions, in those things which can be dispensed, resides only with the President General, with the consultative vote of his Council, if dealing with things of great moment or the dispensation is to be conceded to the whole Institute;  in similar ways, a decree from the Regional Counselor, with the consent of his own Commission is sufficient.



 Praescripta Constitutionum, quae leges divinas vel ecclesiasticas referunt, propriam quam ex se habent obligationem retinent.


The prescriptions of the Constitutions, which refer to divine or ecclesiastical law, retain their own obligation which they have from that.



Praescripta vero quae vota respiciunt, ut ipsorum materiam remotam vel proximam definiant rationemque statuant ea observandi, ex ipsis votis obligationem recipiunt..


But when the prescriptions refer to vows, in order to define the remote and proximate matter of the vows themselves and establish the manner of observing them, they receive their force of obligation from the vows themselves.



Constitutionum praescripta, quae regimen spectant: item, quae definiunt regiminis necessarias functiones aut munera et officia quibus exercetur, quoad nempe ipsorum cardinales normas; pariterque praescripta quae naturam et finem specialem Operis Dei statuunt et consecrant, in conscientia, pro gravitate materiae, obligant.


The prescriptions of the Constitutions which refer to government, and thus which define the necessary functions of government and the offices and positions by which it is exercised, and insofar as they refer, that is, to their cardinal norms and the prescriptions equally which establish the nature and special ends of Opus Dei and consecrate them, bind in conscience according to the gravity of the matter.



Praescripta denique mere disciplinaria vel ascetica, quae sub praecedentibus non cadunt (nn. 178-180), per se sub reatu culpae directo non obligant, quamvis materiam voti et virtutis obedientiae certe constituere valeant.  Insuper, quaelibet ex ipsis, vel minimis, ex formali contemptu violare, peccatum est; quod si transgressio ex ratione vel fine non recto fiat, vel ad scandalum moveat, aut ad vitae perfectionis adquirendae relaxationem cooperetur peccatum contra respondentes virtutes secum fert.


Finally mere disciplinary or ascetical prescriptions, which do not fall under the preceding (Nos. 178-180), do not oblige through themselves under moral guilt, although they certainly may constitute material of vows and of the virtue of obedience.  Moreover, to violate any, even trivial ones, out of explicit contempt is a sin; but if the transgression comes from an evil reason or end, or brings about scandal, or contributes to relax the acquisition of a life of perfection, it brings with it the sin against the corresponding virtue.


--Caput III  De spiritu Instituti

Chapter III  Concerning the spirit of the Institute.



Quamvis Operis Dei membra evangelicam perfectionem profiteantur, plena, perpetua ac definitiva Christi Domini servitio deditione sese mancipando, Institutum tamen nihil externe in propriis fert domibus, religiosam domum redolens.


Although the members of  Opus Dei profess evangelical perfection, by giving themselves in complete, perpetual and definitive dedication to the service of Christ the Lord, the Institute nevertheless has nothing in its own houses externally resembling a religious house.



Socii, uti cives communes quilibet, officia adimplent iuraque experiuntur.  Ad professionalem autem actionem quod attinet, itemque ad doctrinas sociales, politicas, etc., unusquisque Operis Dei socius, intra limites utique fidei et moralis catholicae, plena gaudet libertate; quapropter Institutum nullius cuiusque socii labores professionales, sociales, politicos, oeconomicos, etc., suos facit.


Like any ordinary citizens, the members fulfill their obligations and enjoy their rights.  But in what concerns professional activity and likewise social and political doctrines etc., each member of Opus Dei enjoys full freedom within the limits of Catholic faith and morals.  Therefore the Institute never makes its own the professional, social, political, or economic, etc, activities of any of the individual members.



Spiritu catholico penitus imbuti, neque operibus ab aliis quibuslibet pro gloria Dei et animarum salute gestis invident, neque ea detrectant, gaudentes, cum Apostolo quod alii etiam prophetizent.


Deeply imbued with a Catholic spirit, they do not envy the works of others carried out for the glory of God and the salvation of souls, nor do they denigrate them; they rejoice with the Apostle that others have the gift of prophecy.



Labor apostolicus sodalium exercetur tacite et singillatim vel actione paucorum; ne fiant, ex regula, generales sociorum et cooperatorum congressus.


The apostolic labor of members is exercised silently and individually or by the action of a few;  in principle General Congresses of members and cooperators are not held.



Instituti sodales, qui selectiores propriae classis socialis esse debent, apostolatum praesertim exercent inter pares, ope praecipue amicitiae et mutuae fiduciae.


The members of the Institute, who ought to be among the more select members of their own social class, exercise their apostolate particularly among their peers, primarily through the power of friendship and mutual trust.



Institutum nostrum catholicitatem profunde sentit atque impense fovet; quapropter numquam operam suam praestabit negotiis, quae spiritui Sanctae Ecclesiae repugnent.


Our Institute feels and fosters zealously a profound catholicity, so that it never lends its help to activities, which are repugnant to the spirit of the Holy Church.



Meminerint nostri hierarchiam unam in Ecclesia iuris divini tantum existere, scilicet, Romano Pontifice atque Episcopis constitutam, quos Spiritus Sanctus posuit Ecclesiam Dei regere (Act. XX, 28).  Quapropter hoc animo omnes institum habeant, internam nempe Operis hierarchiam servitio Ecclesiae esse consecratam.


Our people should remember  that in the Church there is only one hierarchy of divine law, namely that constituted by the Supreme Pontiff and the Bishops, whom the Holy Spirit has provided to rule the Church of God (Acts XX, 28).  Thus all should have firmly in mind, that the internal hierarchy of the Work is consecrated to the service of the Church.



Quo efficacius suum finem assequatur Institutum, uti tale occultum vivere vult: quare sese abstinet ab actibus collectivis, neque habet nomen vel denominationem communem quibus sodales appellentur.  Data indole Instituti, quod externe, uti societas, apparere non expedit, socii ipsius aliquibus publicis manifestationibus cultus, uti processionibus, non intererunt collective.


In order for the Institute to reach its proper end more effectively, it wishes to live as hidden, therefore it abstains from collective acts and does not have a name or common denomination by which its members are called.  Given the character of the Institute, which externally does not desire to appear publicly as a society, it is not appropriate that its members should engage collectively in certain manifestations of cult like processions.



Huius collectivae humilitatis gratia, quae propria est Instituti nostri, quidquid a sociis fit, eidem non tribuitur: sed potius quidquid ab iisdem boni fit uni Deo est tribuendum.  Consequenter, vel ipsa aggregatio Instituto nullam externam manifestationem patitur; extraneis, celatur numerus sociorum: immo de his cum extraneis nostri ne colloquantur.


By virtue of this collective humility, which is proper of our Institute, whatever is done by the members is not attributable to itself; but rather, whatever good is attained by them is attributable to God alone.  Consequently, even membership in the Institute admits no external manifestations.  The number of members is kept hidden from outsiders; and indeed our people do not discuss these things with outsiders.



Haec collectiva humilitas eo nostros perducet ut vitam, quam Deo sacrarunt, quadam discretione vivant, quae admodum conveniens est optatae apostolatus ubertati.  Huius discretionis defectus posset grave obstaculum constituere pro apostolico labore exercendo, vel difficultatem aliquam suscitare in ambitu propriae familiae naturalis vel in exercitio muneris seu professionis.  Quapropter socii Numerarii atque Supernumerarii probe sciant se prudens silentium semper observaturos circa nomina aliorum sodalium; et nemini unquam semetipsos revelaturos ad Opus Dei pertinere, nec quidem eiusdem Instituti diffusionis gratia, sine expressa licentia proprii Directoris localis.  Haec discretio tenet praesertim illos, qui noviter in Instituto recepti fuerint necnon socios qui, qualibet ex causa, Institutum reliquerint.  Institutum atque eiusdem nonnulla membra, e contra, nota esse debent, eo quod cuncti apostolici labores nostri intra civilium legum ambitus semper evolvuntur atque perficiuntur et pari modo, pari item animi virilitate, utrumque omnino vitamus, secretum scilicet ac clandestinitatem, cum id tantum nos moveat ad hanc discretionem servandam, humilitas atque impensior et uberior apostolica efficacia.


This collective humility leads our people to live the life which they consecrate to God with the same discretion which is most suited to the desired fruitfulness of the apostolate.  The lack of this discretion can constitute a grave obstacle to exercising apostolic work or create some difficulty in the environment of one’s natural family or in the exercise of their office or profession.  Thus the Numerary and Supernumerary members should know they are to live a prudent silence regarding the names of other members; and that they are never to reveal to anyone that they themselves belong to Opus Dei, not even to spread the Institute, without express permission from their local director.  This discretion especially binds those who are newly accepted in the Institute and also to those who, for whatever reason, have left the Institute.  The Institute and some of its members, however, need to be known,  because all our apostolic works develop and are carried out within the bounds of civil law and likewise, with the same strength of soul, each one of us, altogether shuns secrecy and clandestine activity, for the only thing which moves us to maintain this discretion is humility and a deeper and more fruitful apostolic efficacy.



Nulla proinde permittuntur insignia Instituti propria, unde sodales sive clerici sive laici ab aliis distinguantur.


There is never permitted to be an insignia proper to the Institute, by which the members, priests or laity, would be distinguished from others.



Constitutiones hae, instructiones editae et quae forte in posterum edantur, ceteraque gubernationem Instituti attinentia, ne divulgentur: immo, absque Patris licentia, quae ex his latina lingua fuerint exarata ne in vulgares quidem linguas vertantur.


These Constitutions, published instructions and those which in the future may be published, and the other things pertaining to the government of the Institute are never to be made public.  Indeed, without the permission of the Father, those documents which are written in the Latin language may not be translated into vernacular languages.



In iis quae sive Societas Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis, sive Opus Dei sub lege civili propriae regionis cadunt, eidem fideliter subdantur.  Alia, quae internum Instituti regimen, ordinationem, mores, spiritum, caeremonias, methodum apostolatus, respiciunt, plene uni pateant legitimae auctoritati ecclesiasticae.


In those points in which the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, or Opus Dei falls under the civil law of their own region, they should faithfully submit to it.  Other points which regard the internal government of the Institute, the organization, customs, spirit, ceremonies and methods of apostolate, are permitted to be known only to the Church legitimate authority.



Omnia et singula Instituti membra tenentur omni vi contendere et cooperationem praestare, ut perficiantur et evolvantur ministeria apostolica ceterorum membrorum.  Hinc obligatio omnibus incumbens admonendi internos Instituti Superiores de iis omnibus, quae, sive in methodo sive in modo agendi sociorum, praeiudicium aliquod actioni et efficaciae Institutionis afferre possint.  Itemque socii, memores normarum caritatis et prudentiae, etiam exercere tenentur correctionem fraternam, ut, in casu, sodales amoveant a moribus, qui spiritui Institutionis repugnent.


Each and every one of the members are obliged with all their strength to facilitate and lend their cooperation to the perfection and development of the apostolic ministries of the other members.  Hence the obligation incumbent upon all to advise the internal Superiors of the Institute of all things, whether in the method or mode of action of members, which might bring any diminution to some activity or efficacy of the Institute.  Similarly, members, remembering the norms of charity and prudence, are also bound to exercise fraternal correction, so that, in the event, they may separate the members from customs which are repugnant to the spirit of the Institute.



Sodales omnes familiam constituunt vinculo supernaturali devinctam.  Ideo, cum tres vel plures simul ibivis commorari contingat, familiam constituunt, quin eorum vita communiter ducta umquam sit vita communis canonica, nec proinde legibus codicis iuris canonici, sed normis generalibus Institutorum Saeculariam ac peculiaribus Instituti nostri subiecta.  Qui vero extra familiam degunt, adscripti esse debent alicui Centro a quo pendeant in proprio munere exercendo, ita ut nullatenus socius acephalus admittatur vel vagus.


All the members constitute a family bound by a supernatural bond.  Therefore, whenever it happens that three or more are living together at the same time, they constitute a family, without their life in common ever being a canonical common life or subject to the laws of the Code of Canon Law, but rather subject to the general norms of Secular Institutes and the particular ones of our Institute.  Those living outside of family, ought to be assigned to some Center from which they depend for the exercise of their responsibility, thus, at no time, it should be admitted that there is a member without leadership or who is unattached.



Institutum nostrum familia quidem est, sed est praeterea militia.  Familia, quin incommoda ferat carnalis affectionis: militia vero, ad contendendum aptissima vi severioris disciplinae.


Our Institute is certainly a family, but it is also an army.  It is a family without the inconvenience of carnal affection; an army most suited to the struggle by virtue of its severe discipline.



Modus et ratio vivendi Institutionis imitatur rationem et modum familiae christianae, potius quam formalis relgiosae communitatis.


The mode and organization of the life of the Institute, imitates the organization and mode of the Christian family, rather than that of a formal religious community.



Distinguatur oportet Institutum nostrum per exquisitam intelligentiae et animi culturam, et summam inter sodales caritatem ac humanitatem.


Our Institute must be distinguished by an exquisite culture of mind and of soul, and by the extreme charity and kindness among the members.



Sicut familiae naturalis character est simplicitas ac aequalitas, quae omnia membra adaequant, ita in Opere Dei haec simplicitas vitae familiae omnibus praesit.  Quo melius hic spiritus conservetur, vetiti sunt tituli honorifici ad designanda munera directionis.  Huius simplicitatis gratia Praeses Instituti interne “Pater” appeliatur; et documenta rediguntur stilo familiari.


Just as the character of a natural family is simplicity and equality which makes all members equal, in Opus Dei this simplicity of family life should hold always.  In order to better conserve this spirit, it is forbidden to confer titles of honor to designate positions of government.  In view of this same simplicity, the President of the Institute is called, internally, “Father”; and the documents are written in a familiar style.



Institutum operatur per sodales qui a centro, radiorum instar, sese expandunt, unusquisque propriam attingens actionis sphoeram, prout cultura et aptitudo uniuscuiusque expostulant.


The Institute operates through its members, who expand themselves like rays from a center, each one reaching to his own sphere of action according as the culture and aptitude of each one demand.



Peculiare apostolatus Institutionis medium sunt munera publica, eorum praesertim quae directionis exercitium important.


A particular means of apostolate of the Institute are the public offices, especially those which carry the exercise of leadership.



Ad hoc obtinendum opus est ut nostri auctoritate professionali emineant, et iugiter formationi scientificae comparandae incumbant.


In order to attain this, it is necessary that we are outstanding in professional authority and that we exert ourselves to acquire a scientific formation.



Aliud proprium nostri apostolatus medium est amicitia et assidua cum collaboratoribus consuetudo, quin tamen ad hoc speciales associationes actionis externae religiosae constituantur.


Another medium of our apostolate is friendship and the constant intercourse with our colleagues, without however establishing for this special associations with external religious action.



Meminerint, de cetero, sodales, efficaciam apostolatus mediis supernaturalibus maxime consistere; idcirco orationem et poenitentiam colant alacriter atque foveant.


Furthermore members must keep in mind that the efficacy of the apostolate consists, above all, in the supernatural means.  For this reason, they cherish and energetically foster prayer and penance.



Institutum proprias ac singulares devotiones non habet; vitae spiritualis sociorum radix ac centrum Sacrosanctum Missae est Sacrificium.


The Institute does not have its own and particular devotions;  the root and center of the spiritual life of the members is the holy sacrifice of the Mass.



Erectio Centri autonomi Operis Dei secum fert facultatem Oratorium semipublicum, pro usu familiae Instituti aliorumque ad normam iuris, habendi, ibique SS.mum Sacramentum asservandi atque functiones Instituti proprias peragendi.  In nostris Oratoriis solemnis Sanctissimi Sacramenti expositio nocte primam feriam sextam uniuscuiusque mensis praecedente fieri saltem debet.


The erection of autonomous centers of Opus Dei carries with it the faculty of having a semipublic oratory for the use of the family of the Institute and others according to the norms of law, and of reserving there the Blessed Sacrament and carrying out the specific functions of the Institute.  In our oratories, solemn exposition of the Blessed Sacrament ought to be held, at least, the night before the first Friday of each month.



Institutum nostrum totum devotum est servitio Ecclesiae, pro qua sodales relinquere parati semper erunt, vitam, bona, adhuc autem et animam suam (Lc. XIV, 26); numquam Ecclesiam sibi inservire praesumant.  Sit ergo Instituti nostri character et honor absoluta et totalis adhaesio atque submissio hierarchiae et potestati Ecclesiae.


Our Institute is totally devoted to the service of the Church, for which the members are always ready to give up their life, their goods and even their souls (Lk XIV, 26);  they should never presume that the Church should serve them.  Therefore, the mark and honor of our Institute is absolute and total adhesion and submission to the hierarchy and power of the Church.



Sodales serviunt Domino in laetitia, quae provenit ex generositate omnimodae traditionis servitio divino.


The members serve the Lord in joy, who provides from a generosity of giving up everything in the divine service.



Omnes diligant atque foveant humilitatem non modo privatam, sed etiam collectivam; ideoque numquam Instituto gloriam quaerant, quinimmo, hoc unum animo alte defixum habeant:  gloriam Institutionis nostrae summam esse sine humana gloria vivere.


All should love and foster, not only private, but also collective humility; and therefore they should never seek glory for the Institute; rather, they should have deeply stamped in their soul the one principle that the greatest glory of our Institute is to live without human glory.



Omnes nos amici sumus -- “vos autem dixi amicos” (Io. XV, 15) – immo eiusdem Patris filii sumus ac proinde in Christo et Christi una simul fratres.


We are all friends (“but I have called you friends”, Jn XV, 15) and more still, we are sons of the same Father, and therefore brothers together in Christ and of Christ.



Virtutes natural atque humanas diligenter ac fortiter colant, sed eas semper et in omnibus supernaturales fideliter reddere curent.


They should diligently and energetically cultivate the natural and human virtues, but they should take care always and in everything to convert them faithfully into supernatural ones.



Fraternitatem, optimismum, audaciam, in rebus bonis ac rectis intransigentiam, laetitiam, simplicitatem, nobilitatem ac sinceritatem speciali studio colunt alumni Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis et Operis Dei.


The students of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei cultivate with special zeal, fraternity, optimism, boldness, intransigence in things good and right, joy, simplicity, nobility and sincerity.



“In hoc cognoscent omnes quia discipuli mei estis, si dilectionem habueritis ad invicem” (Io, XIII, 35).  Haec caritas nos obligat ad docendos et commonendos sodales intra limites tamen correctionis fraternae.


“In this, all will know that you are my disciples: that you have love for one another” (Jn XIII, 35).  This charity obliges us to teach and admonish our members within the limits, nevertheless, of fraternal correction.



Haec nostra suprema ambitio esto, uti primaevi christiani vivere, sine discretione sanguinis, nationis et linguae.


Let this be our supreme ambition, to live like the first Christians without distinction of blood, nation or language.



Senes et infirmi sunt praecipui Instituti thesauri.


The old and the sick are the chief treasures of the Institute.



Ad roborandum spiritum proprium Institutionis fovetur poenitentia et corporis afflictatio, quae potius in parvis et ordinariis rebus est quaerenda et in labore quotidiano, constante, ordinato.  Omnes tamen privatae poenitentiae Superioris potestati et prudentiae prorsus subiiciantur qui, omnibus sodalis adiunctis coram Domino ponderatis, eas moderari potest ac debet.


In order to strengthen the spirit proper of the Institute, it fosters penance and corporal mortification which is preferably found in the small and ordinary things in daily, constant and ordinary work.  However, all the private penances are completely subject to the authority and the prudence of the Superior, who pondering all the circumstances of the member before God, can and ought to moderate them.



Fides supernaturalis, viva et operans, nobis praebet, quae omnia superare faciunt obstacula, adeo ut cum Apostolo dicere nos quoque valeamus; “omnia possum in eo qui me confortat” (Philip. IV, 13).


A living and operative supernatural faith, allows us to overcome all obstacles so that we can say with the Apostle, “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me” (Phil. IV, 13).



Perseverantia nostra penitus voluntaria sit: non coacte, sed spontanee Christo militamus nullamque patimur constrictionem.


So that our perseverance should be entirely voluntary, we serve Christ not by force, but rather willingly, and are not under any constraint.



Ecclesiae sumus mancipium: nihil ergo nobis gratius, nihil iucundius quam eidem servire.


We are the slaves of the Church.  Therefore nothing is more pleasing or joyful to us than to serve her.



Simus sinceri cum Deo, cum nobismetipsis et cum iis qui praesunt, quo facilius perseverantiam nobis comparare possimus..


We ought to be sincere with God, with ourselves and with those around us; so that we will more easily obtain our perseverance.



Attendamos exemplo potius quam verbis: illo enim Deus construit vel destruit inimicus.


We should strive to give example rather than word, for it is by this, that God builds or the enemy destroys.



Zelus quo adurimur, hoc unum quaerit, nempe ut omnes cum Petro ad Iesum per Mariam quasi manu ducamus.


The zeal by which we are consumed, seeks one thing only, that we lead everyone, by the hand, with Peter, through Mary to Jesus.



Cor nostrum, quod ad amandum factum est, prae omnibus Christum, Mariam eius Matrem atque nostram, Romanum Pontificem amet.  Hic amor nos sacrificium docebit, puritatem et abnegationem, quorum fructus est “gaudium cum pace”.


Our heart, which was made to love, should love, before all things, Christ, Mary his mother and ours, and the Roman Pontiff.  This love will teach us sacrifice, purity and abnegation, whose fruit is “joy with peace”.



Obedientia nostra sit sicut obedientia Christi, facti obedientis “usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis” (Philip. II, 8)


Our obedience should be like Christ’s obedience, made obedient “unto death, and even a death on the cross” (Phil. II, 8)



Nihil aut neminem formidemus. “Dominus illuminatio mea et salus mea, quem timebo?  Dominus protector vitae meae, a quo trepidabo?  Si consistant adversum me castra, non timebit cor meum”. (Ps, XXVI, 1, 2, 5)


We should fear no one. “The Lord is my light and my salvation.  Whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the protector of my life.  Of what should I be afraid?  Even if armies camp against me in the field, my heart will not fear” (Ps XXVI, 1, 2, 5)



Ne teramus tempus nostrum in domibus extruendis: potius iam extructas assumamus.


We don’t spend our time building houses; rather, we take for our own ones which are already constructed.



Paupertatem quam maxime diligamus, quae tamen in habitu externo, qui consentaneus sit oportet muneri sociali quo fungimur, ne appareat.


Poverty, which we love to the highest degree, does not appear in our external appearance, which ought to fit the social offices which we carry out.



In exercitio virtutem et in apostolatus praxi externas manifestationes fugiamus.  Sincere verum prudenter, in omnibus nos geramus, saepe ad memoriam revocantes miram triginta annorum fecunditatem vitae occultae Salvatoris nostri Iesu Christi.


In the exercise of the virtues and the practice of the apostolate, we shun external manifestations.  We behave in everything sincerely, but with prudence, always calling to mind the marvelous fecundity of the thirty years of hidden life of our Savior Jesus Christ.



Socii Operis Dei maxima cura res etiam parvas perficiant, eo quod vocationis nostrae ratio in diurno labore sanctificando consistit.  Non semper res magnae occurrunt; parvae utique, in quibus Iesu Christi amor saepius demonstari potest.


The members of Opus Dei should complete even little things with the greatest care, because the essence of our vocation consists in the sanctification of daily work.  Important things do not always occur; but it is certainly in the small things, in which the love of Jesus Christ can more often be shown.



Tria sunt, quae beatitudinem in terra et praemium in caelis praebent: fidei, puritati, propriaeque viae seu vocationi firma, virginalis, laeta atque indiscussa fidelitas.


There are three things which offer happiness on earth and the prize of heaven: a firm, virginal, joyful and unbreakable fidelity to the faith, to purity and to one’s own way or vocation.



Vocationis nostrae negotium et rationem cum extraneis non nisi caute valde et raro communicemus: quo enim pacto recte de his consilium praebere poterunt, qui Institutionem ignorant vel ei infensos se demonstrant?


The business and essence of our vocation are not discussed with outsiders, except with extreme caution, and only rarely.  For how are they able to offer correct advice in this matter when they are ignorant of the Institution or show hostility toward it?



Fidelis morum et Constitionum observantia genuinum in nostris sodalibus Instituti spiritum generabunt, propriamque familiae nostrae physonomiam alte defigent.


The faithful observance of the customs and Constitutions will engender in our members the genuine spirit of the Institute and it will deeply stamp them with the physiognomy characteristic of our family.


--Caput IV  De piis servandis Consuetudinibus

Chapter IV  Concerning the observance of pious customs



Ubi tres vel plures socii in familia vivunt, loco convenienti et commodo erigatur crux nigri coloris absque imagine Crucifixi.  Haec crux in diebus Inventionis et Exaltationis eiusdem, a primis vesperis, coronis florum ornetur.


Where three or more members live in family, there is to be erected in a suitable and handy place, a black cross without the image of the Crucified.  This cross, on the days of its Discovery and the Exaltation [of the Holy Cross], is to be decorated with wreaths of flowers from the first hour of Vespers.



Sero, post recitationem Rosarii marialis, fiat Evangelii commentarium.


At a late hour, after the recitation of the Rosary of our Lady, there will be a commentary on the Gospel.



Omnes habeant, loco decenti ac patenti proprii cubiculi, imaginem Dominae Nostrae, quam salutare ne omittant, saltem occulorum motu, ingredientes et egredientes.


All should have, in a suitable and visible place, in their own room, an image of Our Lady, which they never neglect to greet, at least with a movement of the eyes, whenever they enter or leave.



Actus omnes communes Sectionis virorum claudantur hac pia deprecatione: “Sancta Maria, Spes nostra, Sedes sapientiae, Ora pro nobis”; et in Sectione mulierum: “Sancta Maria, Spes nostra, Ancilla Domini, Ora pro nobis.”


All common acts in the Men’s Section should be closed with the pious invocation, “Sancta Maria, Spes nostra, Sedes sapientiae, Ora pro nobis” [Translation: “Holy Mary, our Hope, Seat of wisdom, pray for us”]; and in the Women’s Section with “Sancta Maria, Spes nostra, Ancilla Domini, Ora pro nobis” [Translation: “Holy Mary, our Hope, Handmaid of the Lord, pray for us”]



Singulis annis, socii omnes mense maio iter sacrae peregrinationis faciant in aloquod B. Mariae Virginis Sanctuarium, ad amorem nostrum erga eamdem Sanctissimam Virginem monstrandum.


Each year, in the month of May, all members should make a holy pilgrimage to some sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in order to show our love for the most Holy Virgin.



In Centris omnibus, ubi opus S. Raphaelis evolvitur, fiat singulis sabbatis collecta ad imaginem Dominae floribus ornandam.


In all Centers where the work of St. Raphael is carried out, there should be a collection taken up each Saturday to decorate the image of our Lady with flowers.



Omnes scapulare carmelitanum rite impositum deferant.  Singulis autem diebus, antequam lectum sero conscendant, tres “Ave”, sic dictas Puritatis, devote recitent genuflexi et, si fieri potest, brachiis in forma crucis contextis.  Item singulis diebus recitent, pro socio qui in maiori necessitate versatur, orationem “Memorare”


All should wear the Carmelite scapular, properly imposed.  And each day, before climbing into bed at night, they devoutly pray three Hail Mary’s, so called of Purity, on their knees, and if possible with their arms raised in the form of a cross.  They also pray, each day, the prayer the Memorare, for the member who is in the gravest necessity.



In die festo S. Ioseph omnes socii consecrationem Instituto renovent.  Commendatur praeterea ut talem consecrationem privatim, ex devotione, saepius renovare assuescant.


On the feast day of Saint Joseph, all members should renew their consecration to the Institute.  It is also recommended that they be accustomed to renewing their consecration frequently, privately, out of devotion.



Claves omnium Tabernaculorum Institutionis deferant catenam a qua numisma S. Ioseph pendeat: et in numismate haec inscriptio: “Ite ad Ioseph”.


The keys to all the Tabernacles of the Institute should carry a chain from which a medal of Saint Joseph hangs; and on the medal is the inscription, “Ite ad Ioseph” [Translation: “Go to Joseph”].



Ingredientes proprii ministerii Centrum, pariterque ex ipso egredientes ore vel saltem mente domus Angelum tutelarem fideliter ac devote invocent.  Aggredientes ministeria seu labores ad apostolatum Instituti pertinentia, peculiari horum laborum vel ministeriorum Patrono ipsa ferventer commendent.


On entering a Center of one’s ministry, and likewise on leaving it, they, vocally or at least mentally, should faithfully and devoutly invoke the guardian Angel of the house.  When beginning the ministry or activities which pertains to the apostolate of the Institute, they fervently commend themselves to the Patron of this particular activity or ministry.



Praeter festa Domini, Beatae Mariae Virginis et Sancti Ioseph, speciali devotione celebrantur festa Inventionis et Exaltationis Sanctae Crucis; SS. Archangelorum et Apostolorum Instituti operum Patronorum;  aliorum Apostolorum et Evangelistarum; dies secunda Octobris, seu Angelorum Custodum festivitas, et decima quarta Februarii.  Hae postremae dies, pro Institutione nostra, dies actionis gratiarum sunto.


Besides the feasts of the Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, feasts celebrated with special devotion are the Discovery and the Exaltation of the Holy Cross; the holy Archangels and Apostles patrons of the activities of the Institute, the other Apostles and Evangelists; October 2, the feast of the Guardian Angels and February 14.  For our Institution, these last days are to be days of acts of thanksgiving.



Singulis feriis tertiis, post invocatum Angelum Custodem, ut orationi adsistat, Rosarium deosculentur, in signum amoris erga Beatam Virginem, et psalmum 2, qui incipit “Quare fremuerunt”, lingua latina recitent: huius textus argumentum mediationis serotinae ipsis praebeat.


Each Tuesday, after invoking the Guardian Angel, so that he lend assistance to the prayer, and kissing the Rosary, as a sign of love for the Blessed Virgin, they recite in the Latin language Psalm 2, which begins “Quare fremuerent”.  Later, the same text is used as a theme of the afternoon meditation.



Praeter orationes quae in Precibus quotidianis pro Summo Pontifice et pro Episcopo dioecesano effunduntur, omnes quotidie intentiones eorumdem Domino specialiter commendare ne omittant.


Besides the prayers which are offered in the daily Prayers for the Pope and diocesan Bishop, each day no one should neglect to commend their intentions to the Lord in a special way.



Item singulis diebus precem aliquam et mortificationem Deo pro Patre offerant.  Si in examine serotino has omisisse adverterint, brevem pro ipso Patre orationem vocalem faciant antequam lectum conscendant.


Also, each day, they should offer to God some prayer and mortification for the Father.  If in the evening examination [of conscience], they discover that they have omitted it, they should pray a short vocal prayer for the Father before getting into bed.



Sero, priusquam se det somno Pater, psalmum “Miserere” prostratus recitabit; quodsi facere non valeat, alicui ex sociis faciendum sua vice committat.


In the evening, before giving himself up to sleep, the Father will pray the psalm “Miserere”, prostrate; and if he is not able to do so, he shall entrust another member to do it in his place.



Ad fovendum praesentiae Dei sensum, sodales hac salutationis forma accedentes vel recedentes utuntur: “Pax”, cui respondetur: “In aeternum”.


In order to foster a sense of the presence of God, the members use the following as a form of salutation on greeting and saying good-bye: “Pax”, to which is responded: “In aeternum”.



Aquam lustralem omnes in cubiculo habeant, qua lectum ante dormitationem aspergant, quaque digitos intingant sese signo crucis signaturi.


All should have holy water in their room, which they sprinkle on their bed before going to sleep, and in which they dip their fingers on signing themselves with the cross.



Ad demonstrandum studium paupertatis, singulis annis in festo S. Francisci Assisiensis, socii omnes Numerarii, quidquid in eorum usu est, patenter relinquant, ut domus seu Centri Director quod placuerit assumat.  Hoc appellatur “Spolium”.


In order to demonstrate the zeal for poverty, each year, on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, all the Numerary members have to openly relinquish all that they have for their use, so that the Director of their house or Center may take whatever he wishes.  This is called the “Spolium” [translation: despoliation]



Inter socios munuscula cuiusvis generis prohibentur.


Among members, the giving of little gifts of any kind is prohibited.



Ut melius spiritum paupertatis acquirant, singulis mensibus socii rationem accepti et expensi Directori Centri vel residentiae reddant, nisi eidem Directori aliud expedire videatur.


In order to better acquire a spirit of poverty, each month the members render to the Director of the Center or residence an account of their receipts and expenses, unless something else should seem useful to that Director.



Spiritualis ac fraterna necessitudo, quae omnia ligat Instituti membra, nullam habet externam manifestationem in vita sociali.


The spiritual and fraternal tie, which binds all members of the Institute, has no external manifestation in social life.



Omnes socii, singulis hebdomadis, cum Directore locali, conferant familiariter atque confidenter, quo melius actio apostolica ordinetur ac foveatur.


All members, each week, have an informal and confidential conversation with the local Director, in order to better coordinate and develop the apostolic action.



In  omnibus nostris domibus, loco apto atque decoro, imago Sancti Nicolai a Bario ponatur hac inscriptione supposita: “Sancte Nicolae, curam domus age”


In an appropriate and suitable place in all our houses an image of Saint Nicholas of Bari is placed with the following inscription underneath: “Sancte Nicolae, curam domus age” [Translation: “Saint Nicholas, take care of the house”]



Quo melius commercium cum Deo frui possimus, apud nos silentium servetur, maius et minus: nempe, illud ab examine vespertino usque ad Missae finem; istud post prandium, trium horarum spatio.


In order to better enjoy conversation with God, the greater and lesser silence should be kept among us:  the former being from the examination [of conscience] in the evening until the end of Mass [Note: the next morning]; and the latter after lunch for a period of three hours.



Nocte qua solemnis SS. Sacramenti habetur expositio, socii omnes, suo quilibet ordine, usque ad repositionem Ipsius adoraturi accedant.


On the night in which the Holy Sacrament is exposed, all the members, each in his turn should come to adore until the time of reposing of the Sacrament.



Singulis diebus unus ex socis, de cognitione solius Directoris, “vigiliam” sic dictam, faciet: hoc est, maximo animi conatu satagit vivere illa die, speciali ratione, Instituti spiritum, mores, normas; frequentiore consuetudine cum Deo utetur, orationi maiore tempore instabit, mortificationem aliquam singularem addet, et a Deo pro fratribus exactiorem observantiam enixe exorabit.


Each day, one of the members, known only to the Director, will keep what is called “the guard” [translation: “Watch” or “Vigil”].  That is he strives to live that day with the greatest effort of mind, in a special way, the spirit, norms and customs of the Institute; he will engage in more frequent conversation with God, spending a greater time in prayer, and adding some special mortification and zealously asking from God a more exact observance for his brothers.



Piam consuetudinem, ad corpus castigandum atque in servitutem redigendum, per duas saltem horas quotidie parvum cilicium ferendi; semel in hebdomada disciplinam sumendi atque supra pavimentum dormiendi, dummodo sanitati fuerit provisum, fideliter retineant.


They conserve faithfully the pious custom of chastisement of the body to keep it in a state of servitude, by wearing a small cilice for at least two hours a day,  taking the discipline and sleeping on the floor once a week, making adequate provision to safeguard the health.


--Caput V  De pietatis officiis sociorum

Chapter V  Concerning the pious duties of members



Sodales singulis diebus, mane, post oblationem suorum operum Deo factam, orationi mentali spatio semihorae vacabunt.  Vespere autem aliam semihoram orationi dedicabunt.  Missae praeterea Sacrificio devotissime assistant, Corporis Christi dapem sacramentaliter vel spiritualiter saltem participantes;  Preces communes recitent; Christum in SS. Sacramento visitent; lectioni Evangelii et alterius libri spiritualis per aliquot temporis spatium vacent; mariale Rosarum quindecim mysteriorum recitent; conscientiam discutiant; et Beatam Virginem Mariam, uti mos est, salutatione “Angelus Domini” vel antiphona “Regina coeli” filiali devotione honorare ne omittant.


Each day, after making an offering of their activities to God, members will spend a period of half an hour in mental prayer.  In the afternoon, they will dedicate another half hour to prayer.  Furthermore, they should assist with the greatest devotion at the sacrifice of the Mass; sharing in the Body of Christ sacramentally, or at least spiritually.  They should recite the common prayers, visit Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, spend some time reading the Gospel and some other spiritual book, recite the fifteen decades of the Rosary of our Lady, conduct an examination of  conscience and not fail to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, as is the custom, with the greeting “Angelus Domini” or the antiphon “Regina coeli”.



Ubi, Consiliarii Regionalis iudicio, commode fieri possit, ab omnibus in communi, mane et vespere, Prima et Completorium recitentur; Instituti vero socii privatim horas canonicas non recitant, nisi in sacris sint ordinati.


When, in the judgment of the Regional Counselor, it be done without difficulty, all members in common recite, morning and evening, the hours of Prime and Compline; but the members of the Institute do not recite the canonical hours privately, unless they are ordained in Holy Orders.



Singulis hebdomadis, confessionem sacramentalem apud sacerdotes designatos peragant.  Verum sciant omnes, unicuique liberum esse quemlibet sacerdotem ab Ordinario loci ad confessiones approbatum adire, quin ulli Superiori, de instituta apud ipsum confessione, rationem reddere teneantur.


Each week, they should make sacramental confession with the designated priest.  But all should know that they are free to approach any priest who is approved by the local Ordinary for confession, without being obligated to render an account to any Superior concerning the confession to that person..



Die sabbato mortificationem aliquam faciant, recitentque antiphonam “Salve Regina”.


On Saturday, they should perform some mortification and recite the antiphon, “Salve Regina”.



Singulis mensibus spirituali recessui unam dedicent diem.


Each month, they should dedicate one day to spiritual retreat.



Singulis annis exercitiis spiritualibus per aliquot dies vacent.


Each year, they should spend several days in spiritual exercises.



Semper et ubique recolant Dei praesentiam; meminerint filiationis divinae; communiones spirituales iterent; item gratiarum actiones, actus expiationis,orationes iaculatorias; foveant impensius mortificationem, studium, laborem, ordinem, laetitiam.


Always and everywhere, they should practice the presence of God, remember their divine filiation, repeat spiritual communions, and likewise acts of thanksgiving, acts of reparation, ejaculatory prayers, cultivate generous mortification, study, work, order and cheerfulness.



Opus Dei ad proprium spiritum altius in sodalium animis defigendum utitur peculiaribus rationibus, quae confidentia hebdomadaria, Circulus Brevis, et correctio fraterna nuncupantur.


In order to implant its spirit more deeply within the souls of its members, Opus Dei utilizes its specific methods, which are called the weekly Confidence, the Brief Circle and fraternal correction.



Confidentiae nomine in Opere Dei venit singularis cum Directore, Consiliario, Superioreque Maiori vel Supremo, aut horum delegatis, familiaris collatio apertumque atque sincerum colloquium, cuius finis triplex praecipue erit, scilicet:


By the name of the Confidence in Opus Dei is meant an individual, informal meeting with open and sincere conversation with the Director, the Counselor, the Major or Supreme Superiors, or those delegated by them, whose primary purpose will be threefold; namely:


--269 P1

Clarior, plenior et intimior sodalium ex parte Superiorum cognitio, atque formae mentis Operis Dei communicatio vitaeque singulorum applicatio;


a clearer, fuller and more intimate understanding of the members on the part of the Superiors and the communication and application to the life of each one of the mentality of Opus Dei;


--269 P2

Voluntatis ad sanctitatem et apostolatum spiritui Operis Dei respondentem, roboratio et confirmatio;


to strengthen and confirm the will to the holiness and apostolate which respond to the spirit of Opus Dei;


--269 P3

Inter subditos ac Superiores intima animorum fusio ac compenetratio.


the intimate fusion and compenetration of the souls of the subordinates and the Superiors.



Sodales Numerarii et Oblati, singulis hebdomadis, Circulos Breves habeant diligenter, iuxta modum in nostro Caeremoniali definitum, ubi defectus corrigantur, media apostolatus proponantur, eaque omnia ad fovendum spiritum nostrum atque specificam actionem convenientia vel opportuna familiariter pertractentur.


Each week, the Numerary and Oblate members should diligently hold the Brief Circles according to the manner defined in our Ceremonial, in which defects are corrected, means of apostolate are proposed and all those things which are suitable and useful to develop our spirit and specific activities are discussed familiarly.



Circulus Brevis, singulis in domibus vel Centris, alius est pro sociis Numerariis vel Oblatis qui Institutioni iam sese devovere, alius pro iis qui adhuc in probatione sunt.  Si tamen Director una cum proprio Consilio opportunum duxerit, Circulus Brevis specialis pro aliquibus tantum Numerariis vel, in propriis Centris, pro aliquibus Oblatis haberi poterit.


In each house or Center; there is one Brief Circle for the Numerary or Oblate members who have already consecrated themselves to the Institute, and there is another is for those who are still in the probationary period.  However, if the Director, with his council deems it opportune, it is possible for him to hold a special Brief Circle for some Numeraries only, or in their own Centers, for some Oblates.



Circuli praeses, ea quae facta vel conclusa fuerint in Circulo Brevi, opportune notabit, Directori, si ipse non interfuit, submittenda.  Ceterum, loqui de defectibus de quibus socii in Circulo Brevi sese accusarunt, vel censuram agere de iis rebus, quae in ipso Circula dicta vel facta sunt, nemimi liceat; tantum de iis cum Superioribus colloqui fas esto.


The person who presides at the Circle will make opportune notes of what might happen or be concluded in the Brief Circle, submitted to the Director, if he were not present.  No one else is permitted to speak of the defects of which members accuse themselves in the Brief Circle, or make criticism of those things which are said or done in the same Circle.  It must be licit to discuss these things only with the Superiors.


--Caput VI  De promotione ad sacros Ordines

Chapter VI  Concerning the promotion to sacred Orders



Illi tantum ad sacros Ordines promoveantur, quos Praeses Generalis vocatione ecclesiastica praeditos noverit et Instituto suisque ministeriis necessarios vel congruentes iudicaverit.  Qui autem Ordines appetere exoptant desiderium suum Patri exponere possunt, sed eius decisioni acquiescere debent.


Only those are promoted to sacred Orders, whom the President General has recognized are endowed with an ecclesiastical vocation and has judged that they are necessary or appropriate to the Institute and its ministries.  However, anyone who wishes to aspire to Orders can make his wish known to his Father, but he ought to abide by his decision.



Prima tonsura et Ordines illis tantum conferendi sunt, qui iam Operi Dei per Fidelitatem fuerint perpetuo incorporati.


First tonsure and Orders ought to be conferred only on those who have already been perpetually incorporated in Opus Dei by the Fidelity.



Ut quis ad Ordines promoveri valeat, praeter carentiam irregularitatum aliorumque impedimentorum, de quibus in iure communi, requiritur ut sit speciali aptitudine ornatus ad munera sacerdotalia, prout in Instituto exercenda sunt.  Promotio ad sacros Ordines Patri reservatur.


For anyone to be promoted to Orders, besides the absence of irregularities and other impediments which are dealt with in common law, the person is required to be endowed with a special aptitude for the priestly functions as they are to be exercised in the Institute.  Promotion to sacred Orders is reserved to the Father.



Titulus ordinationis pro sodalibus promovendis est Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis.


The title of ordination for those members who are promoted is the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross.



Litteras dimissorias, pro ordinatione Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis et Operis Dei alumnorum Numerariorum, dat Praeses Generalis Instituti.


The President General of the Institute gives the dismissal letters for ordination of the Numerary students of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei.



Qui ad sacros Ordines vocantur, non modo requisita a canonibus praescripta habere debent, praesertim specialem in disciplinis ecclesiasticis cognitionem, verum etiam emineant pietate, vitae integritate, animarum zelo, erga SS. Eucharistiam fervido amore, ac desiderio imitandi quod quotidie tractare debent.


Those who are called to sacred Orders, ought to have not only the requisites prescribed by the canons, but especially a special knowledge in the ecclesiastical disciplines, indeed also to be outstanding in piety, in integrity of life, zeal for souls, fervent love for the Holy Eucharist and a desire to imitate what they must deal with on a daily basis.



Cum sacerdotes in Instituto specialissimo modo debent vitam spiritualem sociorum omnium alere, quo melius et efficacius missioni ipsis commendatae operam navare possint, antequam Ordinem Subdiaconatus recipiant emittere debent promissionem de qua in n. 20.  Et praeterea illa omnia servanda sunt, quae a Sancta Sede pro clericis in sacris ordinandis praescribuntur.


Since priests in the Institute ought to nourish the spiritual lives of all the members in a special way, so that they may better and more efficiently apply their zeal to the work that has been entrusted to them, before receiving the subdiaconate Order, they ought to pronounce the promises which are discussed in No. 20.  And furthermore, they ought to observe all that is prescribed by the Holy See for those clerics in sacred orders.


--Caput VII  De aegrotantibus et defunctis

Chapter VII  Concerning the sick and the dead



Aegroti et senes thesauri nostri sunt.  Hinc de ipsis Opus Dei maximam curam gerat, adeo ut quidquid ad Numerariorum salutem conservandam vel recuperandam amissam, necessarium vel conveniens, medicorum iudicio, existimetur, maxima caritate et generositate suppeditet.


The sick and the old are our treasures.  Hence, Opus Dei should take the greatest care of them to the extent that anything, which in medical opinion is considered necessary or convenient to conserve or recover the lost health of Numeraries, is supplied with the greatest charity and generosity.



Quodsi Institutionis est maternum et effusum amorem erga aegrotos quoslibet demonstrare, omnes tenentur infirmitates patienter tolerare, et memores mortificationis et paupertatis quam professi sunt, nihil exigant, sed Superioribus, qua par est modestia et sinceritate, necessitate exposita, eorum curis et Dei voluntati fidenter se submittant.


But even if it corresponds to the Institute to show its maternal and generous love for any who are sick, all have to bear their sickness with patience, and to remember mortification and poverty, which they have professed. They should never demand, but after making their need known to the Superiors, with both modesty and sincerity, and they should submit themselves faithfully to their care and to the will of God.



Ceteri autem, bebita tamen cum prudentia, et medicorum ac Superiorum praescriptis observatis, fratres aegrotos visitent, eos laeta conversatione sublevent, eis vel in humilibus officiis inservire ne dedignentur.


The others, on their part, with due attention to prudence and observing the indications of the doctors and the Superiors, should visit their sick brothers, should support them with joyful conversation and should never refuse to serve them, even in humble details.



Superiorum Instituti ius est et officium, cum periculum mortis immineat, infirmis, Numerariis per se vel per alios Sacramenta ministrare (can 514 S 1), quod etiam facere possunt sodalibus Oblatis.  Agonia autem superveniente, commendatio animae fiat, adstantibus, quoad fieri possit, omnibus domus sodalibus, et orantibus ut Deus infirmum soletur, ei festivus occurrat eumque in Paradisum perducat.


It is the right and duty of the Superiors of the Institute, when the danger of death is imminent, to administer themselves, or through others, the Sacraments to the sick (Canon 514 S 1) Numeraries, which they can also do, as much as possible, for the Oblate members.  When the final agony arrives, they should commend the soul with all the members of the house present, insofar as is possible, and praying that God will comfort the sick person, may meet him kindly and lead him into Paradise.



Cadaver debito honore tumuletur: curet autem Centri vel domus Director ut sindone involvatur.


The cadaver ought to be buried with proper respect.  The Director of the Center or house should care that it be wrapped in a fine linen.



Director localis Praesidem Instituti necnon Consiliarium Regionalem de decessu certiorem reddat, qui, sua vice, ceteris Regionibus et residentiis mortem nuntiabunt ut omnes pro defuncto Numerario preces supplicationesque effundant, prout cuique caritas suggeret.  Cum familia quoque defuncti decessus illico communicetur.


The local Director should inform the President of the Institute and also the Regional Counselor of the death, who, in their turn, will announce the death to the other Regions and the residences, so that all may pour out their prayers and supplications for the deceased Numerary, as charity may prompt each one.  The death should also be communicated immediately to the family of the deceased.



Iusta funebria tam pro Numerariis quam pro Oblatis ex regula in paroecia ad normam iuris persolvantur.  In propria domo celebrari possunt quando in ipsa Oratorium publicum adsit, vel Centrum maius ab auctoritate ecclesiastica recognitum.


The funeral rites for Numeraries as well as for Oblates should be celebrated, as a rule, in the parish according to the precept of law.  They can be celebrated in the house, itself, in which there is a public Oratory or in a major Center which is recognized by the ecclesiastical authority.



Pro defuncto Summo Pontifice singulae residentiae Missam offerant; idem faciant pro defuncto Ordinario loci residentiae suae ditionis.


Each residence should offer a Mass for a deceased Supreme Pontiff; residences within his jurisdiction should do the same for a deceased local Ordinary.



Pro defuncto Patre, praeter solemne funus singulis in Centris Institutionis solvendum, duplicentur suffragia communia.  Idem peragetur in propria Regione pro eiusdem Consiliario.


In the case of the death of the Father, besides the solemn funeral which is celebrated in each Center of the Institute, the usual suffrages are doubled.  The same is carried out for the Counselor in his own Region.



Pro singulis Numerariis defunctis, etiam pro iis quo in probatione decesserunt, praeter Missam exequialem, triginta Missae gregorianae in domo vel Centro cui adscriptus erat, applicabuntur, necnon Missa in primo anniversario obitus.  In ceteris vero Regionis domibus, Missa pro anima defuncti celebretur statim ac decessus notitia pervenerit.  Pro Oblatis eadem applicanda sunt suffragia ac pro Numerariis.


For each deceased Numerary, including those who die during the probationary period, besides the funeral Mass, the thirty Gregorian Masses in the house or Center to which he was ascribed will be applied, and also a Mass on the first anniversary of death.  In other houses of the Region, a Mass should be said for the soul of the deceased immediately upon receiving the notice of death.  For the Oblates, the same suffrages apply as for Numeraries.



Pro unoquoque Supernumerario vita functo tres Missae celebrentur; ceterique socii, illi Coetui cooptati, preces supplicationesque effundant, quae ipsorum fraterna caritas suggesserit; et participes quoque sunt omnium communium suffragiorum.


For each one of the Supernumeraries departing life, three Masses are celebrated; and the other members who belong to his Group offer the prayers and supplications which their fraternal charity suggests; and they also participate in all the public suffrages.



Pro patre et matre cuiusque socii Numerarii vel Oblati, in residentia filii, novem applicentur Missae; si autem plures fuerint in Instituto filii, pro unoquoque parentum suffragia multiplicentur.  Pro fratre vel sorore alicuius nostri sodalis Numerarii vel Oblati tres in huius residentia celebrentur Missae.


For the father and mother of Numerary and Oblate members, nine Masses are said in the residence of the offspring; and if they had several children in the Institute, the suffrages for each parent should be multiplied.  For the brother or sister of one of our Numerary or Oblate members, three Masses should be celebrated in his residence.



Enixe omnibus commendatur sancta et salubris cogitatio pro defunctis omnibus, praesertim autem Instituti nostri, exorandi atque suffragandi ut caritas, quae nos in terris coniunxit, etiam post mortem unum nos facere pergat.  Ergo pro omnibus Instituti defunctis, Missa anniversaria quotannis celebretur, praeter alia suffragia, quae, mense novembris praesertim , pro ipsis afferentur.


Holy and healthy mediation is assiduously recommended to all for all the dead, but especially those of our Institute, pleading and offering suffrages, that the charity, which united us on earth should also continue to make us one after death.  Therefore, an anniversary Mass should be said every year for all the dead of the Institute, besides the other suffrages, which are offered for them, especially during the month of November.


Pars III -- De Instituti Regimine

Part Three -- Concerning the Government of the Institute.


Caput I  De regimine generali

Chapter I  Concerning government in general



Opus Dei regimen habet generale, regionale et locale.  Primum, Institutum universum afficit omniaque eiusdem opera; secundum, socios et actionem determinatae Regionis; tertium, diversa Centra localia.


Opus Dei has general, regional and local government.  The first affects the whole Institute and all its activities; the second, the members and the activities of a determined Region; the third, the diverse local Centers.



Tam Institutum universum quam eiusdem duplex sectio, virorum nempe aut mulierum, tantum a Patre vel eius delegatis et a Procuratore Generali legitime repraesentantur: unaquaeque vero Instituti Regio, etiam a proprio Consiliario Regionali.


Both the whole Institute and its two sections, that is, of men and of women, is legitimately represented only by the Father or his delegates and the Procurator General;  and each Region of the Institute is represented by its Regional Counselor.



Superiors Instituti, tam regiminis generalis, quam regionalis et localis, ordinaria, sociali, dominativa et gubernativa potestate fruuntur, ad normam harum Constitutionem.


The Superiors of the Institute, both of the general as well as the regional and local government, enjoy a power which is ordinary, societal, dominative and governing, according to the norms of these Constitutions.



Praeter illos qui, iuxta can. 488 P8, vocantur Superiores Maiores, Superioribus Maioribus ad normam et intra limites Constitutionum aequiparantur illi omnes, qui munere directionis funguntur in Consilio Generali: et, pro sua cuiusque Regione, qui in Commissionem Regionalem ingrediuntur.


Besides those who, according to Canon 488, Paragraph 8, are called Major Superiors, all those who hold a position of government in the General Council are equivalent to Major Superiors according to the norms and within the limitations of these Constitutions; as well as those, who belong to the Regional Commission for one’s own region.



Nemo potest ad regiminis, etiam localis, munus promoveri nisi expressus accedat consensus Praesidis Generalis.  Praeses tamen primum quam veniam concedat, accuratas certasque informationes exquirat.  Quod si Praeses renuat suum consensum dare, debet ut plurium causas huius decisionis Vicepraesidi, si adsit, vel Secretatio Generali Instituti patefacere.


No one can be promoted to an office of even local government, without the express consent of the President General.  The President, nevertheless, before giving his consent, should request careful and certain information.  But if the President refuses to give his consent, he ought, at most, to make known the reasons for his decision to the Vice President, if he exists, or to the Secretary General.



Excepto Praesidis Generalis munere, alia omnia munera Instituti sunt temporaria: admittitur tamen iterata eorumdem electio.


Except for the office of the President General, all the other offices of the Institute are temporary: nevertheless, it is permitted that one be chosen for them again.



Art. I. De Instituti Praesidis electione et de Congressibus Generalibus

Article 1.  Concerning the election of the President and of the General Congress



Universam Societatem Sacerdotalem Sanctae Crucis et Opus Dei regit Praeses Generalis, qui interne dicitur “Pater”.  Eligitur inter Electores, excluso compromisso, ad normam n. 304 et sqq.


The whole Priestly Society of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei is ruled by the President General, who is called, internally, “Father”.  He is elected by the Electors, excluding compromise, according to the norms of No. 304 and following.



Ut quis possit Praeses Generalis eligi, requiritur ut sit sacerdos Elector, iam a decem saltem annis Instituto per Oblationem incorporatus, filius legitimi matrimonii et natus saltem annos quadraginta.


In order for someone to be elected President General, it is required that he be a priest Elector, incorporated by the Oblation in the Institute for at least ten years, that he be the son of a legitimate marriage and that he be at least forty years of age.



Eluceat praeterea prudentia, pietate, erga Institutum devotione, erga consocios caritate, erga proximos zelo, erga Ecclesiam obedientia.


He should manifest, besides prudence, piety, devotion to the Institute, charity for his fellow members, zeal for his neighbors and obedience to the Church.



Praeditus sit speciali cultura etiam profana, immo, quoad fieri possit, laurea doctorali in aliqua ecclesiastica disciplina, aliisque qualitatibus ad agendum necessariis.


He should be endowed with a special culture, including profane, indeed, insofar as it is possible, he should hold a doctorate in some ecclesiastical discipline, and possess other qualities necessary to act.



Officium est ad vitam.


The office is for life.



Ad electionem,  Praesidis vocem activam habent ii omnes qui Congressum Generalem constituunt, id est, omnes socii Electores.


For the election of the President, all those who constitute the General Congress, that is, all the Elector members, have active voice.



Electio Praesidis fit in Congressu Generali tum convocando cum officium vacaverit.  Congressum convocat eique praeest Vicepraeses vel, si hic non sit, Secretarius Generalis, et hoc deficiente, primus inter membra Consilii Generalis, iuxta normas praededentiae in N. 30 traditas.


The election of the President occurs in the General Congress to be convoked when the office becomes vacant.  The Congress is convoked by and presided over by the Vice President or if there is none, by the Secretary General, or if this office is unfilled, by the first member of the General Council, according to the norms of precedence recorded in No. 30.



In litteris convocatoriis designanda sunt et tempus intra quod electio facienda sit et locus ubi Congressus coadunari debeat.  Ad primum quod attinet, Congressus convocari debet intra mensem; celebrari autem intra tres menses a muneris vacatione.  Ad alterum quod pertinet, locus Congressus deputatur a Vicepraeside vel a Secretario Generali, audito Consilio.  Interim regimen totius Instituti tenet Vicepraeses, si sit; aliter Secretarius Generalis, vel, hoc deficiente, dignior Consilii Generalis (n. 30).


The letters of convocation, should designate the time during which the election will take place and the place in which the Congress ought to meet.  Pertaining to the first item, the Congress ought to be convoked within one month, and it should be celebrated within three months of the vacancy of office.  Regarding the second item, the place of the Congress is decided by the Vice President or the Secretary General, having heard the Council.  All interim government of the Institute is borne by the Vice President, if he exists, otherwise by the Secretary General, or if that office is deficient, by the highest ranking member of the General Council (No. 30).



Convocatio intimanda est omnibus et singulis qui ius habent interveniendi.  Si quis neglectus, et ideo absens fuerit, electio valet, sed ad eius instantiam potest, probata praeteritione et absentia, a comptente Superiore, id est, a Sede Apostolica, irritari, dummodo constet recursum saltem intra triduum ab habita notitia electionis fuisse transmissum.


The convocation is communicated to all and each person who has the right of participating.  If someone is neglected, and thus is absent, the election is still valid, but at his petition, the competent Superior, that is, the Apostolic See, is able to invalidate it, having examined the exclusion and the absence, if it is established that he transmitted the recourse, at least, within three days of receiving notice of the election.



Si plures quam teria pars electorum neglecti fuerint, electio est ipso iure nulla.  Defectus convocationis non obest electioni si praetermissi nihilominus intervenerint.


If more that one third of the electors are overlooked, the election is automatically null.  A defective convocation is not an obstacle to the election if, nevertheless, the overlooked persons still participate.



Convocatus tenetur personaliter interesse, nisi legitimum obstet impedimentum, a Superiore convocante probandum.  Non licet delegare ius interveniendi, neque valet suffragium per epistolam missum.


Individuals convoked must participate personally, unless a legitimate impediment exists, which is to be examined by the convoking Superior.  It is not permitted to delegate one’s right to participate, nor is it valid to send one’s vote by letter.



Convocatione legitime secuta, ius eligendi pertinet ad eos, qui praesentes sunt die et loco in convocatione statuto.  Si quis tamen ex electoribus praesens in domo sit, in qua fit electio, sed electioni ob infirmam valetudinem interesse nequeat, suffragium eius scriptum a scrutatoribus exquiratur et reponatur in urna clausa, postea adiundendum ceteris suffragiis ab aliis electoribus latis.


Following a legitimate convocation, the right to elect rests with those who are present on the day and in the place stated in the convocation.  If, nevertheless, one of the electors is present in the house, in which the election is held, but he cannot participate due to bad health, his written vote should be sought by the vote counters and placed in a closed urn, to be added later to the votes cast by the other electors.



Suffragium ut valeat sit liberum secretum, certum, absolutum, determinatum, non sibi datum.


In order for a vote to be valid, it must be free, secret, exact, unconditional, decisive and not cast in favor of oneself.



Antequam ad Praesidis electionem deveniatur, omnes et singuli electores iureiurando promittant, tacto pectore sacerdotes, Evangelio ceteri, se electuros esse eum, qui secundum Deum eligendum existmaverint.


Before coming to the election of the President, all and each of the electors promise under an oath, with the priests touching their chest, and the others touching the Gospel, that they will elect the one whom they believe should be elected according to God.



Caveant omnes a directa vel indirecta suffragiorum procuratione, tam pro se ipsis quam pro aliis.  Quod utique non impedit quominus opportunas informationes prudenter quisque assumat, circa qualitates personarum non bene ipsi notarum.


All should guard against procuring votes directly or indirectly, either for themselves or for others.  Nonetheless, that should not impede each one from prudently collecting opportune information regarding the qualities of the persons who are not well known to them.



Inter informationes quas Congressus requirere et recipere debet, antequam ad Patris electionem procedere iure valeat, illae recensentur quae ex Assessoratu Centrali Sectionis mulierum provenient.  Cum pater, caput et Superior utriusque Sectionis sit, decet ut omnibus et singulis membris Assessoratur Centralis facultas detur proponendi nomen seu nomina illius illorumve qui ad supremum Operis Dei munus digniores et aptiores censeant,  Ideo singulae Assessoratus sodales schedulam sigillatam, non subscriptam neque signatuam, operculo clausam Sacerdoti Secretario tradent, in quo candidati seu candidatorum nomina proponent.  Haec opercula, in sessione Congressus, corum omnibus aperiantur et a secretario Congressus perlegantur, Scripta postea cum schedulis electionis comburantur.


Among the information which the Congress ought to seek and receive, before using the right to proceed to the election of the Father, are those items which should come from the Central Advisory of the Section of Women.  Since the Father is the head and the Superior of the other Section, it is fitting that each and all of the members of the Central Advisory be given the power of proposing the name or names of him or those whom they judge to be most worthy and suited for the supreme office of Opus Dei.  Thus, each member of the Central Advisory will give to the Priest Secretary, a sealed letter, not handwritten or signed, in a closed envelope, in which they propose the names of a candidate or candidates.  These envelopes should be opened in the session of the Congress in the presence of all and read by the secretary of the Congress.  These letters should be burned, afterwards, with the ballots of the election.



In electione, munere funguntur scrutatorum, praeter Congressus praesidem, maior aetate sacerdos et maior aetate laicus; et secretarii munere, laicus iunior: qui omnes iusiurandum interponant de munere fideliter obeundo atque de secreto servando circa acta in Congressu, etiam expleta electione.


In the election, beside the President of the Congress, the oldest priest and the oldest layman exercise the role of vote counters; the office of secretary is filled by the youngest layman; all of them should take an oath swearing  to faithfully fulfill the office and to maintain secrecy about the acts of the Congress, even after the conclusion of the election.



Scrutatorum est curare ut suffragia secreto, diligenter, singillatim et servato praecedentiae ordine ab unoquoque electore ferantur; collectisque ad ultimum suffragiis coram praeside electionis inspicere, an suffragiorum numerus respondeat numero electorum, eadem scrutari et publice seu palam voce elata legere, celato nomine electoris, ut omnibus constet quot suffragia quisque retulerit.


To the vote counters is assigned the duty of ensuring that the secret votes are collected from each elector, diligently, one by one, and keeping the order of precedence; and having collected the ballots, to the last one, in the presence of the president of the election, to check whether the number of ballots corresponds to the number of electors, examine them and then publicly or in a loud voice to read them, keeping secret the name of the elector, in such a manner that all agree that as many votes were received.



Si numerus suffragiorum superet eligentium numerum, nihil est actum, et repetenda est suffragatio.


If the number of votes is greater than the number of eligible votes, the ballot is null and must be repeated.



Suffragia statim, peracto unoquoque scrutinio, vel post sessionem, si in eadem sessione facta fuerint plurima scrutinia, a scrutatoribus ipsis comburantur.


Once each vote is concluded, or after the session if there were several votes in the same session, the ballots are burned immediately by the same vote counters.



Is electus habeatur qui, demptis suffragiis nullis, maioritatem duarum saltem ex tribus partibus suffragiorum obtinuerit.


He shall be considered elected, who after subtracting the null votes, obtains at least a two-thirds majority.



Si post quartum scrutinium nemo maioritatem, de qua in n. 319, obtinuerit, fiat quintum, in quo is electus Pater remaneat qui maioritatem absolutam consequatur.  Quodsi nemo in quinto scrutinio hanc maioritatem assequutus fuerit, fiat sextum et ultimum in quo, ii duo tantum voce passiva absque activa fruuntur qui, in quinto, maiorem suffragiorum numerum retulerint.  In casu paritatis votorum, ad definiendum ius ingrediendi in sexto scrutinio et ad electionem in ipso decidendam, attenditur ad antiquitatem Oblationis vel aetatis.


If after four votes, no one has the majority spoken of in No. 319, there will be a fifth one in which the one who wins an absolute majority is elected as Father.  If no one obtains this majority in the fifth vote, there will be a sixth and final one in which the two who obtained the greater number of votes in the fifth vote have an active voice, but not a passive one.  In the case of a tie, in order to define the right of entering the sixth vote and to decide the election in it, consideration is given to seniority in the Oblation or in age.



Canonica peracta electione, electus a praeside Congressus proclamatur; si vero ipse praeses electus fuerit, proclamationem facit sequens ordine praecedentiae.


At the conclusion of the canonical election, the person elected is declared by the president of the Congress; if, in fact, the president himself is elected, the proclamation is made by the next in the order of precedence.



Proclamatus electus munus in spiritu obedientiae acceptet, fidens Dei gratia qui ei onus imponens, faciet etiam cum onere proventum ut possit sustinere.  Si tamen adeo graves rationes ipsi assistant quae acceptationem impedire videantur, eas Congressui proponat qui illas perpendet.  Electus decisioni Congressus acquiescat, qui poterit electum ad acceptandum obligare etiam praecepto obedientiae.  Habita acceptatione, omnes electo reverentiam exhibeant, manum eius genuflexi deosculantes.  Electio facta, Sanctae Sedi communicetur.


The person declared elected should accept the office in a spirit of obedience, trusting in the grace of God who, in imposing the burden on him, will give, along with the burden the possibility of carrying it.  If, nevertheless, there exist grave reasons which would appear to impede acceptance, he should propose them to the Congress which will examine them.  The elected person should accept the decision of the Congress which can oblige the elect to accept under the precept of obedience.  With the acceptance made, all should show reverence to the elected person, kissing his hand while genuflecting.  When the election is complete, the Holy See is notified.



De peracta electione secretarius Congressus acta diligenter conficiat, ab ipso secretario, a praeside et a scrutatoribus subsignanda atque in archivo Instituti reponenda.


The secretary of the Congress should diligently conclude the acts concerning the completed election which must be signed by the secretary, himself, by the president and by the vote counters and be deposited in the archives of the Institute.



Electionis negotio completo, Praeses electus, qui ex tunc erit etiam Congressus Praeses, submittet eidem praecipuas quaestiones Instituti, quae decidentur maioritate suffragiorum.  Quod si suffragia aequalia fuerint, post tertium scrutinuim Praeses poterit suo voto paritatem dirimere.


With the business of the election complete, the elected President, who from that time on also becomes the President of the Congress, submits to it the principal questions of the Institute, which are decided by a majority vote.  And if the votes are equal, after the third scrutiny, the President can break the tie with his vote.



Electionem Praesidis subsequitur omnium munerum vel officiorum regiminis generalis renovatio, sive per novas designationes, sive per confirmationem.  Quod valet etsi tempus ad quod fuerint titulares nominati, nondum fuerit elapsum; ab hac nova designatione tempus durationis in munere deinceps computabitur.


Complete renewal of all the offices and positions of the general government follow the election of the President by new appointments or confirmation.  This holds although the time for which those named to office has not yet elapsed.  The new time for the duration of office is then computed from this time forward.


--326 S1

Praeter Congressum Generalem electivum, singulis quinquenniis celebrari debet Congressus Generalis ordinarius a Patre convocatus, ut de Instituti statu iudicium proferat et futurae actioni regiminis opportunas normas suadere valeat.  Congressui praeest Pater vel, eius delegatione, dignior Consili Generalis.


Besides the General Electoral Congress, there ought to be every five years, an ordinary General Congress, convoked by the Father in order to pronounce judgment on the state of the Institute and to be able to suggest opportune norms for the future action of government.  The Congress is presided over by the Father, or by his delegation, the highest ranking member of the General Council.


--326 S2

Congressus Generalis extra ordinem convocandus est, cum rerum adiuncta de iudicio Patris cum voto deliberativo Consilii id postulent: et ad Vicepraesidem designandum vel revocandum, ad norman nn 341 S2 et 344 S2


An extraordinary General Congress is convoked when the circumstances should demand it in the judgment of the Father with the deliberative vote of the Council; and to designate or recall a Vice President according to the norms Nos. 341, S2 and 344, S2.


Art. 2. De Patre

Article 3.  Concerning the Father



Praeses Generalis Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis et Operis Dei a sociis vocatur Pater.


The President General of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei is called Father by the members.



Pater obtinet potestatem in omnes Regiones, Centra et singula membra ac bona Instituti, exercendam secundum has Constitutiones.


The Father has power over all the Regions, Centers, each one of the members and the goods of the Institute, exercised according to these Constitutions.



Patris potestas est ordinaria, socialis, gubernativa et dominativa in subditos, quamobrem ipse valet praecepta ferre etiam communia, poenitentias ob transgressiones infligere, eaque omnia ordinare quae ad rectam gubernationem Instituti necessaria vel opportuna existmimaverit.  Ipse specialiter curat ut Constitutiones adamussim oberventur, et promovet executionem dispositionum Sanctae Sedis, quae sodales respiciunt.


The power of the Father is ordinary, social, governing and dominative over his subjects, so that he is able to give precepts, even general ones, impose penances for transgressions and order all those things which he judges necessary or opportune for right government of the Institute.  He takes special care that the Constitutions be observed exactly and promotes the fulfillment of the dispositions of the Holy See which apply to members.



Patri, praeterea, praecipua cura erit invigilandi ut cultura membrorum tum religiosa tum scientifica impense promoveatur; studiorum sedes bene instructas servandi; cavendi ne ad sacros Ordines sodales promoveantur priusquam praescriptis omnibus canonicis satis fuerit factum; providendi omnibus et singulis Instituti membris illa media, quibus ad actionem professionalem et apostolicam exercendam opus habeant.


Furthermore, the primary concern of the Father is to be attentive to promote the culture of the members, both the religious and the scientific; to conserve good instruction in the centers of studies; to ensure that members are not promoted to sacred Orders before all canonical requirements are satisfied; and to provide all and each of the members of the Institute with those means which they need to carry out their professional activity and apostolic work.



Sicut omnibus auctoritate Pater praeest, prae ceteris etiam excellere virtutibus et qualitatibus decet, iis praesertim quae propriae sunt Instituti, quaeque eiusdem spiritum consequuntur.


Just as the Father comes before all authority, it is fitting that he excel others in virtues and qualities, especially those which are characteristic to the Institute, and which follow upon its spirit.



Sit ergo suis subditis magister atque Pater, qui omnibus in visceribus Christi vere diligat, omnes effusa caritate erudiat atque foveat, pro omnibus impendatur et superimpendatur libenter.


He, thus needs to be teacher and Father to his subordinates, who loves all in the bowels of Christ, teaches and nurtures in all an effusive charity, and self-giving and all consuming giving for all.



Ut bono spirituali Patris et eiusdem valetudini consulant, sint duo Custodes seu admonitores qui tamen, ratione huius muneris, Consilium Generale non ingrediuntur.  Designantur ad quinquennium ab eodem Patre, inter novem socios Inscriptos a Consilio Generali ( nn. 345 S2 et 346 S1) praesentatos.  Convivunt in eadem cum Patre familia.


In order to look after the spiritual good and health of the Father there are two Guardians or admonitors, who nevertheless, do not have positions on the General Council by reason of this office.  They are designated for a time of five years, by the Father himself, from among nine Inscribed members presented by the General Council (Nos. 345, S2 and 346, S1).  They live in the same family with the Father.



Quo officium suum melius adimplere possit, pater, sive per se sive per alios a se delgatos, visitationes instituat, personarum, domiciliorum et operum.


In order to better fulfill his office, the father shall authorize visitations, either by himself or by others delegated by him of persons, houses and works.



Visitationes sunt ordinariae singulis saltem quinquenniis faciendae, extraordinariae quoties eas opportunas Pater, audito Consilio, iudicaverit.


Visitations are ordinarily conducted at least every five years; extraordinary visits as often as the Father, having heard his Council, shall judge them opportune.



Visitatoris est inquirere, imprimis, de vita spirituali sociorum, de eorum cultura, formatione professionali, Instituti spiritui adhaesione, actione apostolica.  Videt, praeterea, de rationibus oeconomicis deque omnibus quae, quavis ex parte, Institutum respiciunt.


The purpose of the visitor is, first of all, to inquire, into the spiritual life of the members, their culture, their professional formation, their adherence to the spirit of the Institute and their apostolic activity.  He also looks at the economic situation and all those things, which in anyway concern the Institute.



Visitator omnes et singulos socios audit, notitias de omnibus rebus exquirit, eos consiliatur, admonet, ubi opus est reprehendit, corrigit, laudat, ad maiora provocat.


The visitor hears all and each of the members, demands information about all matters, advises them, admonishes, where it is necessary, reproaches, corrects, praises and encourages all to do better.



Notas in visitatione peractarum visitator digerere ne omittat, quibus relationem conficiet Patri et Consilio Generali submittendam, addita propria sententia tam circa remedia adhibenda quam circa nova opera suggerenda.


The visitor should not fail to prepare notes of what went on during the visitation, with which he composes a report to be submitted to the Father and the General Council, adding his own opinion regarding remedies to be employed and suggesting new works.



Visitator delegatus tempore visitationis, sit haec ordinaria vel extraordinaria, omnes praecedit visitationi subiectos.


The delegated visitor, during the time of his visitation, whether it be an ordinary or extraordinary visitation, has precedence over all the subjects of his visitation.



Pater potest immediate communicare cum singulis Institutionis membris, immo subducere, audito Consilio, aliquos socios a potestate sive Directorum sive Consiliariorum, suaeque potestati immediate subiicere, salva commundi disciplina.  Valet pariter Praeses Generalis, audito proprio Consilio, aliqua Centra suae potestati immediate submittere.


The Father is able to communicate immediately with each member of the Institution, even to separate, having heard his Council, some members from the power of either Directors or Councils, and to submit them immediately to his power, maintaining common discipline.  Similarly, the President General is able, having heard his own Council, to submit some Centers directly to his own power.


Art. 3. De Vicepraeside.

Article 3.  Concerning the Vice President


--341 S1

Si Pater opportunum seu expediens in Domino censeat Vicepraesidis ad normam n. 342 designationem, libere, audito Consilio Generali, ipsum nominare potest.  Consilium Generale plenum poterit etiam Patri sincere suggerere opportunitatem Vicepraesidis designationis, qui ipsum in regimine adiuvare perpetuo valeat.  Pater, nisi graves obsint rationes, Consilio facile morem gerat.


If the Father judges the designation of a Vice President opportune or expedient in the Lord, he can freely name him, after hearing the General Council, according to norm No. 342.  The full General Council may suggest sincerely to the Father the opportunity of the designation of a Vice President, who can permanently aid him in government.  Unless there are grave reasons, the Father should readily accept the suggestion of the Council.


--341 S2

Si vero Pater illo Vicepraeside egere videatur de quo in n. 343, tunc Consilium plenum, post rei maturam in Domino considerationem, Congressum convocare poterit, cui huius Vicepraesidis designatio ad normam n. 343 exclusive reservatur.  Ut vero Consilium iure Congressum, hunc in finem, convocare possit, formalis requiritur deliberatio in qua duae tertiae partes Consilii pleni praedictam nominationem postulent et unus ex Custodibus.  Tunc, Secretarius Generalis convocare tenetur Congressum extra ordinem Generalem, cui ipse Secretarius Generalis praesit.


If, indeed, the Father should seem to need that Vice President mentioned in No. 343, then the full Council, after mature consideration of things in the Lord, could convoke the Congress to which the designation of the Vice President according to No. 343 is exclusively reserved.  For the Council to be able to convoke the Congress legally to this end, a formal deliberation is required in which two thirds of the full Council and one of the Guardians requests the said nomination.  Then the Secretary General must convoke the extraordinary General Congress, over which the Secretary General himself presides.


--341 S3

In Vicepraeside, excepta aetate, eaedem requiruntur qualitates ac in Praeside.


Except for age, the same qualities are required in the Vice President as in the President.



Vicepraeses, si detur Patri habili, hunc adiuvat, ipsum supplet absentem vel impeditum: alias autem facultates non habet nisi quas, vel habitualiter vel ad casum, Pater delegaverit.  De omnibus peractis Patri rationem fideliter reddat.


The Vice President, if he is given to a Father in possession of his faculties, helps him, and takes his place in his absence or infirmity:  but he has no other faculties than the ones which, habitually, or in special cases, the Father may delegate to him.  He should faithfully report to the Father about everything that is done.


--343 S1

Si Pater senio, infirmitate aliave gravissima causa ad gubernandum, etiam ordinario Vicepraeside adiutus (n. 342), certo incapax ita evadere videatur ut ipsius regiminis continuatio in damnum Instituti practice converteretur, tunc Vicepraeses nominari a Congressu potest in quem omnia Patris iura et officia, excepto tamen titulo, transferantur.


If the Father, through age, infirmity or other grave cause, even though assisted by an ordinary Vice President (No. 342), seems to have certainly become so incapacitated that continuation of his government would result in practical harm to the Institute, then a Vice President can be nominated by the Congress to whom all the rights and duties of the Father, except the title, are transferred.


--343 S2

Iudicium de existentia et gravitate causarum ad designationem huius Vicepraesidis, ipsiusque si casus ferat nominatio, vel, ex adverso,  iudicium de opportunitate Vicepraesidis ordinarii designationis, vel mutationis, si hoc nempe sufficere videretur, Congressui reservatur, qui duabus ex tribus suffragiorum partibus quod magis, omnibus ponderatis, Instituti bono conveniat decidere debet.


The judgment of the existence and gravity of the causes for the designation of that Vice President, and his appointment, if that turns out to be the case, or on the contrary, the judgment of the opportunity of appointing an ordinary Vice President, or changing him, if that is seen to suffice, is reserved to the Congress, which by a two-thirds majority, at least, in considering all things, must decide what is fitting for the good of the Institute.


--344 S1

Vicepraeses ordinarius ad nutum Patris revocabilis est.  Opportune Pater sicut in nominatione (n. 341 S1), ita etiam in revocatione Consilium audire poterit.


The ordinary Vice President is revocable at the will of the Father.  If it is opportune, just as in the appointment, the Father (No. 341, S1), can also hear his Council in the revoking.


--344 S2

Vicepraesis vero qui in regimine Patrem substituit usque ad novum ordinarium Congressum perdurat.  Poterit tamen Congressus extra ordinem convocatus ipsum revocare: et tam ordinarius quam extraordinarius Congressus, speciatim si rationes suspensionis regiminis Patris non necessario perpetuae aestimari valeant, Consilio Generali (n. 346 S1) facultatem delegare ut ex morali unanimitate Patris regimen, revocato Vicepraeside, instaurare possit.


The Vice President, who substitutes for the Father in government, lasts until the new ordinary Congress.  An extraordinary Congress can recall him: and both an ordinary and an extraordinary Congress, especially if the reasons for the suspension of the government of the Father can be judged not necessarily permanent,  can delegate to the General Council (No. 346, S1) the power to restore, by moral unanimity, the government of the Father, recalling the Vice President.


Art. 4. De Consilio Praesidis

Article 4.  Concerning the Council of the President


--345 S1

Ad Praesidem adiuvandum in dirigendo atque gubernando Instituto est Consilium Generale, constans e Vicepraeside, si adsit, Secretario Generali, Procuratore Generali, Sacerdote Secretario Centrali, tribus Vicesecretariis, uno saltem delegato seu Misso cuiusque Regionis, Studiorum Praefecto et Administratore Generali.


To assist the President in directing and governing the Institute, there is a General Council, which consists of the Vice President, if there is one, the Secretary General, the Procurator General, the Central Priest Secretary, three Vice Secretaries, at least one delegate or Missus of each Region, the Prefect of Studies and the Administrator General. [Note: 1) the Latin uses the terms “delegatus” meaning delegate and “Missus” having the sense of one sent, or an envoy, to refer to this representative of each Region.  As mentioned in No. 30, S1, above, this translation will use the term Missus for this person. 2) the term Consultant is used, below, to designate any position on the General Council]


--345 S2

Ad Consilium Generale admitti semper debent, ad normam tamen n. 346, Consultores illi, qui praesentes sunt.  Invitari possunt, iudicio Praesidis, et invitati adsistere debent etiam illi qui ex munere absunt.


Those Consultants who are present ought always to be admitted to the General Council, but following the norms of No. 346, they can be invited, according to the will of the President, and those invited, ought also to assist those absent by reason of their office.


--346 S1

Ad negotia illa resolvenda, pro quibus ad normam iuris harumque Constitutionum requiritur votum deliberativum Consilii Generalis, invitari semper debent illi saltem Consultores qui non sunt absentes ex munere: et ad validam Consilii decisionem quinque saltem ipsius membra adesse necesse est.  Si quinque Consultores invitari non possint, vel invitati adesse non valeant, Pater cum praesentibus aliquem vel aliquos designare ex Electoribus possunt, qui absentes pro illa vice iure substituant.


In order to resolve those items, for which according to the law and to these Constitutions require a deliberative vote of the General Council, at least those Consultants who are not absent by reason of their office ought always to be invited; and for a valid decision of the Council, at least five members of the Council must be present.  If five Consultants cannot be invited or the invited cannot attend, the Father with those present can designate one or several of the Electors who can substitute, in law, for those absent for that occasion.


--346 S2

Pro aliis vero quaestionibus, Consilium competens componitur Praeside Generali, Vicepraeside, si adsit, Secretario Generali, Procuratore Generali, et , prout casus ferant, Sacerdote Secretario Centrali vel uno e Vicesecretariis.


For other questions, a valid Council is composed of the President General, the Vice President, if there is one, the Secretary General, the Procurator General, and if the case requires it, the Central Priest Secretary or one of the Vice Secretaries.


--347 S1

Munera generalia, scilicet, Secretarius Generalis, Procurator Generalis, Sacerdos Secretarius Centralis, Vicesecretarii, Missi, Studiorum Praefectus et Administrator Generalis hac ratione provideri debent: Praesis statim ac electus sit informationes, quibus in Domino egere censeat, accurate colligit indeque per ordinem singillatim nomina candidatorum ad diversa haec munera Congressui proponit.  Proposito a Patre unoquoque nomine, Congressus servatis normis can. 101 suffragium secretum fert.  Si propositum nomen a Congressu non probetur, aliud usque ad optatum suffragationis exitum proponere Pater debet.


The general offices, that is, the Secretary General, the Procurator General, the Central Priest Secretary, the Vice Secretaries, the Missi, the Prefect of Studies and the Administrator General ought to be filled in this way:  Immediately after being elected, the President should collect reports which he judges in the Lord are needed, and then proposes to the Congress individually the names of the candidates for these several offices.  The names are proposed by the Father, one by one, and the Congress, following the norms of Canon 101 takes a secret ballot.  If the name proposed to the Congress is not approved, the Father must propose another until the desired end of the voting is reached.


--347 S2

Transacto quinquennio, Patre unice excepto, munera regiminis generalis omnia et singula Congressus revisioni, eadem servata ratione, subiicienda sunt.  Possunt iidem ad idem aliudve munus generale absque limitatione eligi.  Magni tamen interest ut ex regula aliqua nova membra ad Consilium Generale designentur.


Every five years, with the sole exception of the Father, all and each one of the offices of general government are subjected to revision by the Congress, following the same norms.  The same persons may be elected to the same or other general offices without limitation.  However, it is of great importance, that normally, some new members be designated to the General Council.



Vacante, qualibet canonica ratione, Consultoris alicuius munere, Pater ad Consultoris munus Consilio Generali candidatum proponit, quod suo secreto suffragio, ipsum, eadem ratione ac in Congressu Generali, acceptare vel reiicere poterit.  Hac occasione Patri liberum relinquitur, audito Consilio, munera aliqua Consultoribus adnexa, si opportunum videatur, inter Consultores mutare.


When some office of Consultant becomes vacant for any canonical reason, the Father proposes a candidate for the office of Consultant to the General Council, which Council, votes in secret, following the same manner as in the General Congress, to accept or reject him.  On this occasion, the Father is left free, having heard the Council, to change among the Consultants some duties connected with those Consultants if it seems opportune.



Ad munus Consultoris tantummodo habiles sunt sodales qui inter Electores recensentur.  Prae aliis debent prudentia, cultura et Instituto devotione fulgere.


Only those members are eligible for the position of Consultant who are counted among the Electors.  They ought to shine in prudence, culture and their devotion to the Institute more than others.



Licet munus ad quinquennium perduret, possunt nihilominus Consultores ob iustas causas et quoties bonum maius Instituti requirat, a Praeside, ceteris auditis, removeri.  Liberum quoque sit omnibus muneri renuntiare, verum renuntiatio effectum nullum habeat donec a Patre admittatur.


Although offices last for five years, nevertheless, for just cause or as often as the greater good of the Institute requires it, the Consultants can be removed by the Father, after hearing the others.  Similarly, all are free to renounce their office, although such renunciations have no effect until admitted by the Father.



Inter Consultores primus est Secretarius Generalis.  Est semper sacerdos, post Patrem venit, si Vicepraeses non adsit, eumque absentem vel quocumque modo impeditum supplet.  Patrem praeterea specialiter adiuvat tum in iis quae ad regimen et opera universi Instituti, tum in iis quae ad administrationem attinent, sed illis tantum facultatibus gaudet, quas vel habitualiter vel ad casum Pater delegaverit.  Secretarius Generalis ad criteria, mentem et praxim Patris, in quantum fieri possit, negotia gerat atque expediat: nihil proinde eorum, quae a Patre gesta vel praescripta sunt, innovare valeat, sed semper Patri et Consilio erit quam maxime fidelis. Eius insuper est labores inter membra Consilii distribuere, ab eisque fidelem muneris adimpletionem exigere.


The Secretary General is first among the Consultants.  He is always a priest; he comes second to the Father, if there is no Vice President and he supplies for him in his absence and when he is impeded in any way.  Furthermore, he assists the Father especially both in those things which pertain to the government and activities of the whole Institute, and in what pertains to administration, but he only enjoys those faculties which the Father delegates to him, either habitually or in a particular case.  The Secretary General conducts and resolves business, insofar as he is able, according to the criteria, the mind and the practice of the Father.  He is never empowered to innovate in those things which the Father has done or ordered, but will always act with the greatest fidelity to the Father and the Council.  In addition, it is his function to distribute the work among the members of the Council and to demand of them a faithful fulfillment of their offices.



Procurator Generalis, qui semper sacerdos esse debet, Institutum integrum, id est, Societatem Sacerdotalem Sanctae Crucis atque Opus Dei apud Sanctam Sedem repraesentat et utriusque negotia sub Patris directione unus pertractat.  Eidem a Patre, prout hic in Domino expedire censeat, apud alias ecclesiasticas seu civiles auctoritates vel personas negotia expedienda cuiusve generis committi valent.  In munere exercendo, Instituto ac Patri fidelissimus erit: in omnibus ergo a Patre pendeat, sub ipsius manu et ductu iugiter agat et de cursu atque exitu negotiorum eum informet.  Negotia omnia sibi commissa aliaque ad suum munus spectantia maxima diligentia atque ex officii conscientia expediat.  Commendari debet agendi dexteritate, prudentia, secretorumque custodia,   propositi tenacitate, suique abnegatione, et summa intentionis et actionis semper et in omnibus puritate.


The Procurator General, who must always be a priest, represents the whole Institute, that is the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei before the Holy See and carries out the business of both under the direction of the Father.  He, himself, is able to be entrusted by the Father, as the latter esteems suitable in the Lord, to conduct business of whatever kind before other ecclesiastical or civil authorities or persons.  In carrying out his tasks, he will always be most faithful to the Institute and the Father.  Therefore in everything, he is subject to the Father, should act strictly under his hand and guidance, and continually must inform him of the progress and result of the business.  He should resolve all the business entrusted to him and the other things pertaining to his office with diligence and consciousness of his duties.  He ought to be distinguished by acting skillfully, with prudence, guarding secrets of office, by tenacity in his goals and forgetfulness of self, and to have the greatest purity in all his intentions and actions.



Ut Praesidi adiumentum praestet in moderanda Sectione mulierum Instituti, est Sacerdos Secretarius Centralis, de quo in n. 452 agitur.


In order to lend assistance to the Father in the direction of the women’s section of the Institute, there is the Central Priest Secretary, treated in No. 452.



Vicesecretarii actioni peculiariter incumbunt, quae in operibus S. Michaelis, S. Gabrielis et S. Raphaelis exercetur.  De his Patri et Consilio referunt; proponunt quae ad meliorem directionem et incrementum talium operum necessaria et opportuna videantur; nomine et auctoritate Patris, cum eorumdem operum immediatis rectoribus, ordinationes, impulsum, directionem communicant, et ab ipsis frequentes relationes exquirunt.


The Vice Secretaries are dedicated particularly to the activity which is carried out in the works of Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael.  They report on these works to the Father and the Council; they propose what they see to be necessary and opportune for the better direction and increase of these great works; in the name and authority of the Father, they should communicate the rules, thrust and orientation to the immediate superiors of these works and require frequent reports from them.



Missi incumbunt studio negotiorum propriae cuiusque Regionis, cum qua communicant quidquid Pater eis communicandum praecipiat.  Habitualiter eis commissa manet vigilantia omnium laborum propriae Regionis, deque ipsis Patri et Consilio referunt.  Si plures sint, hoc munus inter ipsos a Patre dividitur; unicuique tamen Misso possunt diversae tribui Regiones.  Pater autem generaliter sua desideria per Consiliarium Regionalem communicat.


The Missi concern themselves with the care for matters particular to their own Regions, with which [Regions] they should communicate, whatever the Father determines ought to be communicated to them.   Habitually, the oversight of all the activities of their own Region is entrusted to them, and they report on them to the Father and the Council.  If there are more than one, this task is divided among them by the Father, although different Regions can be assigned to one Missus.  The Father, however, generally communicates his desires through the Regional Counselor.



Praefect Studiorum est dirigere, fovere atque unificare laborem intellectualem collectivum sociorum; vigilare ut nihil in Centris Studiorum Interregionalibus deficiat et, mediantibus Delegatis Studiorum Regionalibus, in ceteris Centris Studiorum, ut formatio scientifica solide ac profunde praebeatur Instituti membris; inspicere et visitare domus omnes formationis Instituti sive per se sive per alium a se, Patre probante, delegatum.


The Prefect of Studies is to direct, foster, and unify the collective intellectual work of the members, and see that nothing is ever lacking in the Inter-Regional Centers of Study, and that through the Regional Delegates of Studies a solid and profound scientific formation is provided to the members of the Institute in the other Centers of Studies; he is to inspect and visit all the houses of formation of the Institute, either in person or through another delegated by him with the approval of the Father.



Ad Praefectum Studiorum melius in suo munere iuvandum, Praeses, audito Consilio, ei Assessores aliquos adsignabit, quibus ipse Praefectus praesit eosque dirigat.


In order to assist the Prefect of Studies in better fulfilling his office, the President, having heard his Council, will assign assistants to him, whom the Prefect presides over and directs.



Consilium habet votum deliberativum in casibus ab his Constitutionibus contemplatis, et speciatim:


The Council has a deliberative vote in questions contemplated by these Constitutions, especially:


--358 P1

In illis definiendis, quae ad practicam Constitutionum applicationem et observantiam spectant;


In those defining points which view the practical applications and observation of the Constitutions;


--358 P2 In erectione Circumscriptionum Regionalium earumque modificatione;


In the erection of Regional boundaries and their modification.


--358 P3

In promotione sodalium ad socios Inscriptos et Electores;


In the promotion of members to be Inscribed or Elector members;


--358 P4

In dispensatione a condicionibus vel qualitatibus requisitis ad munera et ad promotionem ad diversas classes;


In the dispensation of conditions or qualities required for office and for promotion to various classes;


--358 P5

In translatione bonorum Institui ex una ad aliam Regionem vel ex uno ad aliud Centrum, quoties hae translationes necessariae aut opportunae Patri videantur.


In the transference of the goods of the Institute from one Region to another or from one Center to another, as often as these transfers may seem to the Father necessary or opportune.



Consilium Generale habet praeterea votum consultivum in his praesertim negotiis:


Besides, the General Council has a consultative vote in the following special areas:


--359 P1

In nominatione auxiliarium Vicesecretariorum aliorumque officialium Consilio Generali addictorum;


In the appointment of the assistants to the Vice Secretaries and other officials assigned to the General Council.


--359 P2

In dispensatione a tempore praescripto pro Admissione, Oblatione et Fidelitate;


In the dispensation of the time prescribed for the Admission, the Oblation and the Fidelity.


--359 P3

In concessione ut aliquis socius Inscriptus possit extra familiam vivere, sive ad munus professionale obeundum sive ob alias peculiares causas;


In granting that some Inscribed member may live outside of family either to attend to a professional obligation or for some other particular cause.


--359 P4

Itemque, in concessione ut aliquis Supernumerarius vitam familiae in Instituto agat, quando permansio habitualis esse debeat vel ultra sex menses protrahenda;


Similarly, in granting that some Supernumerary live family life in the Institute when his stay would be habitual or last longer than six months.


--359 P5

In facultate concedenda ut membra Instituti exceptionaliter possint munus privatim docendi exercere collective, sive in Universitatibus Studiorum, quas sodales erigant vel moderentur, sive in Scholis Superioribus aut Collegiis, quae Institutum promoveat: quod, de cetero, tantum ut medium, numquam ut specificus finis apostolatus sodalium Instituti admitti potest;


In granting faculties, so that members of the Institute, by exception, may collectively exercise the private office of teaching, whether it be in Universities of Studies which members erect or govern or college-level institutes or schools promoted by the Institute; which, for the rest, can be allowed only as a means, never as the specific end of the apostolate of the members of the Institute.


--359 P6

Denique, in iis omnibus negotiis maioris momenti, quae Pater Consilio subiicere velit.


Finally, all that business of major importance, which the Father may wish to submit to the Council.



Quin ratione muneris Consilium Generale ingrediatur, est etiam Sacerdos Rerum Spiritualium Praefectus, qui directioni spirituali communi omnium sodalium utriusque Instituti Sectionis, sub ductu Praesidis Generalis et Consilii, praeponitur.  Patrem adiuvat praeterea in Oblatis et Supernumerariis Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis moderandis, iuxta facultates habitualiter vel ad casum ipsi a Patre delegatas.  Praefectus a Patre audito Consilio ad quinquennium nominatur.


Without being part of the General Council by reason of his office, there is also a Priest Prefect of Spiritual Matters, who is in charge of the common spiritual direction of all members of both sections of the Institute, under the leadership of the President General and the Council.  Moreover, he assists the Father in the direction of the Oblate and Supernumerary members of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, according to the faculties which are delegated to him, habitually or in special cases, by the Father.  The Prefect is named by the Father for a period of five years after hearing his Council.



Quo maturius quaestionibus Consilio a Patre subiectis solutio dari queat, quoties gravitas negotii requirat, Pater nominat Relatorem, qui, eiusdem studio specialiter incumbens, de ipso referat; immo si momentum quaestionis id exigere videatur, poterit etiam nominari qui ex officio solutioni a Relatore propositae sese opponat, quo melius, rationibus utriusque perpensis conclusio pateat.  Haec tandem Patri et Consilio reservatur.


In order to provide a faster solution to questions submitted to the Council by the Father, as often as the gravity of the subject requires it, the Father appoints a Relator, who dedicates himself especially to the study of the subject and reports on it;  and if the importance of the question is seen to require it, someone may be appointed to oppose the solution of the Relator, ex officio, so that by assessing the reasons of one and the other, a conclusion may be clear.  This, ultimately, is reserved to the Father and the Council.



Pater, cum membris Consilii, confert sive privatim, sive simul coadunatis.  Consilium coadunat quoties opportunum ei videatur: consultius semel in mense.


The Father confers with the members of the Council either privately or together.  The Council meets as often as seems useful.  Once a month is advisable.



Acta Consilii Generalis congressus subsignat Secretarius Generalis, quae sub initio subsequentis sessionis perleguntur.  Quibus approbatis subscribit Praeses et idem Secretarius.  Actorum congressuum Consilii libri caute serventur, et, postquam fuerint completi, reponantur in archivo generali.


The Secretary General signs the acts of the meetings of the General Council; which are read through at the beginning of the subsequent session.  When approved, they are signed by the President and again by the Secretary.  The books of acts of the meetings of the Council are preserved carefully and when they are complete, are deposited in the general archives.



Quo melius Pater munus gubernii exercere possit, est praeterea Assessoratus Iuridicus Centralis, qui Patri et Consilio suam operam praebet, et cuius membra a Praeside, audito Consilio, nominantur.  Assessoratus praeses, qui socius Elector esse debet, durat ad quinquennium.


In order that the Father may better carry out his office of government, there is, also, a Central Juridic Advisory, which lends its assistance to the Father and the Council and whose members are appointed by the Father, after hearing the Council.  The president of the Advisory, who must be an Elector member, is appointed for five years.



Regimen diversorum operum communium diversarumque Societatum Auxiliarium committitur a Patre, prout casus ferat et audito proprio Consilio, alicui ex Consultoribus eiusdem Consilii Generalis, aliisve sodalibus Instituti, saltem Inscriptis.


The government of the common works and of the different Auxiliary Societies is entrusted by the Father, as each case requires it and having heard the Council, to one of the Consultors of the General Council or to other members of the Institute who must be at least Inscribed.



Art. 5. De Administratione Generali

Article 5.  Concerning general administration



Institutum, Circumscriptiones Regionales, et Centra localia possunt acquirere, possidere et administrare bona temporalia ad normam iuris harumque Constitutionum.


The Institute, the Regional territories and the local Centers can acquire, possess and administer temporal goods according to the norms of law and these Constitutions.



Tamen proprietas in Instituto est semper subordinata.  Praeses Generalis ius proinde habet, prout rerum adiuncta id suadeant, et servata norma n. 358 P5, de Centro in Centrum vel de Regione in Regionem bona illius propria transferendi.


Nevertheless, property in the Institute is always subordinated.  Thus, the President General has the right of transferring the goods belonging to one Center or Region to another Center or Region, as circumstances suggest and observing the norm set forth in No. 388, P5.


--368 S1

Ex omnibus bonis, undecumque ipsa proveniant, quae Operi Dei adscribi possunt, illa tantum ut vere ecclesiastica ad normam iuris habenda sunt, quae de facto Instituto legitime a Praeside Generali adscripta iam fuerint.


Among all properties, wherever they come from, which can be ascribed to Opus Dei, only those can be considered truly ecclesiastical goods, by law, which have already been legitimately ascribed to the Institute, de facto, by the President General.


--368 S2

Alia omnia bona, sive a Societatibus Auxiliaribus possideantur, sive a sodalibus industria vel labore adquirantur, ante legitimam adscriptionem Instituto profana censentur.


All the other properties, which are possessed by Auxiliary Societies or acquired by members through their industry or labor, before their legitimate ascription to the Institute are considered as profane goods.



Ad rem oeconomicam Institutionis universae gerendam habetur Consultatio Technica Generalis, cui praeest Administrator Generalis.  Ei adsistunt quidam socii Inscripti a Patre nominati.


For the management of economic matters for the whole Institute, there is a General Technical Consultative Office, which is presided over by the Administrator General.  Certain Inscribed members named by the Father belong to it.



Administrationi Generali devolvuntur:


Under General Administration fall:


--370 P1

Contributiones Administrationum Regionalium;


The contributions from the Regional Administrations;


--370 P2

Bona Instituto in genere relicta, donata vel legata, quae ad fines generales Institutionis et secundum donatorum voluntates applicantur;


The goods given, donated or bequeathed, to the Institute in general, which are applied to the general end of the Institute according to the wishes of the donor;


--370 P3

Summa notabilis quae, iudicio Patris cum voto deliberativo sui Consilii, superest Regioni.


A notable sum which is superfluous for a Region in the judgment of the Father, with the deliberative vote of his Council.



Tum bona immobilia, tum mobilia, administrantur ab Administratore Generali, sub directione et inspectione Patris et Consilii.  Ipsius erit, de consensu Patris cum voto deliberativo Consilii, definire quasnam expensas possint facere inferiores Administratores, prout circumstantiae et rerum adiuncta postulent, eosque advigilare.


The fixed and moveable goods are administered by the Administrator General, under the direction and inspection of the Father and the Council.  It is up to him, with the consent of the Father with the deliberative vote of the Council, to define what expenditures lower Administrators can make, as the circumstances and conditions require, and to watch over them.


--372 S1

Quoad alienationes rerum ecclesiasticarum Instituti faciendas, et obligationes ab hoc vel ab ipsius partibus, quae ecclesiastica personalitate fruantur, contrahendas, regulae iuris communis (c. 534) servari debent.


In making transfers of ecclesiastical properties of the Institute, and in contracting obligations by the Institute or parts of it which enjoy ecclesiastical personality, the rules of common law (Canon 534) must be safeguarded.


--372 S2

Quoad vero bona alienanda, quae Instituto adscripta non sunt, sed tamen ipsius potestati et directioni subiiciuntur; quoad expensas cum his bonis faciendas; et, denique, quoad facultatem ut de ipsis Pater, Administrator Generalis, Consiliarii et inferiores Administratores disponere possint, normae fideliter observandae erunt quae, prout tempora et rerum adiuncta ferant, a Patre cum voto deliberativo sui Consilii iuxta dicta n. 371 statuantur.


In making transfers of properties which are not ascribed to the Institute, but which nevertheless are subject to its power and direction; in making expenditures with these properties; and finally, regarding power that the Father, the Administrator General, the Counselors and the lower Administrators may exercise over them, the norms will be faithfully observed, which as the times and circumstances may indicate, are established by the Father with the deliberative vote of his Council, in accordance with what is said in No. 371.


--372 S3

Quoad expensas faciendas vel obligationes contrahendas ab Auxiliaribus Societatibus, praescripta servari debent quae, item prout tempora postulent, a Patre cum voto deliberativo Consilii Generalis determinentur.


Regarding expenses to be made and obligations to be contracted by the Auxiliary Societies, the prescriptions ought always to be observed which, again, as the times demand it, have been determined by the Father with the deliberative vote of the General Council.



Si contrahit Institutum, Regio, vel domus, ipsa respondet; si vero contrahat sodalis, nisi negotium Instituti, Regionis vel domus de mandato Superioris egerit, ipse respondit.


If a contract is made by the Institute, a Region or a house, it is responsible.  But if a contract is made by a member, unless he is carrying out the business of the Institute, a Region or a house, by order of a Superior, the member himself, is responsible.



Administratoris Generalis est inferiorum Administratorum libros inspicere et vigilare; eis normas ad rectam administratiionem praebere; singulis trimestribus rationes summarias ab inferioribus Administratoribus Regionalibus recipere; singulis autem semestribus rationes completas ab eisdem exigere.


It is the responsibility of the Administrator General to inspect and watch over the books of the lower Administrators; to set norms of right administration for them; to receive a summary account from the lower Regional Administrators every three months; however, every six months he should require a full accounting from them.



Administrator Generalis singulis quinquenniis, vel per se vel per alios, visitationem instituet Administrationum Regionalium. Hac opportunitate arrepta, inspiciet quoque Societates Auxiliares et Administrationes locales.  Hoc multum conferet non modo ad perfectam notitiam generalis administrationis status, verum etiam ad agnoscendas inferiorum actiones et aptitudines.


The Administrator General, every five years, either by himself or through others, should undertake a visitation of the Regional Administration.  Taking advantage of this opportunity, he also will inspect the Auxiliary Societies and local Administrations.  This contributes greatly, not only to a complete information of the general state of the administration, but also to the knowing of the activities and aptitudes of the subjects.



Administrationis Generalis rationes, singulis trimestribus, ab Administratore Generali subsignatae, cum capsae nummariae inspectione, Patri et Consilio Generali sunt exhibendae.


Every three months, the accounts of the General Administration, signed by the Administrator General, with an inspection of the safe, are to be shown to the Father and the General Council.



Pecunia, tituli et huius generis valores deponantur in mensis bancariis vel in capsa nummaria generali, quae duplici clavi obseretur, quarum unam Pater, aliam vero ipse Administrator apud se retineant.  Pari ratione, syngraphae eorum quae in mensis nummariis sunt deposita, necnon contractus et documenta aliorum creditorum et obligationum, a Patre et ab Administratore Generali accurate servanda sunt.


The money, titles and valuables of this kind should be deposited in a bank or in the main safe closed with a double key, one of which is kept by the Father and the other by the Administrator.  Similarly, the bank statements of those things which are deposited in banks as well as contracts and documents of other credits and obligations, are to be carefully kept by the Father and by the Administrator General.


 Caput II  De regimine regionali

Chapter II  Concerning regional government



Institutum distribuitur in Circumscriptiones Regionales, quae non sunt provincias in sensu canonico, a Patre constitutas seu erectas cum voto deliberativo sui Consilii. Eiusdem Patris de consensu Consilii est easdem Circumscriptiones mutare, aliter definire, et etiam supprimere.


The Institute is distributed in Regional Territories constituted or erected by the Father with the deliberative vote of his Council which are not provinces in the canonical sense.  It corresponds to the Father, with the consent of the Council, to change, otherwise define and also to suppress those territories.


--379 S1

Regimini uniuscuiusque Regionis praeponitur Commissio, quae constat Consilario, qui eidem praeest, Defensore, Missis, Sacerdote Secretario Regionali, Secretario Commissionis et tribus aliis Vocalibus, Studiorum Delegato et Administratore Regionali.


A Commission is in charge of government of each one of the Regions.  It is composed of a Counselor, who presides over it, a Defensor, the Missi, a Regional Priest Secretary, the Secretary of the Commission and three other Vocals, the Delegate of Studies and the Regional Administrator.


--379 S2

Munera regionalia designantur a Patre, audito Consilio, exceptis tamen Consiliario, Sacerdote Secretario Regionis et Administratore Regionali, qui nominari debent ad normam nn. 380, 463 et 392, et durant ad triennium.  Pro Missis autem valet praescriptum n. 347 S1 et S2.


Regional offices are designated by the Father, having heard the Council, with the exception of the Counselor, the Regional Priest Secretary and the Regional Administrator, who must be named according to the norms of Nos. 380, 463 and 392, for three years.  However, the prescriptions of No. 347 S1 and S2 hold for the Missi.


--379 S3

Praeterquam quod de Consiliario, Missis et Sacerdote Secretario Regionali statuitur nn. 380, 349 et 463, alia omnia Commissionis membra inter socios saltem Inscriptos seligi debent.


Besides what has been established in Nos. 380, 349 and 463 for the Counselor, the Missi and the Regional Priest Secretary, all other members of the Commission must be selected from among members who are at least Inscribed.



Consiliarius qui, uti dictum est, praeest Commissioni Regionali, proponitur a Patre, qui ipsum subiicit deliberationi Consilii.  Quodsi a Consilio non probetur, alium libere proponere Pater valet.  Sit semper sacerdos et socius Elector.


The Counselor, who, as has been said, presides over the Regional Commission, is proposed by the Father, who submits it to the deliberation of the Council.  But if the Counselor is not approved, the Father is free to propose another.  The Counselor should always be a priest and an Elector member.


--381 S1

Consiliarius frequenter cum Patre communicabit, eidem res maioris momenti propriae iurisdictionis fideliter referens, eiusque mandata adamussin exsequetur.


The Counselor will communicate frequently with the Father, informing him faithfully of the things of major importance in his own jurisdiction, and will execute scrupulously his commands.


--381 S2

Cum membris vero Commissionis Consiliarius confert privatim, aut simul coadunatis; et ex regula semel in mense Commissionem convocat.  Post sessionem, acta diligente conficiat Secretarius.


The Counselor, for his part, confers with the members of the Commission individually or as a group; and normally once a month, he convokes the Commission.  After the session, the Secretary diligently composes the minutes.



Consiliarius debet semel saltem in triennio visitare omnia Centra propriae Regionis.


The Counselor ought to visit all the Centers in his own Region at least once in every three years.



Primus post Consiliarium venit Defensor, cuius munus sit observantiam harum Constitutionum fovere. Defensor tenetur per se ipsum vel per alios cum omnibus conferre, qui Admissionem in Institutum expostulant, antequam ea concedatur: itemque, debet per se vel per delegatos cum sodalibus loqui eorumque voluntatem et adiuncta diligenter examinare, priusquam eis permittatur Oblationem vel Fidelitatem facere.


The Defensor comes first, in precedence, after the Counselor. His office is to foster the observance of these Constitutions.  The Defensor has to confer, himself or through others, with all who ask for the Admission in the Institute before it is conceded to them.  Again, he ought to speak, himself or through delegates, with the members and diligently examine their will and circumstances, before they may be permitted to make the Oblation or the Fidelity.


--384 S1

Missus, seu Regionis delegatus in Consilio Generali (n. 355), ius habet in Commissionem Regionalem interveniendi; sedet post Defensorem.


The Missus or Delegate of the Region on the General Council (No. 355) has the right of participating on the Regional Commission; he is seated (in precedence) after the Defensor.


--384 S2

Sacerdos Secretarius Regionalis, de quo in n. 463 agitur, post Missum venit et adiuvat Consiliarium in regimine Sectionis mulierum, in propria cuiusque Regione.


The Regional Priest Secretary, whom is treated in No. 463, comes after the Missus, and assists the Counselor in the government of the Women’s Section, in his own Region.



Secretarius Commissionis, primus post Sacerdotem Secretarium Regionalem, Consiliario et Defensori adiumentum praestat in moderanda Regione, et speciatim operum laborem inter Vocales aliaque membra Commissionis distribuere tenetur, quibus exiget fidelem muneris adimpletionem.  Consiliarium insuper absentem vel impeditum supplet.


The Secretary of the Commission, next in precedence after the Regional Priest Secretary, lends his assistance to the Counselor and the Defensor in governing the Region, and he has the special obligation of distributing the work of activities among the Vocals and other members of the Commission, and of requiring faithful completion of their duties.  He also stands in for the Counselor in cases of his absence or impediment.



Unusquisque Vocalium actionem peculiariter navat, in unaquaque operum S. Michaelis, S. Gabrielis et S. Raphaelis exercendam.


Each one of the Vocals has special care of the activity which has to be carried out in each of the works of St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael.



Munus speciale Delegati Studiorum Regionis erit: cum Studiorum Praefecto communicare, et sub ductu Consiliarii, quae a Praefecto proponantur in praxim reducere, immo perficere; fovere, dirigere, coordinare laborem intellectualem collectivum sociorum Circumscriptionis;  Centra Regionalia Studiorum singulari diligentia curare;  Universitates, investigationum centra, bibliothecas, etc, bene cognoscere adeo ut suggerere possit Superioribus ubi nostri queant specificam culturam sibi procurare;  schedaria conficere de his qui in Universitatibus docent et de illis qui auctoritate intellectuali et professionali potiuntur, quae, cum Patre, Praefecto et Consiliario communicabit.


The special responsibility of the Delegate of Studies of the Region will be: to communicate with the Prefect of Studies, and under the leadership of the Counselor, to put into practice, indeed, to bring to completion, the suggestions which are proposed by the Delegate: to foster, direct and coordinate the collective intellectual work of the members of the territory; to care with special diligence for the Centers of Studies of the Region; to know well the Universities, the centers of investigation, libraries, etc, to the point that he can suggest to the Superiors where our people may obtain their specific culture; and to prepare notes about those who teach at the Universities and those who possess intellectual and professional authority, which he will communicate to the Father, the Prefect and the Counselor.



Praeter alia his in Constitutionibus recensita, Consiliarii cum voto deliberativo Commissionis, est:


Besides other things enumerated in these Constitutions, the Counselor, with the deliberative vote of the Commission has the power:


--388 P1

Admittere ad Oblationem vel ad Fidelitatem socios Numerarios qui, peracto in Regione tempore probationis, temporariam vel definitivam incorporationem in Institutum peragere valent (nn. 54 S1 et 57);


To admit to the Oblation or the Fidelity, the Numerary members who, having completed in the Region the time of probation, can make the temporary or definitive incorporation in the Institute (Nos. 54, S1 and 57).


--388 P2

Nova opera apostolica fovere;


To foster new apostolic works;


--388 P3

Centra erigere et supprimere ad normale talium operum exercitium;


To create and suppress Centers for the normal operation of such works;


--388 P4

Infligere sanctiones sociis suae Circumscriptionis, et privare a condicione socii Operis Dei eos socios Supernumerarios, qui in ipso amplius permanere non debeant;


To impose sanctions on the members in his territory, and to strip those Supernumerary members of the status of member of Opus Dei, who ought not remain in that status any longer.


--388 P5

Supernumerariis facultatem concedere ut vitam familiae in Instituto agant, modo ultra sex menses non protrahatur.


To grant to Supernumeraries the faculty of being able to live family life in the Institute, with the condition that it does not last longer than six months.


--388 P6

Bona ex uno ad aliud propriae Regionis Centrum transferre;


To transfer goods from one Center to another in his own Region.


--388 P7

Designare Directores diversarum Societatum Auxiliarium diversorumque operum communium Regionis, inter sodales saltem Inscriptos, servata norma n. 297.


To designate Directors of the diverse Auxiliary Societies and diverse common works of the Region, from among members who are at least Inscribed, following the norms of No. 297.


--389 S1

Consiliarii una cum Defensore, audita Commissione, est:


The Counselor, with the agreement of the Defensor, having heard the Commission, has the power:


--389 S1 P1

Conceder vel denegare sociis Numerariis dispensationem a vita familiae;


To concede or deny a dispensation to Numerary members from family life.


--389 S1 P2

Approbare statuta interna singulorum Centrorum ubi socii apostolatum exercent;


To approve the internal statutes of individual Centers where members exercise apostolate.


--389 S1 P3

Committere aliis negotia alicuius momenti;


To entrust others with business of some importance;


--389 S1 P4

Solvere quaestiones maioris difficultatis, si quae surgant, cum ecclesiastica, academica et civili potestate;


If they should arise, to resolve questions of larger difficulty, with ecclesiastical, academic or civil powers.


--389 S1 P5

Nominare collaboratores qui ad regimen Regionis necessarii videantur, eosque ad diversa munera designare, iuxta normam n. 297.


To name the collaborators who seem necessary for the government of the Region, and to assign them to the various tasks in keeping with the norm No. 297.


--389 S1 P6

In archivo recondere testamenta sociorum ante incorporationem in Institutum facta; horumque voluntates, post eorum mortem, fideliter exsecutioni mandare.


To deposit in the archives, the last testaments of the members, made before their incorporation in the Institute, and to command the faithful execution of their wishes after the death of each one.


--389 S2

Pro his quaestionibus Commissio competens componitur Consiliario, Defensore, Secretario Commissionis et, prout casus ferant, Sacerdote Secretario Regionali vel uno e Vocalibus.


For these questions, the competent Commission consists of the Counselor, the Defensor, the Secretary of the Commission, and as the case requires, the Regional Priest Secretary or one of the Vocals.



In unaquaque Regione, quin reatione muneris ad Commissionem pertineat, est Sacerdos Rerum Spiritualium Praefectus Regionalis, ad vitam spiritualem omnium Regionis sodalium utriusque Sectionis sub ductu Consiliarii fovendam.  Consiliario insuper adiumentum praestat in regimine Oblatorum et Supernumerariorum Societatis Sacerdotalis Sanctae Crucis, iuxta facultates habitualiter vel ad casum ipsi a Consiliario delegatas.  A Patre, auditis Consiliario et Defensore Regionis, ad triennium nominatur.


In each of the Regions, without belonging to the Commission by reason of his office, there is a Priest Prefect of Spiritual Matters in order to foster the spiritual life of all the members of the Region of both sections, under the guidance of the Counselor.  In addition, he lends his assistance to the Counselor in the government of the Oblates and Supernumeraries of the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, according to the powers granted to him habitually or in special cases by the Counselor.  He is named by the Father after hearing the Counselor and the Defensor of the Region.



Consiliarius, una cum Defensore, singulis in casibus determinabit utrum sit ipsemet Consiliarius aut alii socii  Numerarii eiusdem Consiliarii nomine, qui habituales relationes directe ac continuo servent cum Rev.mis Ordinariis in quorum dioecesibus socii Operis Dei domicilium habeant, ad illas indicationes ab iisdem Rev.mis Ordinariis suscipiendas, quas Instituti socii filiorum animo in praxim deducant.


The Counselor together with the Defensor, will determine in each case whether the Counselor himself, or other Numerary members, in the name of the Counselor, will directly and continually cultivate on-going relations with the Most Reverend Ordinary in whose diocese members of Opus Dei have their domicile, and to receive those indications from the same Most Reverend Ordinary, which the members of the Institute should put into practice in a filial spirit.



Ad rem oecomomicam gerendam in singulis Circumscriptionibus Regionalibus habetur Consultatio Technica Regionalis, cui praeest Administrator a Patre inter socios saltem Inscriptos nominatus cum voto deliberativo Consilii.  In Consultatione Technica Regionali sunt etiam tres Assessores designati a Consiliario Regionali cum Defensore, audita Commissione, inter socios Inscriptos.


For the management of economic affairs in each Regional territory, there is a Regional Technical Consulting Office, presided over by the Administrator named by the Father with the deliberative vote of the Council from among the members who are at least Inscribed. In the Regional Technical Consulting Office, there are three Advisors designated from among Inscribed members by the Regional Counselor with the Defensor, having heard the Commission.



Administrator Regionalis vigilat Administratores locales eisque normas administrationis praebet; ab ipsis rationes oeconomicas singulis mensibus requirit; effectivas facit contributiones Centrorum; administrat, iuxta normas traditas pro Consultatione Technica Regionali, bona Circumscriptionis Regionalis; et, denique, visitationem semel saltem in triennio instituit omnium administrationum Regionis.  De peracta visitatione, statim Consiliario cum Commissione et Administratori Generali referat.


The Regional Administrator watches over the local Administrators and gives them norms of administration; he requires an accounting every month; he implements the contributions from the Centers; he administers the possessions of the Regional territory, according to the norms given by the Regional Technical Consulting Office; and finally, he carries out visitation of all the administrations of the Region at least once every three years.  Having completed the visitation, he reports immediately to the Counselor with the Commission and the Administrator General.



Singulis in casibus, inspectis circumstantiis et peculiaribus rerum adiunctis, de consensu Consilarii cum voto deliberativo Commissionis statuit expensas quas facere possunt inferiores Administratores, salvo praescripto n. 371.


In each one of the cases, having examined the circumstances and special conditions of things, with the agreement of the Counselor acting with the deliberative vote of the Commission, he establishes expenses which the lower Administrators are able to make, within the limits established by No. 371.



Pro asservatione et collocatione pecuniae, contractuum et documentorum Administrationis Regionalis, valet, congrua congruis referendo, norma n. 377.


In order to safeguard and place the money, the contracts and the documents of the Regional Administration, mutatis mutandis, the rule of No. 377 holds.


--396 S1

Singulis mensibus Consultatio Technica congerat, cum nummariae capsae inspectione, rationes oeconomicas, quas subsignatas ab Administratore, submittet examini et approbationi Consiliarii et Commissionis.  Singulis vero trimestribus easdem rationes mittat Administratori Generali.


Every month the Technical Consulting Office assembles the financial accounts along with the inspection of the safe, which are signed by the Administrator, and submits them for examination and approval of the Counselor and the Commission.  Furthermore, every three months, the accounts should be sent to the Administrator General.


--396 S2

Ceterum, normae pro Administratione Generali supra relatae vigent, congrua congrius referendo, etiam pro Administration Regionali.


For the rest, the norms explained above for the General Administration apply, mutatis mutandis, to the Regional Administration.



In singulis Regionibus constituitur Assessoratus Iuridicus Regionalis, qui suam operam ferat Commissioni Regionali, cuiusque membra designantur a Consiliario cum

Defensore, audita Commissione.  Assessoratus praesis sit socius Inscriptus, pari ratione nominatus; ejus munus ad triennium perdurat.


In each Region, a Regional Juridical Advisory is established, which lends its assistance to the Regional Commission and whose members are designated by the Counselor, with the Defensor, having heard the Commission.  The president of the Advisory should be an Inscribed member, named in a similar manner.  His term lasts for three years.



Quando non sint omnia elementa necessaria ad novas Regiones constituendas, possunt etiam diversa territoria in Quasi-Regiones vel Delegationes sive independentes sive dependentes erigi.


When all the necessary elements to constitute new Regions are not present, various territories can be erected as Quasi-Regions or Delegations, either independent or dependent.


--399 S1

Quasi-Regiones independentes illae sunt, quae directe ab Instituti Praeside Generali pendent.


There are Quasi-Regions which are independent and directly under the President General of the Institute.


--399 S2

Praeses Generalis, cum voto deliberativo sui Consilii, potest eas erigere et erectas supprimere vel aliter definire, auditis eis quorum intersit.  Ipso facto erectionis, Quasi-Regiones independentes iuridicam acquirunt personalitatem.


The President General, with the deliberative vote of his Council, can erect them, and suppress those established or alter their definition, having heard those involved.  By the very fact of erection, independent Quasi-Regions acquire juridical personality.


--399 S3

Superiores Maiores earum aequiparantur Superioribus Maioribus Regionum, et ordinaria quidem, sed vicaria Praesidis Generalis potestate, propriam quique Quasi-Regionem regunt.


The Major Superiors of these are similar to the Major Superiors of the Regions and they govern their Quasi-Region, with ordinary but vicariate power of the President General.


--399 S4

Ad munera Commissionis et Assessoratus nominat Pater, audito proprio Consilio.


The Father names the offices of the Commission and the Advisory, having heard his own Council.


--400 S1

Sunt etiam Quasi-Regiones dependentes a Consiliario Regionali, cuius Regionis hae novae Circumscriptiones partes sunt.


There are also Quasi-Regions dependent upon a Regional Counselor, of whose Region, these new territories are a part.


--400 S2

Praesidis Generalis est Quasi-Regiones dependentes erigere, mutare atque supprimere, audito Consilio Generali et Consiliario Regionali cum propria Commissione.


It is the prerogative of the President General to erect, change and suppress dependent Quasi-Regions, after hearing the General Council and the Regional Counselor with his own Commission.


--400 S3

Superiores Maiores earum habent iurisdictionem ordinariam, sec vicariam Consiliarii Regionalis, et illis insuper gaudent facultatibus quae a Consiliario Regionali, Patre consentiente, fuerint delegatae.


Their Major Superiors have ordinary, but vicarious jurisdiction of the Regional Counselor, and in addition, they enjoy those faculties delegated to them by the Regional Counselor with the consent of the Father.


--400 S4

Ad munera Commissionis et Assessoratus Quasi-Regionalis dependentis nominat Pater, audito Consiliario Regionali una cum propria Commissione vel Assessoratu.


The Father names to the offices of the Commission and the Advisory of the dependent Quasi-Regions, after hearing the Regional Counselor, together with his Commission or Advisory.


--401 S1

Delegationes, quae a Praeside Generali immediate pendent, erigi possunt quoties Praesis Generalis, audito suo Consilio, id duxerit expedire.


Delegations, which are directly under the President General may be created as often as the President General, after hearing his Council, judges them to be opportune.


--401 S2

Moderator uniuscuiusque Delegationis nominatur a Patre, audito Consilio, et delegatam illam habet potestatem, quam Pater, iuxta casus , intra limites tamen facultatum Consiliariorum Regionalium, committendam censuerit.


The Moderator of each Delegation is named by the Father, having heard his Council, and has the delegated power, which the Father, according to the situation, but nevertheless within the limits of the powers of the Regional Counselor, may judge should be conferred on him.


--402 S1

Sunt denique in Instituto Delegationes dependentes a Consiliario Regionali, cuius Regionis partes sunt.  Erigi possunt a Patre, audito Consilio Generali eisque quorum intersit.


Finally, in the Institute, there are Delegations dependent on the Regional Counselor, which are part of his Region.  They can be erected by the Father, having heard the General Council and those who are involved in the situation.


--402 S2

Earum Moderatores illis tantum gaudent facultatibus, quas ipsis Consiliarius Regionalis, cum voto deliberative suae Commissionis et Patre probante, delegaverit.  Moderatores nominantur a Consiliario Regionali, de consensu Commissionis vel Assessoratus Regionis.


Their Moderators enjoy only the faculties which the Regional Counselor delegates to them, with the deliberative vote of his Commission and the approval of the Father.  Moderators are named by the Regional Counselor with the consent of the Commission or the Advisory of the Region.


Caput III  De regimine locali

Chapter III  Concerning local government



Institutum habet residentias et Centra, quae congregantur in Circumscriptiones Regionales.


The Institute has residences and Centers, which are grouped into the Regional territories.


--404 S1

Domiciliorum canonica erectio ne fiat nisi quando, iudicio Consiliarii cum voto deliberativo Commissionis Regionalis, id opportunum videatur.  Ad hanc erectionem canonicam requiritur Ordinarii loci venia, melius scripto data.


The canonical creation of a domicile should not take place except when it seems opportune, in the judgment of the Counselor, with the deliberative vote of the Regional Commission.  For this canonical creation, the permission of the local Ordinary is required, preferably given in writing.


--404 S2

Quamdiu tamen erectio canonica non habetur, sodales in familia vivunt uti personae privatae, suam cuiusque professionem exercentes, dependentes a proprio Directore locali.


Until the time that the canonical erection occurs, members live in family as private persons, each one exercising his profession, subject to their own local Director.


--405 S1

Conceptum Centri, in iure peculiari Operis Dei, potius personale est quam territoriale, quia ad idem Centrum adscribi possunt sodales, qui in civitatibus vel etiam in dioecesibus diversis commorantur, quique diversas constituunt Instituti familias ab illo Centro dependentes; est etiam potius regionale quam locale.


The concept of a Center, in the particular law of Opus Dei, is rather more personal than it is territorial because members may be ascribed to the same Center, who live in different cities or even dioceses, who constitute the different families of the Institute depending on that Center;  this is also rather regional than local.


--405 S2

Sunt proinde in Instituto Centra autonoma et Centra ab aliis dependentia.


There are then, in the Institute, autonomous Centers and Centers subject to others.



Quando sodales Centrum dependens constituunt, pro quo non requiritur consensus Ordinarii loci, vitam familiae non iuridicam, sed materialiter communem tantum agere queunt, et apostolatum proprium sociorum Instituti non corporative, sed individuali ac personali ratione libere exercere valent, nisi accedat venia Ordinarii loci ad apostolatum aliter exercendum.


When members constitute a subordinate Center, this does not require the consent of the local Ordinary; they can live materially common family life only, not juridical family live, and they are able to freely exercise the apostolate proper of members of the Institute, not corporately, but in an individual and personal manner unless the permission of the local Ordinary is given to carry out apostolate otherwise.


--407 S1

Regimen locale in Centris autonomis constituitur a Directore, Subdirectore, et Secretario; quibus Consiliarius adiungere potest sacerdotem quemdam in domo commorantem.


The local government of the autonomous Centers is composed of a Director, a Sub-Director and a Secretary; to which the Counselor can add a priest who lives in the house.


--407 S2

In Centris vero dependentibus adest Director localis delegatus; alia munera, si oportuna videantur, facti, non iuris habenda sunt.


There is a local delegated Director in the subordinate Centers;  if other offices seem opportune, they are regarded as de facto without juridical status.



Director nominatur a Consiliario Regionali, audita Commissione Regionali et consentiente Defensore.  Designatio est ad triennium.


The Director is named by the Regional Counselor, having heard the Regional Commission and with the consent of the Defensor.  The appointment is for three years.



Esto Director Fidelitate in Institutum perpetuo incorporatus; sit, ut plurimum, laicus.  Sit praeterea homo vere spirituali formatione ornatus, qui sciat spiritualem eamdem formationem in sibi subditis promovere.


The Director will be perpetually incorporated in the Institute by the Fidelity; he will, in general, be a layman.  Besides, he will be a man truly adorned with spiritual formation who knows how to promote the same spiritual formation in his subordinates.



Directoris est omnia subditorum opera dirigere, et curare ut Constitutiones hae perfecte observentur. Curet, praesertim, ut omnia secundum ordinem fiant; et ut pietatis exercitia numquam omittantur, licet, quandoque ea differre vel anticipare, ob bonum apostolatus, oporteat.


It is the responsibility of the Director to direct all the activities of his subordinates and to ensure that these Constitutions are observed perfectly.  He should see, especially, that all things are done in order and that the pious exercises are never omitted, although it may sometimes be necessary, for the good of the apostolate, to delay them or perform them early.



Director  saepius Consiliarium Regionalem adeat scripto vel oretenus, eum de omnibus certiorem faciens, ab eoque consilium in difficilioribus negotiis exsquirens.


The Director should often approach the Regional Counselor in writing or in person, informing him on all matters and asking advice from him in the more difficult business.



In domus seu Centri regimine Director coadiuvantur a Subdirectore et a Secretario.  Uterque nominatur a Consiliario, audita Commissione et consentiente Defensore.  Designatio est ad triennium.


In the government of a house or Center, the Director is assisted by a Sub-Director and a Secretary.  Both are named by the Counselor, having heard the Commission with the consent of the Defensor.  The appointment is for three years.



Subdirector Directorem in omnibus adiuvat, eumque supplet absentem vel impeditum.  Ab ipso potest habere speciales facultates etiam habitualiter commissas; eique esto subiectus maximeque fidelis.


The Sub-Director assists the Director in everything, replaces him in his absence or impediment.  He can have special faculties committed to him by the Director, even habitually; and he should be subject to the latter with the greatest faithfulness.



Pro re oeconomica gerenda est Secrtarius qui, sub ductu et auctoritate Directoris, administrationi incumbit.


The Secretary is for the management of economic things.  Under the guidance and authority of the Director, he dedicates himself to administration.



Expensas ordinarias facit Secretarius, nec speciali indiget venia Directoris; haec, e contra, requiritur ad expensas extraordinaris.  Quaenam extraordinariae considerari debeant, ad norman n. 394 definiuntur.  Pro asservatione et collocatione pecuniae Centri, et pro asservatione contractorum et documentorum administrationis localis, valet, congrua congruis referendo, norma  n. 377.


The Secretary pays the ordinary expenses, and does not need special permission of the Director.  This, on the contrary, is required for extraordinary expenses.  What ought to be considered extraordinary expenses is defined by the norm No. 394.  For the safekeeping and placement of the Center’s money and for the safekeeping of the contracts and documents of local administration, norm No. 377 holds, mutatis mutandis.



Rationes accepti et impensi, cum capsae nummariae inspectione, singulis mensibus Secretarius Consilio locali reddat scripto quae quidem rationes sua vice mittentur, a Consilio locali subsignatae, ad Consultationem Technicam Regionalem.


The Secretary should submit written account of receipts and expenses, along with an inspection of the safe, each month to the local Council, which accounts, in turn, signed by the local Council, are sent to the Regional Technical Consulting Office.



Maxima caritate ac generositate suppeditet quidquid necessarium vel conveniens videatur ad victum, vestitum, suppellectilem et expensas professionales singulorum Residentiae seu Centri membrorum.


He should supply with the greatest charity and generosity, whatever seems necessary or fitting for food, clothing, furnishings and professional expenses of each of the members of the residence or Centers.



Speciali diligentia curetur ne infirmi et senes aliqua re careant necessaria in victu, in medicaminibus et medicorum opera, ad illorum necessitates sublevandas animosque recreandos;  adeo ut neminem nostrorum poeniteat, eorum quae pro Domino reliquit.


Special diligence is required lest the sick and the old should lack the necessary things in food, medicine and physicians, so that their needs be covered and their souls comforted, so that none of ours regret those goods which he has given up for our Lord.


--419 S1

Pro Oblatorum vel Supernumerariorum regimine in illis locis, ubi Consiliario, una cum Defensore et audita Regionali Commissione, opportunum videatur, erigendum erit Centrum speciale pro una vel alia sodalium categoria, locale gubernium habens a Consiliario una cum Defensore ad triennium nominatum, constans aliquibus sociis Numerariis laicis atque uno sacerdote Directore spirituali.


For the direction of the Oblates and the Supernumeraries, in those places, where it seems opportune to the Counselor, together with the Defensor, having heard the Regional Commission, will be erected a special Center for either category of members, having a local government named by the Counselor, together with the Defensor for a period of three years, consisting of some lay Numerary members and one priest spiritual Director.


--419 S2

Huic Centro subiicientur diversi illi Coetus Oblatorum vel Supernumerariorum circumscriptionis assignatae.


Those different groups of Oblates or Supernumeraries assigned to the territory are subordinated to this Center.



Centrum pro Oblatis vel pro Supernumerariis non sensu materiali, quod domum aliquam seu definitam sedem necessario exigat, sed morali, sociali, iuridico tantum sensu est intelligendum.


A Center for Oblates or for Supernumeraries is not to be understood in the material sense as necessarily requiring a house or defined seat, but rather in the moral, social or juridical sense only.



Coetus constituendi erunt parvo sociorum numero, qui, si ita expediat, eamdem vel affinem professionem exerceant vel ad eamdem pertineant socialem classem.


The Group will be composed of a small number of members, who if it is fitting, practice the same or related profession who belong to the same social class.



Pro unoquoque Coetu sint duo Zelatores primus et secundus dicti seligendi a Consiliario, audita Commissione vel Assessoratu, ac proponente locali gubernio illius Centri, inter Oblatos vel Supernumerarios qui Fidelitatem emiserint.  Pro diversis Coetibus constitui potest unus idemque Zelator.


For each Group, there should be two Monitors, called the first and the second, to be selected by the Counselor, having heard the Commission or the Advisory, and proposed by the local government of that Center, from among the Oblates and Supernumeraries who have made the Fidelity.  For different Groups, one and the same Monitor can be established.



Officium Zelatoris est impensam vitam supernaturalem sociis proprii Coetus infundere, quaerere de absentibus, infirmos visitare, nota iisdem facere quae in coadunationibus pertractata fuere, informationes ipsis praebere circa alios socios ad illum Coetum pertinentes.


The office of the Monitor is to infuse a deep spiritual life in the members of his own Group; to ask about their absence, to visit the sick and to explain to them what transpired in their meetings and to give them information about the other members belonging to that Group.



Oblati et Sjupernumerarii qui in loco, ubi nullus propriae classis Coetus sit constitutus, commorantur, cum nullatenus socius acephalus vel vagus admittatur, adscripti esse debent alicui Coetui, a quo pendeant in propria exercenda actione apostolica.


Oblates and Supernumeraries who live in a place where there is no Group of their own class that has been set up, since it should never happen that there be unsupervised or unattached members, should be ascribed to any Group to which they can be subordinated in exercising their own apostolic action.


Caput IV  De Hebdomadis

Chapter IV  Concerning the Weeks



Ad impensiorem formationem sociorum Instituti et ad meliorem evolutionem actionis apostolicae, quinto quoque anno, in singulis Regionibus, Hebdomadae Laboris celebrentur, in quibus transacti quinquennii experientiae habitae perpendentur.  Licet appellentur Hebdomadae, non necessario septem diebus concluduntur.


In order to provide a deeper formation for the members of the Institute and to better develop the apostolic activity, every five years, in each Region, the Weeks of Work are held, in which the experiences obtained in the past five years are evaluated.  This period can still be called a Week, even though it does not necessarily conclude in seven days.



Praeter Hebdomadas ordinarias, possunt etiam extraordinariae celebrari, un una vel in pluribus Regionibus, quoties Praeses, audito Consilio et Regionali

Commissione, id expedire duxerit.


Besides ordinary Weeks, extraordinary Weeks can also be held, in one or several Regions, as often as the President, having heard the Council and the Regional Commission, judges it to be convenient.



Hebdomadam, de mandato Praesidis, convocat Consiliarius designans locum et tempus coadunationis, tribus saltem mensibus ante eiusdem celebrationem.


The Counselor, by command of the President, convokes the Week, designating the time and the place of the meeting, at least three months before its celebration.



Omnibus Regionis sodalibus per Fidelitatem Instituto incorporatis, ius esto mittendi ad Hebdomadae praesidem quidquid eis opportunum videbitur.  Hebdomadae vero Laboris interesse debent:


All members of the Region who are incorporated with the Fidelity in the Institute have the right of sending the president of the Week whatever seems to them to be opportune.   Those who ought to participate in the Week of Work are:


--428 P1

Superiores omnes qui in Commissione aliquo munere funguntur, vel functi sunt;


All the Superiors who hold, or have held some office;


--428 P2

Omnes socii Electores Regioni adscripti;


All the Elector members assigned to the Region;


--428 P3

Omnes eiusdem Regionis sacerdotes, inter socios Inscriptos adnumeratos;


All the priests of the same Region enumerated among the Inscribed members;


--428 P4

Directores Centrorum Studiorum;


The Directors of the Centers of Studies;


--428 P5

Socii Inscripti, a Praeside Generali designati, audito Consiliario et Defensore;


Inscribed members who have been designated by the President General, having heard the Counselor and the Defensor;


--428 P6

Directores Societatum Auxiliarium, a Praeside Generali item designati;


Directors of the Auxiliary Societies also designated by the President General;


--428 P7

Item, a Praeside Generali designati, Directores locales.


Finally, the local Directors designated by the President General.



Hebdomadae praeest Pater, vel Delegatus, cui adsistunt Consiliarius et Missus.  A secretis est iunior socius laicus praesens.


The Week is presided over by the Father or a Delegate, assisted by the Counselor and the Missus.  The youngest lay member present acts as secretary.



Omnes ad Hebdomadam Laboris convocati, mense saltem ante eiusdem celebrationem, mittant ad secretarium notas, schedas, animadversiones, etc. quas proponere conveniens eis videatur; ex ipsis autem commissio, a praeside nominata, elenchem quaestionum hebdomadariis submittendarum conficiat.


At least one month before its celebration, all convoked to the Week of Work, should send to the secretary notes, documents and observations, etc., which seem to them to be convenient to propose; from these, a commission, nominated by the president, assembles a list of the questions to be submitted to the Week.



Argumenta tractanda sunt a diversis commissionibus.  Vespere autem fit plenaria adunatio, in qua relatio fiet de labore a singulis commissionibus facto, nisi aliud praesidi videatur.


The subjects are treated by diverse committees.  In the evening, a plenary session is held in which reports will be made of the work of each committee, unless something else seems [fitting] to the president.



Hebdomada durante, impensior vita spiritualis habeatur, qua uberiorem Dei gratiam et lucem omnes mereantur accipere.  In ea sequentes actus pietatis fient:


During the Week, there has to be lived a more intense spiritual life, by which all may merit to receive from God, more abundant grace and light.  In it, the following acts of piety will be completed:


--432 P1

Ante laborum initium recitetur vel canatur Prima, et S. Missa, cui omnes assistant, celebretur;


Before the beginning of the work, Prime is recited or sung, and Holy Mass is celebrated, which all attend.


--432 P2

Oratio habeatur in communi;


Prayer should be held in common;


--432 P3

Ante singulas sessiones preces solitae recitentur;


Before each session, the usual prayers are recited;


--432 P4

Post sessionem plenariam antiphona “Salve Regina” cantetur;


After the plenary session, the antiphon “Salve Regina” should be sung;


--432 P5

Post vespertinam animorum corporumque recreationem, coram Sanctissimo solemniter exposito Completorium recitetur vel canatur.


After the evening renewal of soul and body, Compline should be recited or sung before the Blessed Sacrament, solemnly exposed;



Conclusiones Hebdomadae vim praeceptivam non habent, quousque adprobationem non receperint Praesidis Generalis, audito Consilio, nisi ex rei natura, iuxta dictum his in Constitutionibus, votum deliberativum Consilii requiratur.  Ipse Pater opportunas etiam suggeret instructiones per organa directionis ordinaria.


The conclusions of the Week do not have force of law, until they receive approval of the President General, having heard his Council, unless by the nature of the matter, according to what is said in these Constitutions, a deliberative vote of the Council is required.  The Father, himself, can also furnish opportune instructions through the ordinary organ of government.



Non modo conclusiones verum etiam schedae, quibus labor Hebdomadae factus est, remittantur ad archivum centrale Instituti.


Not only the conclusions but also the notes, by which the work of the Week was carried out, are remitted to the central archives of the Institute.


--435 S1

Decimo quoque anno, pro Instituto universo, convocat Pater Hebdomadam Generalem Laboris.  In ea autem, circa finem et modum agendi, eadem valent quae de Hebdomadis Regionalibus Laboris supra statuta sunt.


Every ten years, the Father convokes a General Week of Work for the whole Institute.  In it, the same things hold regarding the goal and method of operation which have been stated above regarding the Regional Weeks of Work.


--435 S2

Ad Hebdomadam Generalem Laboris vocandi sunt ad eamdemque venire debent omnes socii Electores, Directores Centrorum Interregionalium Studiorum, et socii Inscripti a Patre, audito Consilio, designati.


The Elector members, the Directors of the Inter-Regional Centers of Studies and the Inscribed members designated by the Father, after hearing the Council, are to be called to the General Week of Work and ought to come to it.


--435 S3

Hebdomadae praeest Pater, cui assistunt Secretarius Generalis et Procurator Generalis.  A secretis est iunior sodalis laicus praesens.


The Father presides over the Week, assisted by the Secretary General and the Procurator General.  The youngest lay member present acts as secretary.



Praeter Hebdomadas Generales Laboris ordinarias, possunt etiam extraordinariae celebrari quoties Praeses, de consensu Consilii Generalis, id expedire duxerit.


Besides the ordinary General Week of Work, extraordinary ones may be held, as often as the President, with the consent of the General Council, feels they are fitting.


Pars IV -- De Sectione Mulierum

Part Four -- Concerning the Women’s Section.


Caput I  De ratione, fine et membris

Chapter I  Concerning nature, goals and members



Quo Institutum melius et uberius suam actionem valeat impendere, habet quoque Sectionem mulierum ab hominum Sectione penitus separatam.


In order that the Institute might better and more abundantly carry out its activity, it also has a Section of women which is completely separated from the Section of men.



Quae de viris his in Constitutionibus statuuntur, etsi masculino vocabulo expressa, valent etiam pari iure de mulieribus, nisi ex contextu sermonis vel ex rei natura aliud constet, aut explicite in parte hac Constitutionum specialia praescripta ferantur.


What has been established in these Constitutions for men, even though they are expressed in masculine vocabulary, apply equally at law for the women,  unless from the context of the discussion or the nature of the matter something else is obvious, or if special prescriptions are explicitly given in this part of the Constitutions.



Cum sodales non sint religiosae, dotem non afferunt, neque religiosa veste seu habitu religioso utuntur, sed externe in omnibus, quae saecularibus communia sunt et a statu perfectionis non aliena, ut aliae mulieres propriae condicionis, se gerunt, vestiunt, vitam ducunt.


Since the members are not religious, they do not bring a dowry or use the dress or habit of religious, but in all things which are common to lay people and not alien to the state of perfection, externally they behave, dress and lead the lives of other women of their condition.


--440 S1

Sectio mulierem, ad instar virorum Sectionis, diversas classes comprehendit, scilicet:


The Section of women, like the Section of men, encompasses diverse classes, namely:


--440 S1 P1

Sodales simpliciter Numerarias, quae actioni apostolicae propriae spiritus Instituti incumbunt et inter quas, nunnullae, quae muneribus directionis destinantur, vocantur Inscriptae.  Illae vero Inscriptae quae voce gaudent in Congressu Sectionis mulierum, Electrices nuncupantur;


Simple Numerary members, who dedicate themselves to the apostolic action proper of the spirit of the Institute and among whom, some, who are destined for tasks of government, are called Inscribed.  Those Inscribed members who have a voice in the Congress of the Section of women are called Electors.


--440 S1 P2

Numerarias Inservientes, quae se devovent laboribus manualibus vel domestico servitio in Institutionis domibus;


The Numerary Servants, who dedicate themselves to the manual work or domestic service in the houses of the Institute;


--440 S1 P3

Oblatas, iuxta dicta pro sociis Oblatis;


Oblates, to whom apply the same circumstances as for the male Oblate members;


--440 S1 P4

Denique, sodales Supernumerarias, quae quidem possunt etiam esse coniugatae.


And finally, the Supernumerary members, who, indeed can also be married.


--440 S2

Quin ex hoc membra Instituti efficiantur, admitti etiam valent associatae Cooperatrices (n. 29).


Cooperators can also be associated, without their being thereby made members of the Institute. (No. 29).



Quoad Inscriptarum et Electricum designationem, et quoad harum opportunum numerum definiendum, eadem servanda sunt congrua congruis prudenter referendo, quae nn. 20-24 supra praescripta fuerunt.


Regarding the designation of the Inscribed members and the Electors, and regarding determination of their opportune number, the same prudent things are to be observed, by referring, mutatis mutandis, to what was prescribed above in Nos. 20-24.



Sodales Numerariae per Oblationem iam incorporatae, vitam familiae in Instituto agunt, a qua non valent dispensari nisi a Consiliario suae Regionis una cum proprio Assessoratu; vel a Patre, audito Assessoratu Centrali, si sunt Inscriptae.


Numerary members already incorporated through the Oblation, live family life in the Institute, from which they cannot be dispensed except by the Counselor of the Region together with the respective Advisory, or by the Father, after hearing the Central Advisory, if they are Inscribed.


--443 S1

Numerariae tamquam operariae vel laboribus domesticis aut manualibus quibuslibet occupatae, sive liberis professionibus addictae, habendae sunt: omnes ergo servitium generatim praestant vel munus exercent in Societatibus Auxiliaribus, atque omnes mercedem seu stipendia labori respondentia percipere debent.


Female Numeraries are to be regarded as workers whether occupied in some domestic or manual tasks or devoted to liberal professions: Therefore, in general, they serve or hold an office in the Auxiliary Societies, and all ought to earn a wage or stipend in return for their work.


--443 S2

Praeter hae,  quae dicta sunt peculiaria officia ac munera sodalium simpliciter Numerariarum et Inservientium, ipsae Inservientes in omnibus quae ad simpliciter Numerarias pertinent ministeriis, prout ad ea a Superioribus vocentur, totis viribus plena subiectione ac deditione collaborare debent.


Besides what has been said of the special duties and tasks of the simple Numerary and Servant Numerary members, the Servants ought to collaborate with all their strength, with full submission and dedication in all those services which pertain to the simple Numeraries insofar as they are called to such services by the Superiors.



Apostolatus Numerariarum his praecipue exercetur:


The apostolate of the Numeraries is chiefly exercised in the following way:


--444 P1

Regunt domus exercitiorum;


They direct the retreat houses;


--444 P2

Catholicae propagandae scriptae incumbunt ope domorum editricium, officinarum librariarum, bibliothecarum; et etiam eiusdem generis propagandae orali;


They dedicate themselves to written Catholic propaganda by editorial houses, bookstores and libraries;  they also carry out the same in oral propaganda.


--444 P3

Alias mulieres instituunt, quas praeparant ad opera apostolatus;


They instruct other women, whom they prepare to do works of apostolate;


--444 P4

Modestiam christianam fovent, apud mulieres, mediis quae ad hoc melius apta videantur;


They foster Christian modesty among women with the means which seem more suited to this end.


--444 P5

Educationem puellarum promovent, in collegiis ad hoc destinatis; residentias pro feminis, quae studiis vacant, moderantur;


They promote education of girls in schools set up for them;  they direct residences for women who devote themselves to studies;


--444 P6

Itemque colonias agricolas seu fundos, in quibus colonae et sua ipsarum arte et christianis praeceptis instituuntur; ac domus pariter ad praeparandas ancillas servitiio domestico;


And likewise they work in agricultural establishments or farms, in which the peasants are instructed in their own work, and in the Christian teachings; and likewise in houses to prepare maids for domestic service.


--444 P7

Familiarem administrationem habent omnium domorum Instituti, in loco tamen penitus separato commorantes, ita ut de iure et de facto duae sint domus in unoquoque domilicio;


They carry out the domestic management of all the houses of the Institute, living, nevertheless in a completely separated place, so that, in law and in fact, there are two houses in each domicile;


--444 P8

Illa loca specialiter petunt ubi Ecclesia Dei, ab inimicis insectata, indigeat opere et auxilio sociorum.


They seek especially those places where the Church of God, persecuted by enemies, needs the work and help of the members.



Specialiter mulierum Sectioni demandatur cura Oratoriorum Instituti: sodalibus Numerariis et Oblatis ergo liceat vasa sacra tangere.


The care for the Oratories of the Institute is specially required of the Women’s Section: therefore, the Numeraries and the Oblates have permission to touch the sacred vessels.



Ad admissionem, probationem, incorporationem, praecedentian, vitam sodalium in Instituto, formationem et spiritum, discessum et dimissionem quod spectat, valent, congrua congruis referendo, quae de his dicta sunt, cum de virorum Sectione actum est ( n. 438)


The same things apply regarding the admission, probation, incorporation, order of precedence, life of members in the Institute, formation and spirit, separation and dismissal, mutatis mutandis, as have been established for the Section of men (No. 438).



Praeter laudabiles Instituti Consuetudines, sodales simpliciter Numerariae, non autem Inservientes, hoc retineant: in tabulato nempe lecto dormiant, nisi ob infirmam earum valetudinem aliud domus Directrix disposuerit.


Besides the laudable customs of the Institute, the simple Numerary members, not however, the Servants, should observe the following: they should sleep on a bed of planks, unless out of concern for poor health or some other reason, the Directrix of the house dispenses it.



In Centris Studiorum pro sodalibus instituendis, sacerdotes a spiritualibus habeantur, qui sint anno nati saltem quadraginta.


In the Centers of Studies for instructing members, the priests appointed for spiritual matters have to be at least forty years of age.



Operis Dei mulieres omnes, singulis hebdomadis, confessionem sacramentalem instituant ad normam n. 263.  Ad confessarios autem qui ipsas ordinarie dirigant seligendos, Superiorum normas fideliter sequantur, ad tenorem can. 519,


All the women of Opus Dei receive sacramental confession, each week according to the norm of No. 263.  In selecting confessors, who ordinarily give them direction, they follow faithfully the norms of the Superiors, observing Canon 519.


Caput II  De regimine

Chapter II  Concerning government


--450 S1

Sectio mulierum regitur a Patre cum Secretario Generali, Procuratore Generali, Sacerdote Secretario Centrali et Assessoratu Centrali, qui locum habet in Sectione mulierum as Consilium Generale in virorum Sectione.


The Section of women is governed by the Father, along with the Secretary General, the Procurator General, the Central Priest Secretary and the Central Advisory, which has in the Section of women the same place as the General Council in the Section of men.


--450 S2

Secretarius Generalis, Procurator Generalis et Sacerdos Secretarius Centralis votum habent deliberativum in Assessoratu Centrali.


The Secretary General, the Procurator General and the Central Priest Secretary have a deliberative vote on the Central Advisory.


--451 S1

Sicut pro virorum Sectione, etiam pro Sectione mulierum singulis quinquenniis coadunari debet Congressus, in quo sodales Electrices statum operum propriae Sectionis perpendant, novaque ministeria Patri suggerere possint.


Just as in the Section of men, every five years a Congress should also be convened for the Section of women, in which the Electrix members examine the state of the works of their own Section and can suggest new ministries to the Father.


--451 S2

In ipso, Praeses Generalis nominat ad quinquennium sodales ad munera Assessoratus Centralis inter Electrices, eadem ratione ac in Congressu virorum vocat ad munera Consilii Generalis.


In this Congress, the President General names members to the posts of the Central Advisory, for a period of five years, from among the Electrices, in the same manner as in the Congress of men, he names to the offices of the General Council.



Sacerdos Secretarius Centralis designatur a Patre ad normam n. 347, inter socios Electores.  Patrem specialiter adiuvat in iis quae ad mulierum Sectionem attinent: et illis tantum facultatibus gaudet, quas vel habitualiter vel ad casum Pater delegaverit.  Debet esse quadraginta saltem annos natus.


The Central Priest Secretary is designated by the Father according to the norm of No. 347 from among the Elector members; he assists the Father especially in those things which pertain to the Section of women: he enjoys only those faculties which the Father delegates to him, either habitually or in special cases.  He ought to be at least forty years of age.



Assessoratus Centralis constat e Secretaria Centrali, Secretaria Assessoratus, tribus Vicesecretariis, Studiorum Praefecta, Praefecta Inservientium, una saltem Delegata cuiusque Regionis, et Procuratrice Centrali.


The Central Advisory is composed of a Central Secretary, a Secretary of the Advisory, three Vice-Secretaries, a Prefect of Studies, a Prefect of Servants, at least one Delegate from each Region and a Procuratrix General.



Secretaria Centralis, sub ductu Praesidis Generalis et Sacerdotis Secretarii Centralis, operam suam eis omnibus navat, quae ad regimen et actionem Sectionis mulierum spectant.


The Central Secretary, under the guidance of the President General and the Central Priest Secretary, works on everything which concerns the government or activity of the Section of women.



Secretaria Asessoratus Centralis labores inter Vicesecretarias aliaque Assessoratus membra distribuit, eisque fidelem muneris adimpletionem exigit.  Secretariam Centralem praeterea absentem vel impeditam supplet, et acta Assessoratus Centralis conficit (n. 363).


The Secretary of the Central Advisory distributes the work among the Vice-Secretaries and other members of the Advisory and demands of them faithful completion of their tasks.  Besides that, she substitutes for the Central Secretary in case of absence or impediment and composes the acts of the Central Advisory (No. 363.)



Singulae Vicesecretariae actioni peculiariter incumbunt, quae in unoquoque opere S. Michaelis, S. Gabrielis et S. Raphaelis exercetur.


The individual Vice-Secretaries dedicate themselves in particular to the activity which is carried out in each of the works of St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael.



Praefectae Studiorum illa omnia competunt, quae ad institutionem sive spiritualem sive intellectualem sodalium simpliciter Numerariarum se referunt.


The Prefect of Studies has competence in all areas which refer to either spiritual or intellectual instruction, of the simple Numerary members.



Praefectae Inservientium est moderare formationem religiosam et specificam sodalium Inservientium.


The role of the Prefect of Servants is to govern the religious and specific formation of the Servant members.



Delegatae incumbunt studio negotiorum propriae cuiusque Regionis, ad instar sodalium, qui munere Missi funguntur.


The Delegates dedicate themselves to care for business of their own Regions, similar to the members who fulfill the office of Missus.



Procuratrix Centralis, singulis quinquenniis, inspicere per se vel per alias debet libros Administrationis omnium Regionum, ita ut defectus corrigantur fideliterque in praxim deducantur normae ab Administratione Generali Instituti traditae: singulis vero trimestribus rationes a Procuratricibus Regionum accipiet, examini Secretariae Centralis et Assessoratus submittendas.


The Central Procuratrix, every five years, ought to inspect, by herself or through others, the books of the Administrations of all the Regions in order to correct defects and to faithfully adhere, put in practice, the norms sent out by the General Administration of the Institute: and every three months, she will receive accountings from the Regional Procuratrices, which is to be submitted to the examination of the Central Secretary and the Advisory.



In singulis Regionibus Sectioni mulierum, nomine et vice Patris semperque ad ipsius mentem, Consiliarius praeest.  In huiusmodi munere exercendo a Sacerdote Secretario Regionali et ab Assessoratu Regionis adiuvatur.


In each Region, Counselor presides over the Section of women in the name and place of the Father, and always according to his mind.  He is assisted in exercising this office by the Regional Priest Secretary and the Regional Advisory.


--462 S1

Sicut in virorum regimine Consiliarius nullam alicuius momenti rerum absque Defensore resolvere valet, ita in Sectione mulierum Consiliarius nihil in eisdem resolvendis quaestionibus decernet nisi ex favorabili Secretariae Regionis voto.  Consiliarius tamen potest propria iura pro tempore vel ad casum Sacerdoti Secretario delegare.


Just as in the government of the men, the Counselor may not resolve anything of certain importance without the Defensor, likewise, in the Section of women, the Counselor decides nothing resolving the same questions without the favorable vote of the Regional Secretary.  Nevertheless, the Counselor can delegate his rights, for a time or for a determined case, to the Priest Secretary.


--462 S2

Ex adverso, decisiones Assessoratus nihil valent nisi post earum confirmationem a Consiliario vel, nomine et delegatione ipsius, a Sacerdote Secretario factam.


On the other side, the decisions of the Advisory have no effect unless they are afterwards confirmed by the Counselor, or in his name and with his delegation, by the Priest Secretary.



Sacerdos Secretarius Regionalis in unaquaque Regione Consiliarium adiuvat in mulierum Sectione regenda.  Nominatur a Patre cum voto deliberativo proprii Consilii, et audito Assessoratu Centrali.  Votum habet deliberativum in Assessoratu Regionis, et illas praeterea facultates obtinet quae a Consiliario fuerint delegatae.  Sit socius Elector, quadraginta saltem annos natus.


The Regional Priest Secretary in each Region assists the Counselor in governing the Section of women.  He is named by the Father with the deliberative vote of his own Council having heard the Central Advisory.  He has a deliberative vote on the Regional Advisory and besides, possesses the powers delegated to him by the Counselor.  He should be an Elector member and at least forty years of age.



Assessoratus Regionalis constat e Secretaria Regionali, Delegatis, Secretaria Assessoratus, tribus Vicesecretariis, Studiorum Directrice, Directrice Inservientium et Procuratrice.


The Regional Advisory is composed of the Regional Secretary, the Delegates, the Secretary of the Advisory, three Vice-Secretaries, a Directrix of Studies, a Directrix of Servants and a Procuratrix.


--465 S1

Quae in Assessoratum Regionalem ingrediuntur, exceptis Secretaria Regionali, Delegatis et Procuratrice, designantur a Patre inter sodales saltem Inscriptas, auditis Secretario Generali, Procuratore Generali, Sacerdote Secretario Centrali, Assessoratu Centrali, Consiliario Regionis et Sacerdote Secretario Regionali.


The members who enter the Regional Advisory, except for the Regional Secretary, the Delegates and the Procuratrix, are designated by the Father from among members who are at least Inscribed, having heard the Secretary General, the Procurator General, the Central Priest Secretary, the Central Advisory, the Counselor of the Region and the Regional Priest Secretary.


--465 S2

Omnia munera sunt ad triennium.  Pro Delegatis autem valent normae n. 451 S2, sive quoad rationem eas nominandi, sive quoad muneris durationem.


All the offices are for three years.  With regard to the Delegates, however, the norms of No. 451, S2 hold for the manner of their appointment and also for the duration of their office.



Secretariae Regionalis est regere, una cum Assessoratu et sub moderamine Consiliarii et Sacerdotis Secretarii Regionalis, actiones sodalium propriae Regionis.  Nominatur a Patre de consensu Assessoratus Centralis, inter sodales Electrices.


The role of the Regional Secretary is to govern, together with the Advisory and under the direction of the Counselor and the Priest Secretary of the Region, the actions of the members of her own Region.  She is named by the Father, with the consent of the Central Advisory, from among the Electrix members.



Secretariae Assessoratus Regionalis proprium munus est Vicesecretariis aliisque Assessoratus membris laborem distribuere et accurate, sub ductu Secretariae Regionis, progressum horum laborum perpendere, ut omnia secundum ordinem fiant.  Secretariam Regionalem insuper absentem vel impeditam supplet, conficitque acta proprii Assessoratus (n. 381 S2).


The specific task of the Secretary of the Regional Advisory is to distribute the work among the Vice-Secretaries and the other members of the Advisory and to examine carefully, under the guidance of the Regional Secretary, the progress of that work so that all is completed in its due order.  In addition, she substitutes for the Regional Secretary in her absence or impediment and composes the acts of her own Advisory (No. 381, S2).


--468 S1

Vicesecretariae Regioniis suam explicant actionem in unoquoque peculiarium Instituti operum, S. Michaelis, S. Gabrielis et S. Raphaelis.


The Vice-Secretaries of the Region develop their work in each of the particular activities of the Institute, that of St. Michael, that of St. Gabriel and that of St. Raphael.


--468 S2

Vicesecretaria insuper S. Michaelis eodem munere fungitur, quoad sodalium Admissionem et incorporationem, ac Defensor in propria Regione.


In addition, the Vice-Secretary for St. Michael, discharges the same office as the Defensor, with respect to the admission and incorporation of members, in her own Region.



Studiorum Directricis, praeter dicta congrua congruis referendo in n. 387, proprium officium est novas e sua Regione per se ipsam vel per alias recipere sodales simpliciter Numerarias, atque, in casu, cum earum cuiusque familiis rem agere.


It pertains to the proper office of the Directrix of Studies, besides the corresponding duties mentioned in No. 387, to receive new simple Numerary members of her own Region, either herself, or through others, and in the event, to deal with the families of each of those members.



Eodem officio ac Studiorum Directrix fungitur, quoad Inservientes et suas cuiusque familias, Directrix Inservientium in singulis Regionibus.


The Directrix of Servants discharges the same duties as the Directrix of Studies in what refers to the Servants and the families of each one in each Region.



Procuratrix Regionalis, semel in mense, rationem reddit Secretariae Regionis et Assessoratui, cum nummariae capsae inspectione.  Et singulis trimestribus, cum approbatione Consiliarii et Assessoratus, remittit quidquid supererit ad Administrationem Regionalem vel ab ea si deficiat requirit.  Semel saltem in triennio visitationem instituit administrationum localium, et de peracta visitatione, quantocius Consiliario cum Assessoratu Regionis et Procuratrice Centrali referat.  Nominatur a Patre cum voto deliberativo Assessoratus Centralis, inter sodales saltem Inscriptas.


At least once a month, the Regional Procuratrix renders an account to the Regional Secretary and Advisory, with an inspection of the safe.  And every three months with the approval of the Counselor and the Advisory, remits whatever is surplus to the Regional Administration or requests the amount if there is a deficit.  At least once every three years, she carries out a visitation of the local administrations, and as soon as possible reports to the Counselor with the Regional Advisory and the Central Procuratrix about the visit carried out.  She is named by the Father with the deliberative vote of the Central Advisory, from among the members who are at least Inscribed.



In singulis domibus seu Centris, sodales a Directrice locali, una cum Subdirectrice et Secretaria reguntur.


In every house or Center, the members are governed by a local Directrix, together with a Sub-directrix and a Secretary.



Ad munera localia tam pro sodalibus Numerariis quam pro Supernumerariis, vocat ad triennium Consiliarius Regionis, una cum Sacerdote Secretario Regionali et Secretaria Regionis, audito proprio Assessoratu.


Both for the Numerary and Supernumerary members, the Regional Counselor along with the Regional Priest Secretary and Regional Secretary, having heard her own Advisory, calls members to the local offices for a period of three years.



Pro re oeconomica locali gerenda habetur Secretaria.  Ipsius erit stipendia aliaque bona domus administrare, eorumque Consilio locali rationem reddere singulis mensibus, cum nummariae capsae inspectione.  Consilium locale has rationes singulis mensibus mittit ad Procuratricem Regionis, ad quam etiam remittit singulis trimestribus si quid pecuniae supererit, atque ab ea postulat si quid defecerit.


The local Secretary has to look after the economic tasks.  She administers the stipends and other goods of the house and renders an account of them, each month, to the local Council, along with an inspection of the safe.  The local Council sends these accounts, each month, to the Regional Procuratrix, to whom it also sends every three months any cash surplus, and requests the amount if there is a deficit.


--475 S1

Pater, per se vel per alios sacerdotes a se delegatos, pro mulierum Sectione visitationes instituat, sive ordinarias, singulis quinquenniis saltem faciendas, sive extraordinarias, quoties eas ipse Praeses Generalis, audito Secretario Generali, Procuratore Generali, Sacerdote Secretario Centrali et Assessoratu Centrali, id expedire duxerit.


The Father, either by himself of by other priests delegated by him, should carry out visitations of the Section of women, ordinarily, at least every five years, or extraordinarily, as often as the President General, having heard the Secretary General, the Procurator General, the Central Priest Secretary and the Central Advisory, deems it to be expedient.


--475 S2

His in visitationibus instituendis et complendis, Pater uti potest ministerio Secretariae Centralis vel alicuius ex Electricibus, quae Patri et Assessoratui de visitatione peracta referat.


In carrying out and completing these visitations, the Father can use the offices of the Central Secretary or others of the Electrices, who report to the Father and the Advisory about the visitation carried out.



Secretaria Regionalis, semel saltem in triennio, visitare debet omnia Centra vel domus propria Regionis, et de visitatione peracta cum Consiliario, Sacerdote Secretario et Assessoratu conferat.


The Regional Secretary ought to visit all the Centers or houses of her own Region at least once every three years, and confer with the Counselor, the Priest Secretary and the Advisory about the visitation which has been carried out.


--477 S1

Pro mulierum Sectione cuiusque Regionis, quinto quoque anno, Consiliarius, de mandato Praesidis, convocare debet Hebdomadam Laboris.


The Counselor, at the command of the President, ought also to convoke, every five years, a Week of Work for the Section of women in each Region.


--477 S2

Nisi aliter Praeses Generalis disposuerit, Hebdomadae interesse debent, praeter eas quae in Assessoratu Regionali aliquo munere funguntur vel functae sunt, omnes sociae Electrices Regioni adscriptae, Directrices Centrorum Studiorum, Inscriptae quae nominatim a Patre designatae fuerint, et denique, Directrices locales a Praeside Generali designatae.


Unless the President General disposes otherwise, besides those who hold or have held some office on the Regional Advisory, all the Electrix members assigned to the Region, the Directors of the Centers of Studies, those Inscribed who are designated by name by the Father, and finally local Directors designated by the President General ought to participate in the Week.


--477 S3

Hebdomadae praeest Pater vel eius Delegatus, cui assistunt Consiliarius, Sacerdos Secretarius Regionis, et Secretaria Regionalis.  A secretis est Inscripta iunior praesens.


The Father, or his Delegate, presides over the Week, assisted by the Counselor, the Regional Priest Secretary and the Regional Secretary.  The youngest Inscribed member present acts as secretary.


--478 S1

Generalibus Hebdomadis Laboris, quas decimo quoque anno Pater convocat, interesse debent sodales omnes Electrices, Directrices Centrorum Interregionalium Studiorum, et Inscriptae a Patre designatae, auditis Secretario Generali, Procuratore Generali, Sacerdote Secretario Centrali et Assessoratu Centrali.


All Electrix members, the Directors of the Inter-regional Centers of Studies and the Inscribed members designated by the Father, after hearing the Secretary General, the Procurator General, the Central Priest Secretary and the Central Advisory ought to participate in the General Week of Work, which the Father, also convokes every ten years  .

--478 S2

Praeses Hebdomadae est Pater, cui suam operam praebent Secretarius Generalis, Procurator Generalis, Sacerdos Secretarius Centralis et Secretaria Centralis.  A secretis est sodalis Inscripta iunior praesens.


The Father is the President of the Week; the Secretary General, the Procurator General, the Central Priest Secretary and the Central Secretary assist him.  The youngest Inscribed member present serves as the secretary.



Ceterum Hebdomadae Laboris celebrentur, congrua congruis referendo, iuxta normas in nn. 425 et sqq. traditas.


Other Weeks of Work may be celebrated, according to norms in keeping with those treated in Nos. 425 and following, mutatis mutandis.


562-Rzl 5914--7


Concordat cum originali in archivo Instituti asservato

Romae, I novembris MDCCCCL

Dr Alvarus Del Portillo, Proc. Gen.


In agreement with the original conserved in the archives of the Institute.

Roma, November 1, 1950

Doctor Alvaro del Portillo, Procurator General